EESTEC LC Riga Electrical Engineering STudents' European assoCiation - Local Committee Riga The Association was founded in 1986 and is registered in Delft, The Netherlands.

The Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation (EESTEC) is a non-profit student
organization of and for electrical engineering and computer science students from universities,
institutes or schools of technology all over Europe that award an engineering degree. Currently, EESTEC has 54 commıtments present in 28 countries with over 6000 members and with
the potential to reach 60 000 stud

ents in their faculties. Local Committee Riga was founded in 2008, and we have successfully organized and took part in many local and international events. For any additional information visit our website


Do you want to share your knowledge across Europe and help people develop themselves? Is personal development a path that you want to follow? Do you want to become a trainer?

With the new year, EESTEC Training Team gives you the opportunity to come closer to your goals! The call for the 10th Training for Trainers is open! All you have to do to follow your dreams is apply and be part of Training Team! Are you ready for this challenge? ;)

More information here -->

EESTEC ir vieglākais veids, kur apgūt šīs tik ļoti nepieciešamas iemaņas, ko pieprasa darba devējs! Piedāvātie treniņi u...

EESTEC ir vieglākais veids, kur apgūt šīs tik ļoti nepieciešamas iemaņas, ko pieprasa darba devējs!
Piedāvātie treniņi un semināri visā Eiropā sniedz vēl arī neaprakstāmas emocijas, piedzīvojumus un ceļošanu superīgo cilvēku kompānijā!

Ieej >>
Raksti >> mums te vēstuli vai komentāros par nākošajiem pasākumiem un citiem jautājumiem!!

It's not academic success but soft skills that give privates the edge, says Selden


TU/e Webinars In November and the beginning of December each program organizes a free webinar. During each webinar you will get information about a specific program and you will have the chance to ask all of your questions. Interested? Click on the program(s) of your interest and sign up now! Are…


Addressing AI safety myths: Why do we need research to ensure AI remains safe and beneficial? What are the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence?

Our official LinkedIn account is active now and we've got our first post ever! Make sure to follow us there too!If you d...

Our official LinkedIn account is active now and we've got our first post ever! Make sure to follow us there too!

If you don't have a LinkedIn account - make it and join the world's largest professional network with more than 530 million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.

The Association is a non-political, non-profit organization for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) students at universities, institut…

Lielisks piedzīvojums var sākties ar vienu klikšķi! 👇🏼

Lielisks piedzīvojums var sākties ar vienu klikšķi! 👇🏼

Sēde jau nāskošajā nedēļā - pieraksties un uzzini, kādi lielie plāni gaidāmi šogad! :)

Sēde jau nāskošajā nedēļā - pieraksties un uzzini, kādi lielie plāni gaidāmi šogad! :)

Doodle radically simplifies the process of scheduling events, meetings, appointments, etc. Herding cats gets 2x faster with Doodle. For free!

Viens no mūsu EESTEC biedriem ir nepieciešama palīdzība, tikai 2 min, bet  ieguldījums ir nenovērtējams!!! ☺️☺️Atbalstām...

Viens no mūsu EESTEC biedriem ir nepieciešama palīdzība, tikai 2 min, bet ieguldījums ir nenovērtējams!!! ☺️☺️
Atbalstām mūsējos!!

The aim of this form is to provide us with a general overview of how people fulfil their need for socialising. It is focusing on the way they arrange meetings with their friends, the way the meet new people and locations they usually visit. It is taking into consideration their age and cultural diff...

Pēdējās 2dienas, lai pieteiktos interesanto soft-skill semināru  saulainajā Itālijā!! Sāc savu vasaru ar kaut ko lietder...

Pēdējās 2dienas, lai pieteiktos interesanto soft-skill semināru saulainajā Itālijā!!
Sāc savu vasaru ar kaut ko lietderīgu un izklaidējošu!! ;)

Piesakies/raksti mums!!

Seminārs Game of Teams s.2 – LC Trieste, Itālija autors Rodika · June 20, 2016 Triestes Vietējā komiteja pēc 2 gadu pārtraukuma ir atgriezusies ar visiem nu jau iemīļoto semināru Game of Teams season 2. Iepriekšējā semināra trupinājums būs par soft-skill prasmēm, sacensībām un komandām, kurš 2014...

Izlasi mūsu mājaslapā vai te - mūsu FB lapā par gaidāmo semināru Antverpenē!! Pieteikšanās termiņš tuvojas bei...

Izlasi mūsu mājaslapā vai te - mūsu FB lapā par gaidāmo semināru Antverpenē!!
Pieteikšanās termiņš tuvojas beigām!!

Lively Antwerp is a hidden gem. Its medieval streets, Renaissance monuments and vibrant nightlife tend to be overshadowed by its reputation as center of the diamond trade and as the world's fifth-largest port.

The moment you arrive by train you'll get the chance to see one of the most
beautiful train stations in the world. From there you can walk over the Meir, the biggest shopping street in Belgium, towards the historic city centre with, among many highlights, the 123m tall Gothic cathedral tower.

