Desderi Travel Club

Desderi Travel Club Luxury Travel Club

Et sorgens budskap: Min absolutte yndlingsskuespillerinne og tidvis filmstjerne - er død, og vil ikke lenger kunne komme...

Et sorgens budskap: Min absolutte yndlingsskuespillerinne og tidvis filmstjerne - er død, og vil ikke lenger kunne komme med sine snertne replikker, og uttrykke alt med et hevet øyebryn eller et skjelmsk blikk. Første gang det gikk opp for meg hvilket komisk talent hun hadde var i California Suite. Men Maggie Smith vil bli husket for alltid i filmer som Tea with Mussolini, My House in Umbria og A Room with a View. En helt annen sjanger er Sister Act filmene, og de udødelige rollene i Downton Abbey og Harry Potter. Takk for fantastiske kunstneriske opplevelser, Maggie! RIP.

Hun vil bli husket blant annet for sin rolle som McSnurp i «Harry Potter»-filmene.

When I started to present various singer- song-writers 10 days ago, I had planned to compare Taylor Swift with her "comp...

When I started to present various singer- song-writers 10 days ago, I had planned to compare Taylor Swift with her "competition" through time. When she announced that she was supporting Kamala Harris and the Democrats, I recalled that another high profile artist has been supporting the Democrats financially and artistic for over 50 years, namely: Barbra Streisand. She is also a singer- song-writer, although only with 2 songs; Evergreen and Lost Inside of You from the 1976-film A Star is Born. Can anybody beat her?

My own edit and the actual movie music scene.New Barbra upload here

Today's - or rather this evening's - song-writer is Katie Malua. She was born in Gieorga, but grew up in the UK - mostly...

Today's - or rather this evening's - song-writer is Katie Malua. She was born in Gieorga, but grew up in the UK - mostly in Ireland. She became an instant star with her bisycles in Beijing - nine million of them. She is my number 10 singer- songer writer, and was supposed to to be the last one. There will, however, be a number 11 - due to recent developments. Number 11 will appear tomorrow, combined with an explanation. Here is my Katie Malua favourite:

The Closest Thing To Crazy’ performed by Katie Melua, taken from her debut album ‘Call Off The Search’.'Call Off The Search’ 20th Anniversary Edition (Remast...

The singer- song-writer today may come as a surprise to you: Donna Summer. Ulla's niece, Rachel, made me aware of the fa...

The singer- song-writer today may come as a surprise to you: Donna Summer. Ulla's niece, Rachel, made me aware of the fact that Donna was more than the Queen of Disco in the 1970-ies. I remember this song very well, cause I liked the music and the lyrics. Donna wrote the lyrics, did all the vocals and cowrote the composition. So this is in memory of Donna Summer who passes away in 2012. The cause was lung cancer, and since her Manhattan was apartment was close to Ground Zero, where she was during 9/11 it is assumed that the died from the effect of the toxic gases from the collaps of the Twin Towers, Tragic! - so this one's for you, Donna:

A Hot Summer Night With Donna - 1983

This Monday morning's singer- song-writer is one of my all time favourits; Norah Jones. She had music in her genes as he...

This Monday morning's singer- song-writer is one of my all time favourits; Norah Jones. She had music in her genes as her father was the famous Revi Shankar - the guru and Indian sitarist. Norah's original name was Geethali Norah Jones Shankar. When the relationship with her father, went sour - she became simply Norah Jones, and became much larger and famous than her dad. This song is from her debut album, Come Away with me released in 2022 - it sold 20 million copies and achieved 8 Grammies:

REMASTERED IN HD!Music video by Norah Jones performing Don't Know Why. See Norah live: Connect with Norah:http://www.norahjone...

This Sunday's singer- songwriter is Kate Bush. She had her debut at the tender age of 19, and immidately created her ver...

This Sunday's singer- songwriter is Kate Bush. She had her debut at the tender age of 19, and immidately created her very own and unique style. Wuthering Heights is maybe her most famous one, but I chose this one:

Official music video for the single "Babooshka" by British singer Kate Bush, taken from her album Never for Ever. Released as a single in June 1980, it spent...

Today's singer- song-writer is Norwegian: Lene Marlin released this song on her debut album in 1999; ''Playing my Game''...

