Lielisks izaugsmes un pašrealizēšanās ceļš, kura laikā Tu iegūsti iespēju attīstīties kā personībai - izaicinājumi, draugi, pasākumi, ceļojumi, attīstība, un uzdrīkstēšanās - ir tikai sākums!
Sāc ar EESTEC...
Vienreizējs stāsts - kolosāls cilvēks- izlasi nenožēlosi un raksti mums, mēs palīdzēsim Tev izveidot savējo!! ;)
and brings another great story narrated by Vadim Nagornov from EESTEC LC Hamburg.
"Hello everybody, I'm Vadim Nagornov and I'm in EESTEC since December 2013. I was introduced to EESTEC by LC Istanbul at their event "GreEnergy Vol. 2" and they instantly amazed me! The tremendous amount of care, love and joy those people showed me, became the definition of EESTEC Spirit for me. After their event I visited Congress in Athens, were my amazement was pushed even higher. Coming back to Hamburg with this huge amount of energy, I became Treasurer of our LC and Head Organizer of our workshop "Grand Theft EESTEC Hamburg City". After the event finished, I felt that I've achieved everything I wanted to achieve locally. I was looking for a new challenge.
One month before at ECM in Banja Luka, I heard Yiannis Koutsogiannakopoulos proposing a new project: "EESTEC in Entrepreneurship". I signed up instantly as I was in the topic of Entrepreneurship, even before joining EESTEC, and finally saw a way to contribute to something bigger I believed in.
By that time Grant Team was facing serious challenges. Not really interested in writing Grants, however willing to learn more about international work, as well as having the Coordinator (thank you Moritz Knüppel) motivate me, I joined as well.
Then came Congress in Madrid. That was a total game changer! My first Congress presenting towards GA, my first Congress being Scrutinizer. I loved it! Thanks again LC Madri