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Angolā izdevies atrast pēdējos gados lielāko neapstrādāto rozā dimantu. Tā cena varētu sasniegt par vairākus desmitus mi...

Angolā izdevies atrast pēdējos gados lielāko neapstrādāto rozā dimantu. Tā cena varētu sasniegt par vairākus desmitus miljonu dolāru, vēsta izdevums "The Mirror".
Kā norāda Angolas pārstāvji, tad īpašas atradums apliecina, ka Angola joprojām ir nozīmīgs spēlētājs pasaules dimanta tirgū. Dimanta iegūšana ir augoša nozare un tai esot potenciāls.
Šī brīža dati liecina, ka atrastais rozā dimants ir 27. simts karātu vērts dārgakmens, kas atrast Angolā. Tiesa, jārēķinās, ka apstrādes procesā tā izmērs var samazināties pat par 50%, taču tā vērtība joprojām paliktu nemainīgi liela.

Mont Saint-Michel. Le Mont-Saint-Michel is a tidal island and mainland commune in Normandy, France.The island lies appro...

Mont Saint-Michel.

Le Mont-Saint-Michel is a tidal island and mainland commune in Normandy, France.

The island lies approximately one kilometre (0.6 miles) off the country's north-western coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches and is 7 hectares in area. The mainland part of the commune is 393 hectares in area so that the total surface of the commune is 400 hectares.
The island lives~ a population of 29.

The commune's position—on an island just a few hundred metres from land—made it accessible at low tide to the many pilgrims to its abbey, but defensible as an incoming tide stranded, drove off, or drowned would-be assailants. The island remained unconquered during the Hundred Years' War; a small garrison fended off a full attack by the English in 1433.Louis XI recognised the reverse benefits of its natural defence and turned it into a prison. The abbey was used regularly as a prison during the Ancien Régime.
The Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey is an abbey located within the city and island of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, in the department of Manche.

The abbey is an essential part of the structural composition of the town the feudal society constructed. On top, God, the abbey, and monastery; below this, the Great halls, then stores and housing, and at the bottom (outside the walls), fishermen's and farmers' housing.

The abbey has been protected as a French monument historique since 1862.
The abbey is among the most visited cultural sites in France.
Mont Saint-Michel a visited by more than 3 million people each year.

Небольшой скалистый остров, превращённый в остров-крепость, на северо-западном побережье Франции. Остров является единственным обитаемым из трех гранитных образований бухты Сен-Мишель.

travel_worldwide33's profile picturetravel_worldwide33Crazy sunrise on top of Mt. Pilatus🌄Crazy sunrise on top of Mt. Pi...

travel_worldwide33's profile picture
Crazy sunrise on top of Mt. Pilatus🌄

Crazy sunrise on top of Mt. Pilatus

❤️ -

Mineral formations in Iceland    #

Mineral formations in Iceland


The Tatra MountainsHowever, Tatra Mountains differ from the Alps for sure in respect of their lengthiness. At similar pe...

The Tatra Mountains
However, Tatra Mountains differ from the Alps for sure in respect of their lengthiness. At similar peak heights (circa 2300 metres) the mountain range is very short and narrow. The length of Tatra Mountains as the crow flies amounts to 53 kilometres, whereas the length along the main ridge on almost entire length both along the tourist route as well as the border between Poland and Slovakia, 80 kilometres. The width of the Tatra Mountains is "up to" 30 km. On the territory of Slovakia and Polish Podhale there are many places, from which it is possible to admire their full splendour with no difficulty. The impression of fairy-tale character of the scenery and the vastness of the mountains is enhanced by the peculiar geological landscape construction. Both on the southern and on the northern side there are large tectonic valleys, with gentle 1000 meter hills behind them. Tatra Mountains seen from Podhale and lighted up by the morning sun actually constitutes the most beloved theme for Polish landscape photographers.

Пляж Кала-Мариолу, ИталияПобережье покрыто галькой, которая имеет свойство менять оттенок от белого до нежно-розового. Г...

Пляж Кала-Мариолу, Италия
Побережье покрыто галькой, которая имеет свойство менять оттенок от белого до нежно-розового. Галька мелкая, дискомфорта не вызывает, специальная обувь не потребуется. Дно песчаное, вход в море пологий, глубина нарастает постепенно.

Пляж Кала-Мариолу считается самым популярным в заливе Орозей. Настоящая жемчужина Сардинии. Окруженный со всех сторон скалами, море изумрудного оттенка и живописная растительность поражают воображение отдыхающих. В сезон здесь аншлаг. Туристов так много, что сложно найти место на берегу. Длится сезон с июля по конец августа, дальше наплыв туристов идет на уменьшение. Основная аудитория – семейные люди, молодежь. Семьи с детьми наслаждаются морем и пляжем, молодежь осваивает экстремальные виды спорта. Добраться до пляжа можно только по морю. Пеший путь представляет собой специальный трекинг-маршрут, нужно пройти больше 7 км по жаре, пробираясь сквозь кустарники. Стоит воспользоваться водным транспортом и заодно насладиться потрясающими морскими видами.

