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Virtual Tours are coming soon.
๐ท It has been almost a year since the beginning of the pandemic. What have we been doing since then?
๐ก I would like to share with you that we have done an exciting project of filming videos about Jewish heritage sights in Lithuania and Latvia.
๐ You can find videos on our youtube channel. It counts 75 videos so far, and this is not the end. I hope to hit 100 videos by the end of spring.
๐งฎ It counts 75 videos so far, and this is not the end. I hope to hit 100 videos by the end of spring.
๐ Follow us on FB and meet us on Zoom very soon.
As I have promised you, Kedainiai episode has a second part in which we walk on a Jewish street, visit the third synagogue, and the place where the Vilna Gaon studied Torah.
We also touch the holocaust theme by visiting memorial sight.
Why Kedainiai is known in the Jewish world? Why it has become one of the travel destinations in Lithuania?
In this video episode we present mostly Jewish heritage sights of Kedainiai, part 1.
A virtual tour with a guide concentrating on the city center, market square, and culture center of Kedainiai.
Unlike most of the Lithuanian towns, Janova was economically and demographically well established. A special type of personality developed in this atmosphere - healthy specimens of masculine strength who lived by the sweat of their brow--people who attended the synagogue on Saturday and did strenuous physical labor on weekdays.
They knew how to deal with the neighborhood rowdies--whether it was just "innocent boisterousness" of drunkards on market days or actual attempts at rioting bearing a deeper significance.
According to the historical chronicles Pumpenai is at least 350 years old. And almost from the first days of its existence Jews had lived here.
Pumpenai in Lithuanian, or Pumpyan in Yiddish has never been a big settlement. Even in the end of the 19th century, in the peak of itsโ flourish, according to the census the total population of Pumpyan was 1480 pax only. 1017 of them were Jews.
- And what is the population today?
- 855 people
- And how many Jews are among them?
- Zero
Too many long videos? Here is a really short one, describing what we do and what is our channel about.
What is interesting in ลฝagarฤ? Is it worth visiting? Where is it? Why should one go to ลฝagarฤ?
What do guides do when there is no active tourism? Some record virtual tours, some are looking for an alternative jobs.
We find a lot of interesting things while going to the same place we have been many times, but this time we do it with the camera.
Did you know that there is a Jazz street In Kedainiai #jerulitatravel
Captions from excursions in Vilnius. Here is a memorial for the labor camp. Follow us on YouTube Jerulita to see full episodes. #jerulitatravel
Tour in Tallinn
Hello friends, this time we offer you a virtual tour in Tallinn.
Estonian capital is the biggest city in Estonia with about 400 k citizens. It is famous in the Baltic States as the most medieval architecture city. I like its combination of the Old and the new, and the spirit of Estonians as well.
In this video you will see:
Russian culture center;
The only wooden house in the old city;
Viru gate to the Old city
Story of Viru as a commercial street
Olde Hansa and paper sack restaurants
Medieval guilds and the townhall square
Alexandr Nevski cathedral in the Upper city
Tallinn protestant cathedral
Observation platform and the legend about two ladies
Near the Synagogue in Tallinn
On the field of the Songs
Memorial in Honor of the Communist terror victims
On the Market
In Kalamaja district
St Bridgit convent
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