
Hoffmannshaff Get excited with draft horses of Shire and Boulonnais breeds. Enjoy good organic meat and apple juice.

Horse carriage excursions with draft horses (1-4 horses) for weddings, St.Claus, exhibitions, cross country tours ...
Sales of organic Galloway meat (Galloways lifelong outside only fed on grass) in quantities to your liking. Galloways are a very robust Scottish breed, offering a high quality meat with very special taste. Meat is prepared such as to bring out the best quality taste. Organic apple

juice from our orchard in practical 5 Liter containers. For any questions, please email at [email protected] or phone + 352 621 183 558


La Route du Poisson a trouvé son ambassadeur. Il est né en avril 2022, il est boulonnais et nous allons suivre sa vie de star et son évolution sur la Route d...


Winning the 1st edition 72 h Touquet of the cones competition


see posts on Romain Hoffmann


Excursion with 3 heavies: Boulonnais Polo at the front and Shires Lisa and Sirene at the rear

Birth of another Galloway on October 30th. Picture taken next morning

Birth of another Galloway on October 30th. Picture taken next morning

Nous aurons de la viande fraiche biologique de notre propre élevage. Cette viande de boeufs Galloway est une viande très...

Nous aurons de la viande fraiche biologique de notre propre élevage. Cette viande de boeufs Galloway est une viande très spéciale, vu que les animaux vivent toute leur vie à l'extérieur et se nourissent exclusivement de lait maternel et d'herbe; le résultat est une viande délicieuse comme vous ne la trouvez pas en magasin. Liste de prix en annexe, pour plus d'information www.hoffmannshaff.lu et commandes via [email protected]

Next edition of Berck Plage competition (8 km of artificial obstacles on the Berck plage during low tide ) for maximum 4...

Next edition of Berck Plage competition (8 km of artificial obstacles on the Berck plage during low tide ) for maximum 40 teams of 1 up to 4 horses on May 5th 2016. I can help you to participate and organize a fantastic stay the (friendship, good food and fun ... among horse(wo)men)
Below some pictures from our first participation in 2014 under splendid weather - 2015 weather was quite stormy....but we still had lots of fun.

New bio apple juice from old apple varieties. Record harvest of 9 Tons yielding 5500 liters of juice. For sale now in 5 ...

New bio apple juice from old apple varieties. Record harvest of 9 Tons yielding 5500 liters of juice. For sale now in 5 liter bag in box containers for 9 € only.


Pas de deux with 2 carriages around Erpeldange sur Sure castle on October 4th 2015

Excursion on October 4th 2015 around Diekirch, organized by Bartholmy family ..nice surroundings, some steep hills ..

Excursion on October 4th 2015 around Diekirch, organized by Bartholmy family ..nice surroundings, some steep hills ..

Birth of Galloway today 3 hours before picture taken

Birth of Galloway today 3 hours before picture taken


Excursion in Luxembourg Ardennes in Doncols on 15.08.2015 with 3 Shires and 1 Boulonnais


A wonderful excursion in Doncols in the Luxembourg Ardennes on 15.08.2015.


Winning the Maniabilité at the in 2014 with the 2 shires Bella and Sirene - no fault


News coverage France 3





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