Mysterious Morocco tours

Mysterious Morocco tours Mysterious Morocco Tours invite you to come to feel the essence of our culture, to know our way of l

one of the must beautiful mosques in the east of the Kingdom 🇲🇦 in the city of Oujda

one of the must beautiful mosques in the east of the Kingdom 🇲🇦 in the city of Oujda

Moroccan tajen

Moroccan tajen

Marruecos 🇲🇦🇲🇦la ciudad de Ouazzane, es una ciudad verde de Marruecos que tiene varias connotaciones históricas a lo lar...

Marruecos 🇲🇦🇲🇦la ciudad de Ouazzane, es una ciudad verde de Marruecos que tiene varias connotaciones históricas a lo largo del tiempo 🇲🇦

Morocco,🇲🇦🇲🇦💝Morocco has experienced centuries of different rulers, kingdoms, and cultural influences. From the ancient ...

Morocco has experienced centuries of different rulers, kingdoms, and cultural influences. From the ancient Berbers to the Muslim Arabs, Moors, and French, each ruler and culture left a legacy. This diverse history is often best represented in the Moroccan architecture, with intermingled styles found across the country, from Marrakesh to Casablanca. Where else can you see the ancient red clay Berber kasbahs, gaze up at the dazzling Islamic tiled domes and minarets, wander through Moorish white stucco facades and Andalusian gardens, and spot the Art Deco buildings left by the French… All in one country. We dive into the rich history of Moroccan architecture and discover how the country got its unique style.

The region constituting Morocco has been inhabited since the Paleolithic era over 300,000 years ago. The Idrisid dynasty...

The region constituting Morocco has been inhabited since the Paleolithic era over 300,000 years ago. The Idrisid dynasty was established by Idris I in 788 and was subsequently ruled by a series of other independent dynasties, reaching its zenith as a regional power in the 11th and 12th centuries, under the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties, when it controlled most of the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb.[18] Centuries of Arab migration to the Maghreb since the 7th century shifted the demographic scope of the region. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Morocco faced external threats to its sovereignty, with Portugal seizing some territory and the Ottoman Empire encroaching from the east. The Marinid and Saadi dynasties otherwise resisted foreign domination, and Morocco was the only North African nation to escape Ottoman dominion. The 'Alawi dynasty, which rules the country to this day, seized power in 1631, and over the next two centuries expanded diplomatic and commercial relations with the Western world. Morocco's strategic location near the mouth of the Mediterranean drew renewed European interest; in 1912, France and Spain divided the country into respective protectorates, reserving an international zone in Tangier. Following intermittent riots and revolts against colonial rule, in 1956, Morocco regained its independence and reunified.

Since independence, Morocco has remained relatively stable. It has the fifth-largest economy in Africa and wields significant influence in both Africa and the Arab world; it is considered a middle power in global affairs and holds membership in the Arab League, the Arab Maghreb Union, the Union for the Mediterranean, and the African Union.[19] Morocco is a unitary semi-constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament. The executive branch is led by the King of Morocco and the prime minister, while legislative power is vested in the two chambers of parliament: the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. Judicial power rests with the Constitutional Court, which may review the validity of laws, elections, and referendums.[20] The king holds vast executive and legislative powers, especially over the military, foreign policy and religious affairs; he can issue decrees called dahirs, which have the force of law, and can also dissolve the parliament after consulting the prime minister and the president of the constitutional court.

Morocco claims ownership of the non-self-governing territory of Western Sahara, which it has designated its Southern Provinces. In 1975, after Spain agreed to decolonise the territory and cede its control to Morocco and Mauritania, a guerrilla war broke out between those powers and some of the local inhabitants. In 1979, Mauritania relinquished its claim to the area, but the war continued to rage. In 1991, a ceasefire agreement was reached, but the issue of sovereignty remained unresolved. Today, Morocco occupies two-thirds of the territory, and efforts to resolve the dispute have thus far failed to break the political deadlock.

Casablanca, Morocco      An ornate mosaic fountain inside the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca.Casablanca’s Hassan II Mosq...

Casablanca, Morocco An ornate mosaic fountain inside the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca.
Casablanca’s Hassan II Mosque.
The Hassan II Mosque or Grand Mosque is located in Casablanca and is the biggest and most beautiful mosque in Morocco. It’s also the only mosque in the country that non-Muslims can visit, and it’s definitely worth a stop in Casablanca – even if you’re just going to go on a tour of the building.

