What do you think of tour guides calling to have a monument removed in Riga?
The monument in question is the Latvian Red Riflemen statue, placed in the Soviet times to celebrate the Latvian revolutionary riflemen. This is a part of Latvian history and many of you have shown interest to understand the path to independence at the end of the Russian Empire
According to the article the spokesperson for the Latvian Guide association explains “she knows from experience that most tourists come here to enjoy the city and its architecture, not to delve into very complex historical facts.”
This seems really inaccurate, we have met so many of you who want to understand Latvian history.
What do you think about removal of the monument?
The Latvian Association of Professional Guides is outraged about why the Latvian Riflemen Monument in the Old Town of Riga is not being demolished or moved, reports the Latvian Television program "4....