My Kazakhstan

My Kazakhstan MyKazakhstan – Domestic Tours in Almaty Region, Kazakhstan. My Kazakhstan is our brand for domest

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Сфера туризма на время карантина в Казахстане полностью остановила свою деятельность. Сейчас многие путешественники озабочены вопросом возврата


Озеро Байдалы находится в Аршалинском районе Акмолинской области.

По легенде, в этих местах проезжал со своим войском хан Абылай. В его свите был бий по имени Байдалы, который славился острым умом и метким словом. Но получилось так, что один молодой батыр провинился, и хан Абылай приказал его казнить за этот проступок.

Джигиты окружили провинившегося батыра со всех сторон, сделали деревянный треугольник — таган, внутри которого, связанный в согнутом положении, сидел виновник. Бедному батыру ничего не осталось, как таращить глаза и глазами умолять о пощаде, поскольку он от страха то ли онемел, то ли не знал, что сказать.

Глаза его встретились со взглядом бия Байдалы, который в досаде, поскольку он и джигит были из одного рода, воскликнул: «Чего ты глаза таращишь, неужели не можешь хотя бы заблеять как коза перед смертью?!». Но поскольку джигит так и молчал, лишь глазами умоляя его пощадить, бий Байдалы, обращаясь к хану Абылаю, сказал: «Эй, хан, ты среди казахов потому и хан, что народ сам тебя выделил. А что будет, если придёт толпа людей и нападёт на тебя? Кто тебя тогда защитит, как не этот джигит из твоей охраны? Освободи его. Не гневи людей!».

Хан Абылай, признав, что слова бия Байдалы вполне справедливы, приказал освободить джигита. С тех пор озеро называется «Байдалы», а перевал, находящийся рядом с ним, называется «Перевал, через который не перейдёт и хан Абылай».

Фото взято с


Постановлением правительства Республики Казахстан от 17 апреля 2020 года «О некоторых вопросах въезда (выезда) в Республике Казахстан и пребывания иммигрантов в Рес....


The first country I'll visit after Coronavirus is ...👇 💬. What's yours?



Как минимум до конца апреля продлен режим ЧП.



Природа Казахстана уникальна!
Она поражает своим разнообразием. Знойные пески бескрайних пустынь сменяются сияющими горными вершинами и лугами. Густые дремучие леса соседствуют с раздольными степями. Безводные пустоши - с глубокими озерами, рокочущим морем и величественными реками.

Лучшие образцы средневековой восточной архитектуры находятся в одном государстве с винтажом прошлого века и ультрамодернистским искусством столицы нашей Родины.

Все это - неиссякаемый источник открытий не только для иностранцев, но и подавляющего большинства казахстанских граждан, которые могут не покидая пределов страны, увидеть множество пейзажных красот, отведать изыски национальных кухонь и познакомиться с самыми разными культурными укладами.

Отличным подспорьем в этом является сайт Фонда развития государственного языка https://qazaqstan3d. kz/

Его дизайн сочетает в себе традиционную живопись и 3Д-графику, а также передовые достижения цифровых технологий.

В удобной и простой форме вам представлена панорама нашей страны в разрезе ее регионов. Сайт предлагает массу локаций для увлекательного путешествия.

Исследуйте красоты страны с нашим сайтом, узнайте больше о сакральных местах, удивительных уголках природы Казахстана!


Меня зовут Елена Кукеле и в нашем проекте мы будем путешествовать и готовить. Сегодня мы отправляемся в Туркестан, где приготовим настоящее верблюжье молоко ...


When I first told my family I had planned a weeklong trip to Kazakhstan I was met with confusion, followed quickly by the Kazakh national anthem as sung in Borat. In short, it’s safe to say that this Central Asian country is missing from many Westerner’s travel plans — and it shouldn’t be. L...


Dear all,

To whom it may concern.
It’s our pleasure to write you on behalf of a Domestic Tourism company from Kazakhstan.
We have the major tours in the most attractive and picturesque places of Kazakhstan, on our part slopes of Tien Shan mountain- Almaty city and region.
We have more than 20tours.
We guarantee the comfortable service throughout the tours.
You are more than welcome to visit our webpage for more details of tours.
We are looking for partners in your country. And we will be happy to see you as a partner and we are keen for cooperation for mutual benefit. As for now please visit our page
Thank you for consideration!
CALL NOW for reservations and bookings!
• Hotels • Airport transfers • Rent a Car • Visa • Tours • Guide • Letter for Invitation • Honeymoon Tours • Wedding in Almaty • Holiday Events •• B2B Corporate with travel agents
Contact with us:
Email : [email protected]