Chefchaouen Morocco Travel

Chefchaouen Morocco Travel

Ruta4h 53minde CasablancaChefchaouen, o Chauen, es una ciudad situada en las montañas del Rif, en la zona noroeste de Ma...

4h 53min
de Casablanca
Chefchaouen, o Chauen, es una ciudad situada en las montañas del Rif, en la zona noroeste de Marruecos. Es conocida por los espectaculares edificios azules de diferentes tonalidades de su casco antiguo, así como por sus callejuelas empedradas e inclinadas, repletas de telares y marroquinerías. En la sombreada plaza principal, Uta el Hammam, se encuentran los muros rojos de la casba, una fortaleza y mazmorra del siglo XV con exposiciones etnográficas y obras de arte. El alminar octagonal de la Gran Mezquita se alza cerca de allí. Morocco Travel

¡Saludos EN VIVO desde el fascinante desierto de Marruecos! Nuestro recorrido por Marruecos Eterno nos ha transportado a...

¡Saludos EN VIVO desde el fascinante desierto de Marruecos!

Nuestro recorrido por Marruecos Eterno nos ha transportado a un mundo de ciudades antiguas, ricas tradiciones e ilimitadas dunas de arena.
Nuestra aventura comenzó en la bulliciosa ciudad de Casablanca donde nos recibieron los colores vibrantes de los zocos y los ecos del llamado a la oración. Los palacios y jardines históricos de la ciudad permitieron vislumbrar el pasado real de Marruecos.

Hemos viajado a través de las escarpadas montañas del Atlas, parando en pintorescos pueblos bereberes a lo largo del camino. A medida que nos acercábamos al Sahara, los paisajes cambiaban de exuberantes valles a dunas doradas.

Como puedes ver, lo más destacado de nuestro viaje hasta ahora fue aventurarnos en el corazón del desierto del Sahara a lomos de un camello. A medida que el sol se hundía en el horizonte, nos maravillamos ante los colores siempre cambiantes de la arena. Nuestra noche en un tradicional campamento en el desierto bajo un manto de estrellas fue realmente inolvidable.

Dejando atrás el desierto, exploramos la encantadora ciudad de Ouarzazate, conocida como el "Hollywood de Marruecos" por sus estudios de cine y kasbahs. De regreso a Marrakech, volvemos a visitar su bulliciosa medina, nos deleitamos con deliciosos tajines y exploramos las complejidades de la artesanía marroquí.

Nuestra gira Timeless Marruecos pronto llegará a su fin, pero los recuerdos permanecerán con nosotros para siempre. Desde las interminables dunas del Sahara hasta las ciudades históricas, hemos experimentado la diversa belleza de Marruecos.

Sahara desert 🏜️      Morocco Travel

Sahara desert 🏜️ Morocco Travel

Sáhara desert 🏜️

Sáhara desert 🏜️

🇲🇦History and geography of Morocco🇲🇦 Morocco is a crossroads between Europe and Africa, bordered by the waters of the Me...

🇲🇦History and geography of Morocco🇲🇦

Morocco is a crossroads between Europe and Africa, bordered by the waters of the Mediterranean and open to the immensity of the Atlantic. It is the "country of the far west", a destination full of contrasts, with two millennia of history and that is worth discovering.

In these lands where influences converge, you will discover the vestiges of the greatest Mediterranean civilizations: in the north of the country rise the Roman ruins of Volubilis; in Rabat, some architectural remains bear witness to the former French presence. The treasures of the Muslim civilizations are everywhere waiting for you to discover them: the Kasbah of the Oudayas, the green expanses of the Menara gardens... throughout the country there are examples of the liberality of the dynasties that followed one another. .

The landscapes are not far behind either. Both on the coast and in the mountains, with its territory exposed to all the variety of Mediterranean climates and at the gates of the Sahara, Morocco offers magnificent panoramic views that you can enjoy and that you will enjoy touring. Morocco is a select destination that combines varied and charming landscapes with the richness of a heterogeneous culture.

