ZTC - prefabricated houses

ZTC - prefabricated houses Experience, quality and reliability - we are specialists of prefabricated wood buildings with many years and various projects under our belt. We ensure quality!

The main business of SIA Zemgales Tehnoloģiskais centrs (ZTC) since the company was founded in 1991 has been designing, manufacturing and construction of quality timber houses with a modern design. More than two decades of growth in professional experience and competencies allow us to provide a full service package of highest quality to our customers. The experience gained exporting our products t

o countries across Europe, especially Scandinavia, is our main competitive advantage. ZTC offers a wide range of products. Most orders consist of production and assembly of individual timber frame panel house designs, such as residential homes and multi storey apartment buildings. ZTC also takes on designs that require unique approaches for the best solution.

May your Christmas be merry, your New Year bright, and your home filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories.Here...

May your Christmas be merry, your New Year bright, and your home filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories.

Here’s to building dreams together in the coming year!

Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!

The ZTC team has completed a premium four-apartment complex that stands out for its intricate technical solutions and ae...

The ZTC team has completed a premium four-apartment complex that stands out for its intricate technical solutions and aesthetically refined design. The two-story buildings have a total area of approximately 1,500 m² and are designed to ensure maximum comfort and The construction process presented several challenges, including limited construction site space, difficult access, and the need for high-capacity equipment. Thanks to meticulous planning and a skilled team, the project used a 90-ton crane to install pre-fabricated panels that already included plaster and gypsum board finishes.
Read more about the project here: https://www.ztc.lv/en/portfolio/a-highquality-building-complex-in-norway-82/

ZTC komanda ir pabeigusi augstas kvalitātes četru dzīvokļu kompleksu, kas izceļas ar sarežģītiem tehniskajiem risinājumiem un estētiski izsmalcinātu dizainu. Divstāvu ēku kopējā platība ir aptuveni 1500 m², un tās veidotas, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu komfortu un funkcionalitāti.
Ēkas būvniecība bija izaicinājumu pilna – ierobežota vieta būvlaukumā, sarežģīta piekļuve un nepieciešamība pēc augstas celtspējas tehnikas. Pateicoties rūpīgam plānojumam un spēcīgai komandai, projektā tika izmantots 90 tonnu celtnis, lai uzstādītu gatavos paneļus, kas jau ietvēra apmetumu un ģipškartona apdares.
Vairāk par projektu šeit: https://www.ztc.lv/lv/portfolio/augstakas-kvalitates-eku-komplekss-norvegija-82/


Watch the incredible process of building a modern prefabricated wood panel family house, completed in just 6 days! Follow the journey from start to finish as the house is assembled on-site, becoming fully hermetically sealed in a matter of days. See how this construction method combines speed, efficiency, and sustainability to create a beautiful home for the future. Whether you're interested in architecture, building, or simply curious about prefabricated homes, this video offers a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the process!

Noskaties procesu, kā tiek būvēta mūsdienīga, rūpnieciski ražota koka paneļu ģimenes māja! Šajā video redzēsiet kā māja tiek samontēta un kļūst hermētiski noslēgta 6 dienu laikā. Uzziniet, kā šī būvniecības metode apvieno ātrumu, efektivitāti un ilgtspēju, lai radītu skaistas mājas nākotnei. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūs interesē arhitektūra, būvniecība vai vienkārši vēlaties uzzināt par rūpnieciski ražotām koka paneļu mājām, šis video piedāvā aizraujošu ieskatu procesā!

Prefabricated wood panel houses are quickly gaining popularity as a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to tradi...

