Digital lab services
Dailies, snapshots, quality checks with report, set-rushes in every requested formats, backups on LTO. Within short delays, get your daily rushes treated: LUTs applied, synchronized and delivered by requested transfer methods. Editing assistance
Full editing assistance :
get your edit project prepared in FCP or AVID, rushes synchronized by sequences and organized in alloca
ted bins. Editing
Our editing rooms have been nos salles de montage ont été conçues pour travailler dans une ambiance créative, et sont équipées avec le matériel adapté au projet et selon les besoins et demandes des productions. Compositing and VFX
Together with our partner NAKOfx, we provide a full range of VFX, we find the right technical solution to respond your artistic choices, create stunning design in 2d and 3d, animated elements, broadcast design, matting, keying, etc…
We manage the entire process from offline to online. Get your files and rushes prepared and optimized for finishing. Colour grading
For the best result, and with a large selection of talented colorists, according to your needs and budget, we offer 2 baselight suites. Choose between theatrical or TV experience. (add links)
Masters and deliveries
We propose ideal quality checks conditions of your productions and deliver final masters in every formats requested. Post-production management
All in one, full service. According to your individual needs and requirements, we build up easy and adapted work flows to ensure the best advancement and the performance guarantee of the project.