Today is the full moon, and our guests are getting ready for tonights turtle watch in Rekawa Beach (located only few kms from our beach villa). 🐢
This beach is renowned for its turtle nesting, and hosts five species of sea turtles, including the Hawksbill and Green turtles, which come ashore to lay eggs. 🥚
The best time for turtle watching is from January to April, particularly on full moon nights, enhancing the chances of spotting these majestic creatures! 🌕
P.S. If you ever get this amazing chance, do not forget that
Only red light torch is allowed ☝🏼
No touching turtles nor eggs ☝🏼
Stay quiet and turn on silnence mode ☝🏼
Approch turtles from behind and never too close☝🏼
Always follow your guide’s instructions ☝🏼