Prefabricated wood panel houses are quickly gaining popularity as a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional stick-built homes. Would you like to know the advantages of prefab wood panel houses?
In this blog we will look at some of the main advantages: https://www.ztc.lv/en/useful/useful-information/prefabricated-wood-panel-house-advantages-167/

Saliekamās koka paneļu mājas ātri iegūst popularitāti kā ekonomiski izdevīga un videi draudzīga alternatīva citiem māju būvniecības veidiem. Vēlies uzzināt kādas ir rūpnieciski ražotu koka saliekamo māju priekšrocības?
Šajā blogā apskatīsim dažas no galvenajām priekšrocībām: https://www.ztc.lv/lv/noderigi/noderiga-informacija/rupnieciski-razotu-koka-panelu-maju-prieksrocibas-176/

Prefabricated wood panel houses are quickly gaining popularity as a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional stick-built homes. Thes...

ZTC has successfully completed the construction of a stunning private home in the heart of Ireland. With a spacious 200m...

ZTC has successfully completed the construction of a stunning private home in the heart of Ireland. With a spacious 200m² layout, the house features beautifully crafted CLT interiors, a seamless facade blending softwood and brick finishes, and hidden gutters for a sleek design.
The open layout, large windows, and custom wooden elements bring warmth and natural beauty to the space. Proud to have produced and assembled this home!
Stay tuned for more updates and customer feedback!
More about this project here: https://www.ztc.lv/en/portfolio/private-house-project-in-ireland-reference-81/

ZTC pabeidzis darbu pie skaista dizaina privātmājas būvniecības Īrijas vidienē. Pusotra stāva mājas kopējā platība ir 190m2 un tās iekšsienas apdarē izmantots CLT. Atvērtais plānojums un lielie logi piešķir mājai siltumu un dabiskumu.
Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem un klienta atsauksmēm!
Vairāk par projektu šeit: https://www.ztc.lv/lv/portfolio/privatmajas-projekts-irija-atsauksme-81/


Take a behind-the-scenes look at the wood panel house production cycle at ZTC. This video showcases ZTC’s advanced manufacturing techniques and sustainable practices, resulting in high-quality, eco-friendly wood panel houses. Ideal for those curious about modern construction innovations and sustainable housing solution.

Ieskatieties ZTC koka paneļu māju ražošanas cikla aizkulisēs. Šis video demonstrē ZTC progresīvās ražošanas metodes un ilgtspējības praksi, kā rezultātā tiek iegūtas augstas kvalitātes, videi draudzīgas koka paneļu mājas. Ideāli piemērots tiem, kurus interesē modernas būvniecības inovācijas un ilgtspējīgi mājokļu risinājumi.

ZTC has completed the construction of a garden office building in Oslo, Norway. The 50 m2 building has a unique finish o...

ZTC has completed the construction of a garden office building in Oslo, Norway. The 50 m2 building has a unique finish of the facade and roof, which uses Ruukki Cor-Ten 800 (stainless steel). This material gives the building an expressive, industrial look, which acquires a special shade over time, making it even more attractive.
Read more about the project here: https://www.ztc.lv/en/portfolio/garden-office-in-oslo-norway-80/

ZTC pabeidzis darbus pie dārza biroja ēkas būvniecības Oslo, Norvēģijā. 50 m2 lielajai ēkai ir unikālā fasādes un jumta apdare, kurā izmantots Ruukki Cor-Ten 800 (rūsējošais tērauds). Šis materiāls piešķir ēkai izteiksmīgu, industriālu izskatu, kas ar laiku iegūst īpašu nokrāsu, padarot to vēl pievilcīgāku.
Vairāk par proejektu šeit: https://www.ztc.lv/lv/portfolio/darza-birojs-oslo-norvegija-80/

Skates  labākā būve Latvijā 2023 apbalvošanas sarīkojumā ceturtdien, 22. augustā, Mežaparka Lielās estrādes Kokaru zālē ...

Skates labākā būve Latvijā 2023 apbalvošanas sarīkojumā ceturtdien, 22. augustā, Mežaparka Lielās estrādes Kokaru zālē godināja 38 pērn pabeigtos izcilākos būvobjektus astoņās nominācijās. Nominācijā “Koka būve” atzinību saņēma arī ZTC būvētā sarežģītā privātmāja Norvēģijā.
Liels gods un lepnums par paveikto darbu un izteikto atzinību no kompetentās žūrijas puses!


