❄️🩵💚 Winter wonderland in Ignalina 💚🩵❄️
❄️🩵💚 Winter wonderland in Ignalina 💚🩵❄️
💙💚 The Station of the Most Beautiful Churches ➡️ Ignalina 💚💙
In 1745, the owners of the Kazitiškis Manor, the Belikavičiai family, built a wooden church and invited Uniate monks. The monastery and church were closed in 1834, and an Orthodox church was established. Bishop Motiejus Valančius encouraged the parish priest of Salakas to build a chapel in Kazitiškis. It was built between 1860 and 1862 but was closed by the Russian authorities in 1864.
In 1905, priest Jonas Rimkūnas was appointed to Kazitiškis, and he built a rectory from the old church. He set up an altar at one end and began holding services. The current masonry church was built between 1906 and 1908 and was consecrated in 1909 by Bishop Gasparas Cirtautas of Samogitia. In 1920, the church found itself in territory occupied by Poland. A parish was established in 1925. In 1934, the occupying authorities banned the Lithuanian choir from rehearsing. The parish priest Vincas Bobinas (in Kazitiškis since 1928) was sentenced to five years in prison for his Lithuanian activities. The church was renovated in 1938.
The church is neo-Gothic, basilica-style, with two towers and a lower apse. The interior has three naves. The courtyard is enclosed with wooden structures.
For more information:
👣 Your guide in Ignalina district:
💙💚 Meironys Nature Trail 💚💙
The main highlight of the renewed trail is the strikingly distinct terrain. Steep-sided hills form a natural maze of "rollercoasters" that hide small swamps, lakes, and streams. To help visitors navigate through the labyrinth of the hills, directional signs and a tricolor trail marking system guide the way, with three circular routes of varying lengths. Each loop on the nature trail reveals a different natural habitat of the area. The yellow trail, marking the most scenic section of 3.7 km, offers views from two competing hills, each vying to be the tallest as they overlook Lake Lūšiai. The green route, winding through a marshy hollow, extends the walk to 5 km. And with the addition of the blue loop around Lake Tarama, the total trail length reaches 5.5 km.
👣 Your guide to exploring Ignalina:
Palūšės magija ✨
#palušė #keliauklietuvoje #atraskignalinąkitaip #visitignalina #aukstaitijosnacionalinisparkas
💙💚💙 This weekend's TOP5 ➡️ Ignalina 🩵
Summer still pleases with its warmth, refreshing rain and sun 🌼
So we would love to invite you to the capital of the best summer holidays in Lithuania - IGNALINA!
👣 Your guide in Ignalina district:
#LithuaniaCoCreate #IgnalinaTop5 #AukštaitijosNacionalinisParkas #Palūšė #WeLoveLithuania #TravelToLithuania
💙🤍💙 Baltų burių stotelė ➡ Ignalina 💙🤍💙
🛟 Jau šį savaitgalį rugpjūčio 3-4 dienomis Palūšėje esants Lūšių ežeras pavirs baltų burių jūra 🚤
👣 Jūsų kelionių po Ignalinos kraštą vedlys:
#Ignalina #visitignalina #palūšėsregata2024 #palūšė #baltosburės #keliauklietuvoje
💚🩵 Tourism Information Spot ➡️ Ignalina!
July 23rd is a special day - the grand opening of the Ignalina District Tourism Information Center in it‘s new location at Ateities st. 18A, Ignalina. We invite you to visit us!
We are open every day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (lunch break from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM).
👣 Your guide in Ignalina district: www.ignalina.info
☀️☀️☀️The Hot Weekend Spot! ☀️☀️☀️IGNALINA
The sun will shine brightly this weekend, raising temperatures to a scorching 30 degrees. Not sure where to cool off? Not sure what to do? The beach in Ignalina city offers plenty of activities to keep you entertained.
🚵♀️🥵The Ignalina district municipality has used budget funds to build a pedestrian and cycling path along the shore of Lake Gavaitis.
👣Explore the Wellness Trail "Barefoot Path".
🥵You can also enjoy a mobile sauna by the lake.
At the city beach, you will find:
👉Two volleyball courts
👉A football field
👉A star map
👉A grill zone
👉An exercise complex
Accommodation services are provided by:
🏘Ignalina Beach Club-https://www.ignalina.info/.../accomm.../ignalina-beach-club/
🏘Hotel Lake and Library-
💚💙 Jūsų pramogų stotelė ➡️ Ginučiai! 💙💚
Ignalinos rajone esantis Ginučių kaimas - tai unikali vieta, kurioje rasite istorines vietas, o gamtos magija tiesiog užburs.
Ginučiuose lankytojų laukia XVI a. pastatytas vandens malūnas – svarbus turistinis objektas ir saugomas technikos paminklas, kuriame išlikusi visa autentiška įranga, yra ir nedidelė duonai kepti naudotų įrankių ekspozicija.
Šis malūnas - unikalus statinys, nukreipiantis šalimais esančio ežero vandenį kriokliu tekėti į upę. Natūrali gamtos dovana kiekvienam atvykusiam - vandens hidromasažas visam kūnui. Ši maudymosi vieta itin tinka visų šeimos poreikiams. Stipri masažuojanti krioklio srovė tiks pavargusiems tėvų pečiams atpalaiduoti, vaikai ras kur pasiplaukioti, o patys mažiausi - kur saugiai pabaidyti.
Kitos netoliese esančios lankytinos, istorija pulsuojančios vietos:
⛰️ Ladakalnis
🏔️ Ginučių piliakalnis
Po smagių vandens pramogų ir pasivaikščiojimo čia netrūksta ir vietų, kur galima skaniai pavalgyti:
🍽️ užkandinė "Ginučių Linėja"
🍽️ kavinė "Gervinė"
🍽️ kavinė "Srovena"
Taip pat čia galite užsisakyti ant laužo virtos žuvienės, įsigyti šviežiai rūkytos žuvies.
👣 Jūsų kelionių po Ignalinos kraštą vedlys www.ignalina.info
#ignalina #keliaukLietuvoje #ežerųkraštas #Ginučiai #visitignalina #Ginučiųmalūnas #GinučiųLadakalnis #GinučiųPiliakalnis #GinučiųLinėja #GinučiųGervinė #GinučiųUžkandinė