A hobby is an activity, interest, enthusiasm , or pastime that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation. There are so many different hobbies, everyone can find the perfect one for your personality. Our life would be hard without rest and recreation. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste - you are lucky because your life becomes more interestin
g. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things. So.... What is my hobby? I create miracles from an ordinary yarn and a magic hook and needles every day. I crochet toys, hats, clothes and accessories. My handmades travel all over the world. There are in Australia, the USA, Mexico, France, Germany, Danmark, Russia and other countries. I really like what I do. There’s truly nothing like a relaxing day with hooks and yarn. I got a satisfaction when people evaluate my work. I would like my hobby will be my life's main activity because crocheting gives me that same sense of calm. It’s similar to colouring, in that it frees up your mind, helping you unconsciously solve problems.