Our Clients Speak: The ZTC Experience from Sweden
In this video, we are excited to share testimonial from our valued client who discuss their experience of our collaboration. Hear directly from those who know us best and discover why ZTC is their trusted partner.
Full video you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSB6t-koPEc&t=2s

Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts on our clients' experiences or any questions you might have about our services. We'd love to hear from you!

For more information or to get in touch with our team, email us at [email protected]


Kunderna Berättar: Upplevelsen med ZTC från Sverige

I denna video är vi glada att dela med oss av ett vittnesmål från vår uppskattade kund som diskuterar sina erfarenheter av vårt samarbete. Hör direkt från dem som känner oss bäst och upptäck varför ZTC är deras pålitliga partner.

Hela videon kan du se här: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSB6t-koPEc&t=2s

Lämna en kommentar nedan och låt oss veta dina tankar om våra kunders upplevelser eller om du har några frågor om våra tjänster. Vi skulle gärna höra från dig!

För mer information eller för att komma i kontakt med vårt team, skicka ett e-postmeddelande till [email protected]


Ontdek het verhaal van een geweldige familie die samen met ZTC hun droomhuis bouwde


Discover the story of wonderful family who built their dream home with ZTC

ZTC šogad piedalās skatē Gada labākā būve Latvijā 2023 ar sarežģīto un interesanto privātmāju Norvēģijā. Lepojamies ar i...

ZTC šogad piedalās skatē Gada labākā būve Latvijā 2023 ar sarežģīto un interesanto privātmāju Norvēģijā. Lepojamies ar iekļūšanu finālā!

ZTC has completed the construction of a beautifully designed private house in the Netherlands, near the city of Nijmegen...

ZTC has completed the construction of a beautifully designed private house in the Netherlands, near the city of Nijmegen. The total area of the two-story house is 200m2. The design of the house is interesting not only in its shape, but also in the connection of the metal facade with an exclusive heat-treated ash facade finish. The building has a metal facade finish for both the roof and the facade.

More about this project here: https://www.ztc.lv/en/portfolio/private-house-project-in-the-netherlands-reference-assembling-video-79/

ZTC pabeidzis darbu pie skaista dizaina privātmājas būvniecības Nīderlandē, netālu no Nijmegen pilsētas. Divstāvu mājas kopējā platība ir 200m2. Māju dizainiski interesantu padara ne tikai tās forma, bet arī metāla fasādes savienojums ar ekskluzīvu termiski apstrādātu oša fasādes apdari. Būvei ir metāla fasādes apdare gan jumtam, gan fasādei.

Vairāk par šo projektu šeit : https://www.ztc.lv/lv/portfolio/privatmajas-projekts-niderlande-atsauksme-montazas-video-79/

ZTC has completed work on the construction of a complex private house in Norway, in the town of Son. The total area of t...

ZTC has completed work on the construction of a complex private house in Norway, in the town of Son. The total area of the three-story house is ~380 m2.
The biggest challenges are related to the main accent of the building - the projecting part of the building, which is intended for one support. Also, the challenge for prefabricated buildings is support structures with rounded edges, where precise cooperation between the assemblers of reinforced concrete structures and the assemblers of the wooden frame section is required.
Read more about the project here: https://www.ztc.lv/en/portfolio/private-house-project-in-norway-78/


ZTC employees visited Rob and Yvonne in the Netherlands, for whom we built a house in 2021. Thanks to them for showing us their beautiful home and giving us an insight into their collaboration with ZTC. As they said : “It's not common in builder society, but we have no points of discussions after the build”. Thank you Rob and Yvonne for good words! It was pleasant to work with you!
You can see their beautiful home on our website: https://www.ztc.lv/en/portfolio/innovative-clt-private-house-in-shertogenbosch-the-netherlands-reference-68/

Here you can see Rob's video of house montage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CNVYYUBX04


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Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00


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