Rumānija. Ziema

Rumānija. Ziema

Troņa zāle Vetsaļā, Francija

Troņa zāle Vetsaļā, Francija



Some galaxies are known as stellar nurseries due to the high number of stars that are 'born' within them. NGC 5468 is no...

Some galaxies are known as stellar nurseries due to the high number of stars that are 'born' within them. NGC 5468 is notable for just the opposite – this spiral galaxy seems to specialise in dying stars. In the last two decades alone, astronomers have observed within the galaxy five supernova events – the massive explosions caused by a star's demise. Located about 140 million light years from Earth in the Virgo Constellation, NGC 5468 is an ideal galaxy to observe and study because it's orientated towards us, meaning that our telescopes can view it face on. We can thank the Hubble Space Telescope for this stunning image. And a shout out goes to astronomer William Herschel, who discovered this galaxy in 1785.

The Pilbara is a large, dry, thinly populated region in the north of Western Australia. It is known for its Aboriginal p...

The Pilbara is a large, dry, thinly populated region in the north of Western Australia. It is known for its Aboriginal peoples; its ancient landscapes; the red earth; and its vast mineral deposits, in particular iron ore. It is also a global biodiversity hotspot for subterranean fauna

Tanna was first settled about 400 BC by Melanesians from the surrounding islands. The glowing light of Mount Yasur attra...

Tanna was first settled about 400 BC by Melanesians from the surrounding islands. The glowing light of Mount Yasur attracted James Cook, the first European to visit the island, in August 1774, where he landed in an inlet on the southeastern tip of the island that he named Port Resolution after his ship HMS Resolution. He gave the island the name of Tanna, probably from the local name for earth, tana in the Kwamera language.

In the 19th century, traders and missionaries (chiefly Presbyterian) arrived. The Tannese stuck to their traditions more strongly than other islands; there remain fewer Christians in comparison with the other islands of Vanuatu.

Whaling vessels were some of the first regular visitors to the island in the nineteenth century. The first on record was the Rose in February 1804. The last known such visit was by the Sea Ranger in September 1871.

Tanna was not a principal site of World War II, but about 1,000 people from Tanna were recruited to work on the American military base on Éfaté. Exposure to First World living standards may have led to the development of cargo cults. Many have died out, but the John Frum cult remains strong on Tanna today, especially at Sulphur Bay in the south east and Green Point in the South West of the Island.

A secessionist movement began in the 1970s, and the Nation of Tanna was proclaimed on 24 March 1974. While the British were more open to allowing its holdings in Vanuatu to achieve independence, it was opposed by the French colonists and finally suppressed by the Anglo-French Condominium authorities on 29 June 1974.
Flag of the Island of Tanna

In 1980, there was another attempt to secede, declaring the Tafea Nation on 1 January 1980, its name coming from the initials of the five islands that were to be part of the nation (Tanna, Aniwa, Futuna, Erromango and Aneityum). British forces intervened on 26 May 1980, allowing the island to become part of the newly independent nation of Vanuatu on 30 July 1980.

Kyiv Pechersk Lavra also known as the Kyiv Monastery of the Caves, is a historic Orthodox Christian monastery which gave...

Kyiv Pechersk Lavra also known as the Kyiv Monastery of the Caves, is a historic Orthodox Christian monastery which gave its name to one of the city districts where it is located in Kyiv.

Since its foundation as the cave monastery in 1051, the Lavra has been a preeminent center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe. Together with the Saint Sophia Cathedral, it is inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monastery complex is considered a separate national historic-cultural preserve (sanctuary), the national status to which was granted on 13 March 1996 The Lavra is not only located in another part of the city, but is part of a different national sanctuary than Saint Sophia Cathedral. While being a cultural attraction, the monastery is once again active, with over 100 monks in residence.[citation needed] It was named one of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine on 21 August 2007, based on voting by experts and the internet community.

Currently, the jurisdiction over the site is divided between the state museum, National Kyiv-Pechersk Historic-Cultural Preserve,and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as the site of the chief monastery of that Church and the residence of its leader, Onufrius, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur is one of the eighteen administrative regions of France, the far southeastern on the mainland...

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur is one of the eighteen administrative regions of France, the far southeastern on the mainland. Its prefecture is Marseille. The region is roughly coterminous with the former French province of Provence, with the addition of the following adjacent areas: the former papal territory of Avignon, known as Comtat Venaissin; the former Sardinian-Piedmontese county of Nice, whose coastline is known in English as the French Riviera and in French as the Côte d'Azur; and the southeastern part of the former French province of Dauphiné, in the French Alps. Previously known by the acronym PACA, the region adopted the name Région Sud as a commercial name or nickname in December 2017.

