I’m writing this to ask you to do one of 5 things:
You see them at the bottom of the post.
This morning I mostly ran…and walked over 11 miles. This was in support of RUN THE WALL, a fundraiser to provide medicine and food for the victims of the g*n*cide on P*l*st*ne. (Hoping to get past the censors!)
Since I’m a slow runner and walker it took me nearly 3 hours.
It may be November, but it’s still hot in the Caribbean sun!!
What kept me moving was the thought of those refugees moving from each refugee camp, carrying what they can, before it gets b*mb*d.
They have to get moving to reach the next refugee camp, and arrive just in time to sit down for a while before being told it is about to be b*mb*d so they need to move again.
So I’m asking you to do one of these 5 things:
Either Donate (link in 1st comment)Share, Comment, Like, or Unfriend me.
If you don’t want to Unfriend me but are not Courageous enough to do one of the other options, then I invite you to get some Courageous Coaching with me. Seriously!
I’m tagging my No 1 hero Dr. Gabor Maté. My body was definitely saying “No” this morning! Thank you for your work on trauma and for Courageously speaking out against the g*n*c*de.
Also thanks to Milly Serpell for joining me for some of the run. Sorry I couldn’t keep up with you!!
Also Viki Holloway-Mills, Diana Boskma HC, Zoe Foster, Sophie Keith please share.