Antwerp has a rich history, in the 16th century it was the richest city in Europe. The first stock exchange building of the world was built here to facilitate the harbour trade. The Boerentoren was the first skyscraper in Europe and Antwerp was home to many famous painters such as Rubens.

Today Antwerp sets forth this theme of creativity and innovation as the emerging
startup hub in Belgium, the home of many famous fashion designers and Tomorrowland. Yes, you read that right! Tomorrowland takes place in the province of Antwerp, only half an hour away from the city centre.
Even though you won't be here during Tomorrowland you will get the chance to taste all the world-famous Belgian beers in authentic or trendy bars and dance the night away in one of the many big clubs.

No better way to start the summer than in Antwerp :). Apply now for the next event of EESTEC LC Antwerp:

P.S. Check this cool video about Antwerp:

Lielisks izaugsmes un pašrealizēšanās ceļš, kura laikā Tu iegūsti iespēju attīstīties kā personībai - izaicinājumi, drau...

Lielisks izaugsmes un pašrealizēšanās ceļš, kura laikā Tu iegūsti iespēju attīstīties kā personībai - izaicinājumi, draugi, pasākumi, ceļojumi, attīstība, un uzdrīkstēšanās - ir tikai sākums!

Sāc ar EESTEC...

Vienreizējs stāsts - kolosāls cilvēks- izlasi nenožēlosi un raksti mums, mēs palīdzēsim Tev izveidot savējo!! ;)

and brings another great story narrated by Vadim Nagornov from EESTEC LC Hamburg.

"Hello everybody, I'm Vadim Nagornov and I'm in EESTEC since December 2013. I was introduced to EESTEC by LC Istanbul at their event "GreEnergy Vol. 2" and they instantly amazed me! The tremendous amount of care, love and joy those people showed me, became the definition of EESTEC Spirit for me. After their event I visited Congress in Athens, were my amazement was pushed even higher. Coming back to Hamburg with this huge amount of energy, I became Treasurer of our LC and Head Organizer of our workshop "Grand Theft EESTEC Hamburg City". After the event finished, I felt that I've achieved everything I wanted to achieve locally. I was looking for a new challenge.

One month before at ECM in Banja Luka, I heard Yiannis Koutsogiannakopoulos proposing a new project: "EESTEC in Entrepreneurship". I signed up instantly as I was in the topic of Entrepreneurship, even before joining EESTEC, and finally saw a way to contribute to something bigger I believed in.
By that time Grant Team was facing serious challenges. Not really interested in writing Grants, however willing to learn more about international work, as well as having the Coordinator (thank you Moritz Knüppel) motivate me, I joined as well.

Then came Congress in Madrid. That was a total game changer! My first Congress presenting towards GA, my first Congress being Scrutinizer. I loved it! Thanks again LC Madri

RoP is ready and accepted! Hockey game Latvia-Denmark in progress! LC Riga feeling motivated!!

RoP is ready and accepted! Hockey game Latvia-Denmark in progress! LC Riga feeling motivated!!

Finally EESTEC LC Riga's RoP is ready and accepted!! Celebrating with cupcakes and... Ice-hockey is next... ************...

Finally EESTEC LC Riga's RoP is ready and accepted!! Celebrating with cupcakes and...

Ice-hockey is next...

Oficiālais EESTEC LC Riga Reglaments ir pieņemts!!!

Hokejs turpinājumā...

  Tā tiešām IR, jo EESTEC ir viena liela ģimene, kas atbalsta, uzmundrina un ar kuriem vienmēr ir labi!!!!

Tā tiešām IR, jo EESTEC ir viena liela ģimene, kas atbalsta, uzmundrina un ar kuriem vienmēr ir labi!!!!

this week too. We are sure that you have already met ECA coordinator for this year Malgorziata Wesolowska from EESTEC AGH Kraków.

"EESTEC changes you. It influences your life in a way you’re not aware of at the beginning.
At first, when my EESTEC experience had just begun, I didn’t fully realize how it will manage to catch me off guard and turn my life upside down. How much it will change me and how I will uderstand and perceive so many things on so many different levels.

What being a member of EESTEC has taught me is the improtance of people - what we do isn’t the most significant factor, as long as we do it with the right people. I learned that with teamwork, you can acheive so much more than all by yourself.

Our acheivements may be forgotten with time, yet I’m certain that the frendships we’ve built will prevail and flourish. During Congress, I’ve taken up yet another responsibility and thus, committed to EESTEC for another year. The longer I’m here, the more I want to do; the more I’m given, the more I want to give back.

My only regret, EESTEC-wise, is having waited almost a year before applying for my first event. Don’t make the same mistake, kids.

This text has been written by my slave, Ola F. She’s smart and funny."


Pavasaris nāk ar lieliskiem jaunumiem un jauniem pasākumiem!!!

Ienāc mūsu mājaslapā, pasākumi katra gaumei - izvēlies in padari savu vasaru neaizmirstamu!!

making it happen - meet golden voices from LC Riga! :D Ahh... looking forward to get out flag back!

making it happen - meet golden voices from LC Riga! :D

Ahh... looking forward to get out flag back!