It encompasses six departments in Southeastern France: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Alpes-Maritimes, Bouches-du-Rhône, Hautes-Alpes, Var and Vaucluse. It is bounded to the east by the France-Italy border, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea and by the Principality of Monaco, to the north by Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, and to the west by Occitanie, with the Rhône river marking its westernmost border. The region logotype displays the coat of arms created in the 1990s and which combines the coats of arms of the old provinces making up Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. The region's economy is the third largest in France.


The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in Arizona, United States. The Grand Canyon is 277...

The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in Arizona, United States. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide and attains a depth of over a mile (6,093 feet or 1,857 meters).

The canyon and adjacent rim are contained within Grand Canyon National Park, the Kaibab National Forest, Grand Canyon–Parashant National Monument, the Hualapai Indian Reservation, the Havasupai Indian Reservation and the Navajo Nation. President Theodore Roosevelt was a major proponent of preservation of the Grand Canyon area and visited it on numerous occasions to hunt and enjoy the scenery.

Nearly two billion years of Earth's geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted.[6] While some aspects about the history of incision of the canyon are debated by geologists,[7] several recent studies support the hypothesis that the Colorado River established its course through the area about 5 to 6 million years ago.Since that time, the Colorado River has driven the down-cutting of the tributaries and retreat of the cliffs, simultaneously deepening and widening the canyon.

For thousands of years, the area has been continuously inhabited by Native Americans, who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves. The Pueblo people considered the Grand Canyon a holy site, and made pilgrimages to it. The first European known to have viewed the Grand Canyon was García López de Cárdenas from Spain, who arrived in 1540.

Lalibela is a town in Lasta Amhara Region, Ethiopia famous for its rock-cut monolithic churches. The whole of Lalibela i...

Lalibela is a town in Lasta Amhara Region, Ethiopia famous for its rock-cut monolithic churches. The whole of Lalibela is a large antiquity of the medieval and post-medieval civilization of Ethiopia. To Christians, Lalibela is one of Ethiopia's holiest cities, second only to Axum, and a center of pilgrimage. Unlike Axum, the population of Lalibela is almost completely Ethiopian Orthodox Christian.

Ethiopia was one of the earliest nations to adopt Christianity in the first half of the 4th century, and its historical roots date to the time of the Apostles. The churches themselves date from the 7th to 13th centuries, and are traditionally dated to the reign of the Zagwe king Gebre Mesqel Lalibela (r. ca. 1181–1221).

The layout and names of the major buildings in Lalibela are widely accepted, especially by local clergy, to be a symbolic representation of Jerusalem. This has led some experts to date the current church forms to the years following the capture of Jerusalem in 1187 by the Muslim leader Saladin.

Lalibela is located in the North Wollo Zone of the Amhara Region, at roughly 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) above sea level. It is the main town in Lasta woreda, which was formerly part of Bugna woreda. The Rock-Hewn Churches were declared a World Heritage site in 1978.

The hippopotamus is a large, mostly herbivorous, semiaquatic mammal and ungulate native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is one...

The hippopotamus is a large, mostly herbivorous, semiaquatic mammal and ungulate native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being the pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis or Hexaprotodon liberiensis). The name comes from the ancient Greek for "river horse" (ἱπποπόταμος). After the elephant and rhinoceros, both of which are found in Africa, the hippopotamus is the third-largest type of land mammal and the heaviest extant artiodactyl. Despite their physical resemblance to pigs and other terrestrial even-toed ungulates, the closest living relatives of the Hippopotamidae are cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc.) from which they diverged about 55 million years ago.

Hippos are recognisable by their barrel-shaped torsos, wide-opening mouths revealing large canine tusks, nearly hairless bodies, columnar legs and large size; adults average 1,500 kg (3,310 lb) for males and 1,300 kg (2,870 lb) for females. Despite its stocky shape and short legs, it is capable of running 30 km/h (19 mph) over short distances.

Hippos inhabit rivers, lakes, and mangrove swamps, where territorial males preside over a stretch of river and groups of five to thirty females and young hippos. During the day, they remain cool by staying in the water or mud; reproduction and childbirth both occur in water. They emerge at dusk to graze on grasses. While hippos rest near each other in the water, grazing is a solitary activity and hippos are not territorial on land. The hippo is among the most dangerous animals in the world due to its highly aggressive and unpredictable nature. They are threatened by habitat loss and poaching for their meat and ivory canine teeth.

A frozen waterfall in northwestern China’s Shaanxi Province has become a hit with tourists. Such magical scenes usually ...

A frozen waterfall in northwestern China’s Shaanxi Province has become a hit with tourists. Such magical scenes usually happen between late November and January, sometimes even lasting until February.


Baltā 19






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