Dear all,

To whom it may concern.
It’s our pleasure to write you on behalf of a Domestic Tourism company from Kazakhstan.
We have the major tours in the most attractive and picturesque places of Kazakhstan, on our part slopes of Tien Shan mountain- Almaty city and region.
We have more than 20tours.
We guarantee the comfortable service throughout the tours.
You are more than welcome to visit our webpage for more details of tours.
We are looking for partners in your country. And we will be happy to see you as a partner and we are keen for cooperation for mutual benefit. As for now please visit our page
Thank you for consideration!
CALL NOW for reservations and bookings!
• Hotels • Airport transfers • Rent a Car • Visa • Tours • Guide • Letter for Invitation • Honeymoon Tours • Wedding in Almaty • Holiday Events •• B2B Corporate with travel agents
Contact with us:
Email : [email protected]

Dear all,To whom it may concern.It’s our pleasure to write you on behalf of a Domestic Tourism company from Kazakhstan.W...

Dear all,

To whom it may concern.
It’s our pleasure to write you on behalf of a Domestic Tourism company from Kazakhstan.
We have the major tours in the most attractive and picturesque places of Kazakhstan, on our part slopes of Tien Shan mountain- Almaty city and region.
We have more than 20tours.
We guarantee the comfortable service throughout the tours.
You are more than welcome to visit our webpage for more details of tours.
We are looking for partners in your country. And we will be happy to see you as a partner and we are keen for cooperation for mutual benefit. As for now please visit our page
Thank you for consideration!
CALL NOW for reservations and bookings!
• Hotels • Airport transfers • Rent a Car • Visa • Tours • Guide • Letter for Invitation • Honeymoon Tours • Wedding in Almaty • Holiday Events •• B2B Corporate with travel agents
Contact with us:
Email : [email protected]

Kok Tobe TV TowerDear all,To whom it may concern.It’s our pleasure to write you on behalf of a Domestic Tourism company ...

Kok Tobe TV Tower

Dear all,

To whom it may concern.
It’s our pleasure to write you on behalf of a Domestic Tourism company from Kazakhstan.
We have the major tours in the most attractive and picturesque places of Kazakhstan, on our part slopes of Tien Shan mountain- Almaty city and region.
We have more than 20tours.
We guarantee the comfortable service throughout the tours.
You are more than welcome to visit our webpage for more details of tours.
We are looking for partners in your country. And we will be happy to see you as a partner and we are keen for cooperation for mutual benefit. As for now please visit our page
Thank you for consideration!
CALL NOW for reservations and bookings!
• Hotels • Airport transfers • Rent a Car • Visa • Tours • Guide • Letter for Invitation • Honeymoon Tours • Wedding in Almaty • Holiday Events •• B2B Corporate with travel agents
Contact with us:
Email : [email protected]

Here we go!

Here we go!

Best Almaty Tour 4N/5D- 250USDExplore Almaty with us!!!Whether you're off for a romantic holiday, family trip, or an all...

Best Almaty Tour 4N/5D- 250USD
Explore Almaty with us!!!
Whether you're off for a romantic holiday, family trip, or an all-inclusive holiday, Almaty - Kazakhstan is the perfect destination with comfortable stay, sightseeing and fun-filled activities.
Day-1 Meeting at Almaty airport
Day-2 Almaty city tour with Kok-Tobe
Day-3 Medeo&Shymbulak
Day-4 Big Almaty Lake
Day-5 Return home
Prices include:
• Accommodation in chosen hotel (3 nights including breakfast);
• Excursions according to the program;
• Entrance tickets (cable cars);
• Transfer Airport-Hotel-Airport;
• Transport service according to the program;
• English-speaking guide;
• Water 0.5l for 2 persons.
Prices exclude:
• Rates mentioned are based on 10 people travelling together
• International flights;
• Visa;
• Medical insurance;
• Additional meal;
• Personal expenses;
• Additional excursions;
• Alcohol drinks;
Book now your tour to Almaty with us
Where we're making your dreams come true, one vacation at a time!
Contact us:
☎️ +7 777 223 4545
WhatsApp +77077788801
📧 [email protected]

Almaty Ski Resort 3N/4DExplore Almaty with us!!!Whether you're off for a romantic holiday, family trip, or an all-inclus...

Almaty Ski Resort 3N/4D
Explore Almaty with us!!!
Whether you're off for a romantic holiday, family trip, or an all-inclusive holiday, Almaty - Kazakhstan is the perfect destination with comfortable stay, sightseeing and fun-filled activities.