Although faithful to its traditions, Morocco also offers you all the advantages of a modern society.
Morocco is a country totally oriented towards the future that has known how to preserve its customs and make its cultural legacy prosper, valuing them as engines of development. The city of Marrakech is a perfect example: the Medina neighborhood and its souks retain that incomparable charm of yesteryear, while the Guéliz and Hivernage neighborhoods offer you the most modern facilities and infrastructure. Instead of contradicting each other, modernity and tradition come together to constitute Morocco's true potential.
Thus, as a visitor, you can enjoy all the advantages and pleasures of modernity. Regarding accommodation, Morocco has a wide variety of hotels for all budgets, owned by large international groups, and also has the most outstanding ready-to-wear firms that settle in the ideal environment of this country in the midst of development.
Morocco also seeks to avoid the traps of modernity, particularly as far as the environment is concerned, promoting responsible tourism with the land and local populations. Morocco, creator of a responsible tourism charter and member of COP22, is at the forefront in the preservation of our planet.
📨[email protected]
Whatsapp +212 0664-901875

Erg Chigaga (or Erg Chegaga, Berber: ⴻⵔⴳ ⵛⴳⵉⴳⴰ, Arabic: عرق شقاق or Edaya el-Hamra, Arabic: الضاية الحمراء) is the large...

Erg Chigaga (or Erg Chegaga, Berber: ⴻⵔⴳ ⵛⴳⵉⴳⴰ, Arabic: عرق شقاق or Edaya el-Hamra, Arabic: الضاية الحمراء) is the largest and still untouched of the major ergs in Morocco, the other is Erg Chebbi near Merzouga.

This erg made of beautiful dunes is located in the Drâa-Tafilalet area about 45 km west of the small rural oasis town of M'Hamid El Ghizlane, itself located about 98 km south of the town of Zagora. Some dunes are over 50m above the surrounding landscape and with an area of approximately 35 km by 15 km, it is the largest and wildest erg of Morocco.

The north border is represented by Djebel Bani, the east border is represented by M'Hamid Hammada. At south-east it is located the Erg Smar adjacent to Erg Ezzahar. At west it is located the Iriki Lake, a dried lake now set Iriqui National Park since 1994.

Because it is relatively difficult to access, Erg Chigaga remains significantly less visited than Erg Chebbi. For this reason Erg Chigaga is considered more romantic and overall reputed a beloved set by purists and artists like landscape painters and fineart photographers.

Starting from the oasis of M'Hamid El Ghizlane it is possible to reach the dunes area, by off-road vehicle, by camel and by off-road motorbike along an old caravan trail, however the approach route is not obvious and unless you have a GPS navigation system and relevant waypoints you are advised to engage a local guide.
📨[email protected]

Ksar of Ait-Ben-HaddouThe ksar, a group of earthen buildings surrounded by high walls, is a traditional pre-Saharan habi...

Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou
The ksar, a group of earthen buildings surrounded by high walls, is a traditional pre-Saharan habitat. The houses crowd together within the defensive walls, which are reinforced by corner towers. Ait-Ben-Haddou, in Ouarzazate province, is a striking example of the architecture of southern Morocco.

10 Days Tour Discover Morocco From CasablancaDAY 1 : Arrival To CasablanaPick up at Mohamed V airport and transfer to ho...

10 Days Tour Discover Morocco From Casablanca

DAY 1 : Arrival To Casablana
Pick up at Mohamed V airport and transfer to hotel. Depending on arrival time opportunity to visit the Mosque of Hassan II, Dinner and overnight at Hotel/Riad.

We went to the town red and free day to reach out to explore Marrakech’s famous red city., Visit the immense souk, and plunge into the lively Djemaa El Fna, in the heart of ancient Morocco. Be captivated by the dancers, snake trainers, jugglers, narrators, singers. Take orange juice in front of the numerous workshops Night Hotel/Riad.

Departure from Marrakech in the morning, acrossing High Atlas mountains via the Tizi n’Tichka (2260m), to reach to Ait benhaddou village, the fortified ksar with its beautiful Kasbahs. Ait Benhaddou has served as a natural scenery for many movies producers. After lunch we will head to Dades via Ouarzazate, palm grove of Skoura and Valley of Roses , where we will spend the first night. The valley we are driving through was an important road for the caravans of traders. We continue along the stunningly beautiful road to Ait Ben Haddou where we have lunch. This is the most famous fortified Kasbah in Southern Morocco and is listed by UNESCO world heritage site. After lunch, we visit the Kasbah. This has been used as the backdrop for many Hollywood films. Then to Ouarzazate or African Hollywood as many actors call this small city. Here you can also visit some movie studios and Taourirt Kasbah, the entry fees are not included. In the afternoon, head onward with your guide to the oasis at Skoura. Pause to admire the lush, green palm trees rising like a mirage in the dry desert, then continue on along the Dadès River through deep gorges, where the ruins of ancient kasbahs lie among traditional Berber villages. Drive along the Valley of the Roses, then to Dades Valley by the road of 1000 Kasbah’s to get to hotel in Dades Gorge (Riad du Dades).

