Meditation in Sri Lanka
Friends, we begin a regular column with information about the practice of meditation in Sri Lanka. Our plans to show new and well-established places, introduce teachers and their philosophy. We hope this will be informative and will help you choose where to stop at the next retreat.
Let's start with the Siri Sugatha Thapowanaya Monastery, located near Kandy in the Victoria District of Digala Reservoir.
The temple is situated far from the main road in a vast area among trees and rocks.
Most Venerable Ampitiye Rahula Maha Thera the founder of the temple, to our great regret, died on February 17, 2020, at the age of 106. Numerous students and friends speak of him as a man with a big heart, zealously following the commandments of the Buddha and instructing his followers about the importance of Metta and modest life.
The Loku Hamuduruwo Venereble Ilvane Ananda Thera will continue the tradition and course of the teacher, hospitably welcome guests and conduct Dharma talks among parishioners.
The place is suitable for beginners to practice Vipassana. The temple has 5 separate rooms and several more are under construction. The new day begins with a wake up at 5 am and bathing, Vandana reading of sutras accompanied by a monk of the monastery, meditation, housekeeping, and breakfast. Then follow free time, a study of the Pali canon and lunch. In the evening, a meditation session, Vandana and tea.
Separately, we note Bhante Rakwane Gnanaseeha Thero, who often visits the monastery and speaks excellent Russian and English, in addition, he can discuss his experience and give instructions on Dharma.
A few kilometers east is the famous temple of Bambaragala Rajamaha Viharaya, built over 2-3 centuries BC. Beautiful views of the Victoria Dam and the tranquility of the surroundings will help you tune in to the fruitful practice of meditation.
Join us if you want to know more.