Tiešām, viens no lieliskākajiem EESTEC biedriem!!!!   again! You have opportunity to meet Oliver Richter from EESTEC LC ...

Tiešām, viens no lieliskākajiem EESTEC biedriem!!!!

again! You have opportunity to meet Oliver Richter from EESTEC LC Zürich

again! You have opportunity to meet Oliver Richter from EESTEC LC Zürich!

"EESTEC. What does it mean EESTEC? To me EESTEC means far more than 'Electrical Engineering STundent's European assoCiation'. EESTEC means family, friends, amazing opportunities and a tremendous amount of unforgettable memories to which I look back with pleasure and fulfillment.
When I first heard about EESTEC I was skeptical: can it be that one can travel almost for free and party with students from all Europe in a foreign country, thereby building a network of like minded people that are about to create the future? My skeptics were blown away and the question answered with an indisputable 'yes' after I attended my first international event. Even though the international motivation weekend in fall 2011 organized by the group from Ljubljana was an event that mainly focused on parties, the common open mindset and the will to improve oneself by attending soft skill trainings on the weekend blow my mind and the EESTEC spirit started flowing in my blood.

Since then I visited more than 20 cities with EESTEC (some of them several times), helped realizing 6 international Workshops in Zurich (plus several local events) and founded an inspiring international team out of a project.

Why this devotion? Once you have seen what EESTEC can give to you, you almost feel obliged to give something back. However, the more you give the more you get out of it - no matter in what way you contribute, EESTEC offers you a safe environment to improve every aspect of your personality and learn skills for life.

So be part of EESTEC, grow with the family, and become friends with thousands of like minded students throughout Europe."

Sveiciens EESTECam dzimšanas dienā, varam iečekot kā tas EESTEC ir izaudzis pēdējo 30 gadu laikā :)*********************...

Sveiciens EESTECam dzimšanas dienā, varam iečekot kā tas EESTEC ir izaudzis pēdējo 30 gadu laikā :)


EESTEC, Happy 30th Birthday!!!

30 years of our glorious history have been full of achievements, friendships and above all, never-ending progress through the years. Starting from 1986, EEST...

Maijs atnāca ar jauno, aizraujošo semināru!! PIESAKIES!!!! Jautājumi/neskaidrības RAKSTI --- info@eestec.lvVai komentāro...

Maijs atnāca ar jauno, aizraujošo semināru!!

Jautājumi/neskaidrības RAKSTI --- [email protected]
Vai komentāros lejā ^

Seminārs AntwerPi 2.0 – LC Antverpene, Beļģija autors Rodika · May 2, 2016 LC Antverpene ir lepna paziņot par savu nākošo semināru: AntwerPi 2.0! Iepriekšējo reizi tika sūtīts gaisā Raspberry Pi kopā ar metereoloģisko balonu. Šoreiz tas būs pavisam cits līmenis, tiks būvēts savs radiovadāms kvadroko…


30 years ago today, the 1st Congress of EESTEC was held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. These passionate and motivated students seen in the picture laid the foundations of our association, a.k.a our family! Apparently, what has changed through the years is not only the turnout of the generations but also the level of achievement of EESTEC.

Happy New Year and may the next year bring you all the best!

Happy New Year and may the next year bring you all the best!

“Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain


EESTEC Competition for Android is open to Android enthusiasts from all over the world. This academical event aims at opening doors for creative innovation by putting into practice knowledge about programming and design.


Happy Volunteers' day!

LC Zurich izsludina semināru Women in Engineering IIŠis seminārs tiek attiecināts tieši uz studentēm inženierzinātnēs, p...

LC Zurich izsludina semināru Women in Engineering II

Šis seminārs tiek attiecināts tieši uz studentēm inženierzinātnēs, programmā būs lekcijas, treniņi par to, kā veiksmīgāk konkurēt darba tirgū šajā nozarē. Protams, tas viss notiek Šveicē – kalni un skaistā daba :) Tāpat, paralēli LC Zurich rīko vēl reģionālo tikšanos, tāpēc būs iespēja iepazīties ar vēl vairāk lieliskiem cilvēkiem no Vācijas, Šveices un Nīderlandes. Pieteikumi semināram tiks izvērtēti pēc iesūtītajām motivācijas vēstulēm.

Vairāk info:


Istanbul, once known as Constantinople, is the most populous city in Turkey, and the country's economic, cultural, and historical center. There are lots of attractions which remained from different eras and empires in history. Especially Sultan Ahmet Square is the most popular one since including important architectural mosques and church. Istanbul is a transcontinental city in Eurasia, straddling the Bosphorus Strait between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Its commercial and historical center lies on the European side and about a third of its population lives on the Asian side. Istanbul is one of the world's most populous cities and ranks as world's 5th-largest city proper and the largest European city. Besides the historical monuments of Istanbul, you can find a great variety of mouth watering dishes in Turkish cuisine which is mostly the heritage of Ottoman cuisine. The city is also well known with it’s popular nightlife and numerous facilities, that you can enjoy any time of the day.

Year of establishment: 2005
Don't forget to apply for event organized by EESTEC LC Istanbul->

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