Departure will be after breakfast to visit Dades gorges, taking the road of 1000 kasbahs drive around the colourful Berber villages of the Dades valley. to get to Tineghir with it’s beautiful palm grove. We will continue to the Gorge of Todgha , where we go on a trek along the canyons of about 300 m high, a preferred place of mountain climbers. Afterwards we will head to Erg chebbi dunes in Merzouga Sahara desert and you will have time for lunch on our way. Overnight in the Hotel in a peaceful setting at the foothills of Erg chebbi sahara dunes. With traditional music from local nomads to entertain you, enjoy dinner and an evening under the stars before retiring to bed.
After breakfast in your Riad or Hotel around 8 AM meet your driver at the pier and start your drive along the magnificent Atlantic coast, past sandy beaches and fishermen villages. Upon arrival in Asilah, you will notice Roman, Portuguese and Spanish influences from the town’s architecture. The laid back town of Asilah is well known in Morocco for its many artists, white washed houses and cultural life. You will visit the Raisoul Palace and an early 20th Century building still used as a palace. From here you will proceed to the Medina, famous for its 15th Century Portuguese ramparts and white washed houses with blue and green shutters, forming a delightful seaside walk. Visit the Souks before heading to a local restaurant where you will taste one of the seafood specialties that Asilah is known for. Our guide will make sure you reach your chosen Riad or Hotel in Casablanca.

After an early breakfast in your riad, we will drive you to Casablanca airport for your flight back home. Your Casablanca Sahara Tours end at the airport.

Pick up & drop off from hotel
Private transfers in A/C vehicle
English speaking driver
Camel trekking
Night in hotels and in Sahara desert camp
Dinners/breakfast as per itinerary
Not Include
Lunches, beverages
Entry fees for museums, sites
Flight tickets to and from Morocco
What is not included in program

NOTE : This private Morocco tour can be modified depends on your requirements. Contact us for more details.

🏜️Sahara desert 🏜️

🏜️Sahara desert 🏜️

4 Days From Marrakech To Sahara DesertOur tours are available from all the cities of Morocco; Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez...

4 Days From Marrakech To Sahara Desert

Our tours are available from all the cities of Morocco; Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez, Rabat, Agadir, and Tanger, Ouarzazate, Merzouga, and Zagora, from & around all parts of the country. Our drivers/guides are ready to meet you greet, and pick you from the Port, Airport, Train Bus station or your Accommodation in Morocco. Camel Trekking Experience is offering you very relaxing, comfortable, and easy trips with 4wd car, van, or minibus. If you have a longer vacation we recommend you choose a longer package to see the most beautiful Moroccan areas


We will start exploring Marrakesh, the red city of Morocco, also known as the pearl of the south. Our guide/ driver will ensure that we see the most important places of historical and cultural interest: the Saadien tombs, the palaces of El Bahia and El Badi, and the Ben Youssef Coranique school. in the afternoon visit the gardens at Majorelle, the Menara and the Koutoubia tower,and get you back to your hotel or riad where the end of our service

Map Tour

Our Program Tour Itinerary:

Explore Morocco in private tour from Marrakech and spend unforgettable moments in Sahara desert. Our Marrakech private tours includes transfer in a comfortable vehicle 4WD Toyota Land Cruiser, or bus, van, with excellent speaking your language local guide or driver. We offer you a authentic Berber culture tour to explore genuine Morocco culture. Depends on your requirements and budget, our private Marrakech tour starts anytime and anywhere to explore Morocco.

DAY 1 : Marrakech – Ouarzazate – Boumalne -Dades Valley.

Your driver will meet you at your riad or hotel at 8 AM. Departure to Ouarzazate through Tizi-n-Tichka Col (2600 Mitre) Altitude, we’ll stop for lunch in Ouarzazate with a visit to Taourirt Kasbah, (with the kasbah guide). Then we continue to Boumalne, Berber village with a green valley and panoramic views. We will visit Dades gorges before going to the hotel for dinner and night.