Today's singer- song-writer is Norwegian: Lene Marlin released this song on her debut album in 1999; ''Playing my Game''. Her song ''Sitting Down Here'' became a mega hit for the young singer- song-writer from Tromsø. Lene Malin is still a popluar artist here in Italy. Her songs are frequently on various radio stations - especially this one:

Female singer- song-writer number 5 is Brenda Russel. I remember her from my days in the USA. Brenda had two mega hits -...

Female singer- song-writer number 5 is Brenda Russel. I remember her from my days in the USA. Brenda had two mega hits - Get here (if you can) and Piano in the Dark. I find it hard to determine which is the better of the two, I did, however, choose this one as today's singer- song-writer composition:

Music video by Brenda Russell performing Piano In The Dark. (C) 1988 A&M Records

Today's singer- song-writer may come as a surprise: Dolly Parton. Not only did she write the lyrics and compose this son...

Today's singer- song-writer may come as a surprise: Dolly Parton. Not only did she write the lyrics and compose this song, made famous when Whitney Houston belched it out in the Bodyguard. Here is Dolly's low key version of her own song - live at a concert:

Dolly Parton

Today's singer- song-writer is Lana del Rey. She belongs to another generation than Carly and Carol, she can, however, s...

Today's singer- song-writer is Lana del Rey. She belongs to another generation than Carly and Carol, she can, however, sing, compose and is a great lyrecist. It was Tomasz, my PT, who made me aware of her. He loves her and her songs;

Old Money - Lana Del Rey | Shorts | Lyrics Videos | __________ - Hope this will relax your mind after long hours o...

Today's singer- song-writer is Carol King. Of course You've got a Friend and Tapestry are the most famous. This one is, ...

Today's singer- song-writer is Carol King. Of course You've got a Friend and Tapestry are the most famous. This one is, however, lesser known - still excellent today. And Carol is of course much older than she was when the record (Tapestry) was released in 1970:

"Where You Lead, I Will Follow" by Carole King from Welcome To My Living RoomListen to Carole King: to the offici...

Some time back I mentioned som female singer- song-writers that I really used to like and enjoyed their muisc and lyrics...

Some time back I mentioned som female singer- song-writers that I really used to like and enjoyed their muisc and lyrics. They had style, class and an immense talent. Carly Simon did not need to sing or compose songs as she was the heiress to Simon & Schuster. She has already left a legacy of fantastic songs. Here's one of my favourits:


* EASTER 2025 *


We board our luxurious six-star ship, Crystal Symphony, in Cape Town South
Africa, on Saturday, April 12, 2025. This is the grand finale for the group who
has been on a safari from April 2 to 11, and the first day of this African
Adventure for those who join us in Cape Town today. Please refer to the next

pages and attachments for complete and detailed programs.


“IF THE TERRORIST SUCCEEDS, HE HAS WON AND THE WHOLE OF FREE SOCIETY HAS LOST”. + “WE DO NOT NEOGITIATE WITH TERRORISTS.” These statements came to my mind, uttered by the then British PM in 1976. After the Brighton bomb in 1984, the Iron Lady exclaimed: “THIS ATTACK HAS FAILED, BUT THE ATTEMPTS TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY BY TERRORISM WILL FAIL”. She insisted to continue the Conservative conference, and refused to cancel the arrangement. Her philosophy was: “Terrorism has to be defeated; it cannot be tolerated or side-stepped. When other ways and other methods have failed—I am the first to wish that they had succeeded—it is right that the terrorist should know that firm steps will be taken to deter him from attacking either other peoples or his own people who have taken refuge in countries that are free”.
By cancelling her Vienna concert, Taylor Swift has given into terrorism – in Margaret Thatcher’s view; terrorism has won. Two extremely different ladies, indeed. I must admit; I am no Swiftie. I cannot stand Taylor Swift. J think she is mediocre, has shallow lyrics and not much of a voice either. She cannot be compared with the legacy of the American singer-song-writers, such as; Carol King, Carly Simon, Joni Mitchell and the more recent Lana del Rey. Now Ms. Swift has demonstrated to the world – and fans – what she is made of. As opposed to Mrs. Thatcher, she gave into terrorism – and cancelled her Vienna concert.