Day-1 Meeting at Almaty airport
Day-2 Almaty city tour with Kok-Tobe
Day-3 Medeo&Shymbulak
Day-4 Return home

Prices include:
• Accommodation in chosen hotel (3 nights including breakfast);
• Excursions according to the program;
• Entrance tickets (cable cars);
• Transfer Airport-Hotel-Airport;
• Transport service according to the program;
• English-speaking guide;
• Water 0.5 l 2/per person.

Prices exclude:
• Rates mentioned are based on 10 people travelling together
• International flights;
• Visa;
• Medical insurance;
• Additional meal;
• Personal expenses;
• Additional excursions;
• Alcohol drinks;

Book now your tour to Almaty with us

Where we're making your dreams come true, one vacation at a time!

Contact us:
☎️ +7 777 223 4545
📧 [email protected]

Latest commercial about Kazakhstan!

Latest commercial about Kazakhstan!

On December 16, Kazakhstan is celebrating a significant holiday for the whole country - Independence Day of Kazakhstan. ...

On December 16, Kazakhstan is celebrating a significant holiday for the whole country - Independence Day of Kazakhstan. On December 16 in 1991 the Law on Independence and State Sovereignty of our Republic was adopted.

A Greek blogger about Kazakhstan

A Greek blogger about Kazakhstan

Γεια, Ευτύχης εδώ!! Αυτό είναι το ενδέκατο φετινό επεισόδιο και το πρώτο μέρος της τριλογίας Happy Traveller στο Καζακστάν! ΚΑΝΕ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΗ / SUBSCRIBE http://b...

Turkistan RegionPreviously, it was called the South Kazakhstan because it covers the hottest southern regions of the cou...

Turkistan Region
Previously, it was called the South Kazakhstan because it covers the hottest southern regions of the country. The climate here is appropriate – in summer it is very hot, it is almost impossible to be outside in the daytime. Therefore, all tours to local sights and sacral places are usually planned for spring or autumn, so that long journeys along hot steppes do not spoil the overall impression. The cities of Turkestan and Shymkent are recognized as centers of tourist interest because most of the famous sights are concentrated there.
MyKazakhstan – Domestic Tours in Kazakhstan-the 9th Largest Country in the World
🏢 Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, St.Abylaykhan 141, Office 204
📧 Email: [email protected]
📲 Phone: +7 705 705 44 88; +7 777 223 45 45
🤳 WhatsApp: +7 707 778 88 01


Dear all,

To whom it may concern.
It’s our pleasure to write you on behalf of a Domestic Tourism company from Kazakhstan.
We have the major tours in the most attractive and picturesque places of Kazakhstan, on our part slopes of Tien Shan mountain- Almaty city and region.
We have more than 20tours.
We guarantee the comfortable service throughout the tours.
You are more than welcome to visit our webpage for more details of tours.
We are looking for partners in your country. And we will be happy to see you as a partner and we are keen for cooperation for mutual benefit. As for now please visit our page
Thank you for consideration!
CALL NOW for reservations and bookings!
• Hotels • Airport transfers • Rent a Car • Visa • Tours • Guide • Letter for Invitation • Honeymoon Tours • Wedding in Almaty • Holiday Events •• B2B Corporate with travel agents
Contact with us:
Email : [email protected]

Tour to Mountains of Almaty: Medeo-Chimbulak-Kok Tobe 💁‍♀️from $20+Panoramic View of the City ⛰ +Mini Zoo 🐾+Walk🚶‍♀️MyKa...

Tour to Mountains of Almaty: Medeo-Chimbulak-Kok Tobe 💁‍♀️from $20

+Panoramic View of the City ⛰
+Mini Zoo 🐾

MyKazakhstan – Domestic Tours in Almaty Region, Kazakhstan

🏢 Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, St.Abylaykhan 141, Office 204
📧 Email: [email protected]
📲 Phone: +7 705 705 44 88; +7 777 223 45 45
🤳 WhatsApp: +7 707 778 88 01

Thank you guys!

Thank you guys!

The pearl of Kazakhstan nature — astonishing Burabay National Park. Photo: Loïc Lagarde One of the most popular places in Kazakhstan — Charyn Canyon. Photo: Jack Harding The amazing Boszhira valley of Mangystau region in West Kazakhstan. Photo: Konsta Punkka One of the most mysterious places in...


St. Abylaykhan 141, Office 204


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Category - Who We Are

In summer 2019 we decided to develop the brand for domestic tours in Kazakhstan.

Actually we used to provide vacation tours such as beach resorts in all over the world for Kazakhstani customers. Then we have decided why not to provide tours within Kazakhstan, both for foreigners and locals too. That is how we came up with the simple edge naming for this product. We call it “My Kazakhstan”

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