TEMPORALE = STORM I går ettermiddag kom det noen mørke skyer - blågrå - sigende over oss fra vest. Disse skyene var ille...

I går ettermiddag kom det noen mørke skyer - blågrå - sigende over oss fra vest. Disse skyene var illevarslende da det viste seg at de inneholdt ikke bare regn - med også hagl. Dessverre. Masse hagl, og store var de. Med regn og hagl fulgte vinder, opp mot 60 km i timen. Trær knakk som fyrstikker, et par av dem i vår nyervervede skog. Et av trærne falt over veien, sperret den og traff enden av en av våre vinranker. På vei opp fra Casa Rosa til Cascina Desderi, blokkerte dette treet for veien og jeg kom ikke videre. Med vinden susende rundt meg, mens regn og hagl slo ned - klarte jeg så vidt å få dratt treet ut av veibanen slik at jeg fikk passert. På Cascina Desderi var det casino, casino = kaos, kaos. Rundt bassenget var alle solstoler hulter i bulter og et par av dem lå nedi bassenger. Vinden hadde revet av bassengskiltet hvor det står ''Private Pool'' - og bassenget var fylt av løv og grener som var skrelt av trærne. Vann hadde fosset inn i den nye salongen så tepper måtte opp og tørkes. Tjærepappen ble flengt av taket på portico'en (der hvor måltidene inntas) og alle bord og stoler og sitteputer var kliss-klass. Siden vinden målte opp mot 60 km i timen, kom regnet sidelengs så alt ble gjennomvått selv om det var tak over. Heldigvis hadde vi ikke middagsservering i går, den måtte uansett ha blitt avlyst. Men gården og vinrankene var i en sørgelig forfatning da vi dro derfra i går kveld. Men i Casa Rosa (privaten) var det enda verre. Hvordan vinden har hatt krefter til å rykke av armeringen til porten - som er av jern - er et mysterium. Ellers var det brukne og nedblåste trær - dessverre et av de japanske prydtrærne. De som har besøkt oss i Casa Rosa, husker kanskje at det er en alle med pæretrær som leder til huset. I går hang alle pærene på trærne, i dag ligger det over tusen pærer i oppkjørselen. Så i høst blir det ingen Poir Belle Helene. I selve huset hadde et vindu blåst opp, og siden de åpnes innover, traff de PC-skjermen som blåste av skrivebordet og gikk rett i gulvet. Heldigvis ble den ikke skadet, og både PC og harddisk er intakt.

Da vi kom til Cascina Desderi i dag morges, var det et sørgelig skue. But the show must go on... frokost skulle serveres så Francesco og Roald bar ut tørre stoler innenfra, og det ble breakfast as usual. Lorenzo satt i gang med å tømme bassenget for løv, kvist og kvast, mens jeg iførte meg badebukse og ''støvsugde'' hele bassenget. Klokken 11.00 var bassenget mer eller mindre i orden igjen, og gjestene inntar solstolene som om intet har skjedd. Nå står haven og gårdsplassen for tur, og etter det skal det ryddes i vinmarkene. Årets siste sprøyting må gjøres, men før det må vinranker som vinden løsnet - festes slik at traktoren kommer frem.

Vi er jo vant til vær fra Florida - vi gjennomlevde tre store hurricanes. Men jeg vil påstå at de to timene denne stormen raste, var like ille som stormene vi opplevde i Florida.

Nå skinner solen fra klar himmel, det er vindstille og en behagelig frisk temperatur ''etter stormen'' - og det er helt uvirkelig at for mindre enn 24 timer siden var vi i stormens øye.

At noe skjer med været, er det ikke tvil om.

Sommerlige hilsener


Da er Lafayette-cruiset i oktober het fullt - turen med CroisiEurope på de 4 Elver 15-21/10. Min tidligere kollega Kari ...

Da er Lafayette-cruiset i oktober het fullt - turen med CroisiEurope på de 4 Elver 15-21/10. Min tidligere kollega Kari Kleivan sikret seg de tre siste lugarene for seg, Børre og to vennepar. Veldig hyggelig at dere ble med, Kari! Så nå er det på tide Å PLANLEGGE NYE EVENTYR - et jule- & nyttårs-cruise denne gangen. Med Crystal Symphony på Det Indiske Hav - avgang Cape Town 23. desember:




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