DAY 2 : Dades Gorges – Todra Gorges – Tinjdad – Dunes of Merzouga (Erg Chebbi)

After breakfast, we will leave Dades gorges and lead to Tinghir, Palm Grove and the Jewish Quarter. We arrived Todgha Gorges there we will take a walking tour amid canyons height of 300 m above sea level, we stop for lunch in the village of Tinjdad before continuing to the desert of Erg Chebbi, in the middle of the sand dunes which you will be received in the Berber tents with cup of tea and Gnawa music folklore. We will take dinner near the town fire with fire stocks and sleep in the Berber tent.

DAY 3 : Camel trekking sunrise – guided desert trip

Let’s wake up before dawn to Sunrise Camel excursions to the top of the sand dunes, we will not take fantastic photos of the sunrise before returning for breakfast at the hotel, preparing for the trip special desert. Let’s start our trip back to Lake Yasmina. a Scenic lake between the sand dunes and black rocks of the desert. We will keep a small palm grove scenario where a small Berber village called TISSARDMINE, Where marine animals is fossiles 100 million years old, from there we will drive to Khamlia (village blacks), known as gnawa city. There are black people have their house for the formation of the music of their own culture, we will have a visit with a cup of tea include in your home and enjoy a break from the dance music. Then we will go for our pre-booked lunch in a small traditional restaurant, before ending our trip with a visit to a nomadic family, who live with their sheep, goats and chickens. They preferred to live there because of the green grass and water for their animals and the quiet life, away from the noise of the city, we will find them and take a sit in the shop is made of camel wool. Back for the shower in the hotel and relax before going to dinner in the hotel restaurant. Night in the rooms.

DAY 4 : Erg Chebbi – Rissani – Erfoud – Ouarzazate – Ait Ben Haddou – Marrakech.

After breakfast, we will go to Ouarzazate through Rissani and Erfoud (fossil and dates fruits of capital). 3 hours driving before arriving in Ouarzazate, we will not stop for lunch and a visit to the movie studio that is known as the Hollywood of Africa. We will continue leading the world heritage site of Ait Benhaddou, as it has been named by UNESCO in 1987, we will have a walking tour with your guide, before proceeding to Marrakech through Tizi-n-Tichka col. Marrakech arrive at 7 PM and take you to your hotel or riad where we will finish the tour with the best and unforgettable memories


Pick up & drop off from hotel

Private transfers in A/C vehicle

English speaking driver

Camel trekking

Night in hotels and in Sahara desert camp

Dinners/breakfast as per itinerary

Not Include

Lunches, beverages

Entry fees for museums, sites

Flight tickets to and from Morocco

What is not included in program

NOTE : This private Morocco tour can be modified depends on your requirements. Contact us for more details.
📩 [email protected]

3 Days From Marrakech To MerzougaOur tours are available from all the cities of Morocco; Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez, Rab...

3 Days From Marrakech To Merzouga

Our tours are available from all the cities of Morocco; Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez, Rabat, Agadir, and Tanger, Ouarzazate, Merzouga, and Zagora, from & around all parts of the country. Our drivers/guides are ready to meet you greet, and pick you from the Port, Airport, Train Bus station or your Accommodation in Morocco. Camel Trekking Experience is offering you very relaxing, comfortable, and easy trips with 4wd car, van, or minibus. If you have a longer vacation we recommend you choose a longer package to see the most beautiful Moroccan areas

We will start exploring Marrakesh, the red city of Morocco, also known as the pearl of the south. Our guide/ driver will ensure that we see the most important places of historical and cultural interest: the Saadien tombs, the palaces of El Bahia and El Badi, and the Ben Youssef Coranique school. in the afternoon visit the gardens at Majorelle, the Menara and the Koutoubia tower,and get you back to your hotel or riad where the end of our service
After have a late breakfast , we will set off the hotel at 8:30 am and head towards Sahara Desert Erg Chebbi. We will have a stops in Tinghir to take pictures; is absolutely fabulous place with beautiful palm trees, before arriving at Todgha Gorge, where we will have a 20 minutes of a walk between cliffs approximately 2400 metres high. It is a great place for rock climbing. We will have a delicious lunch before arriving at the Sahara desert where you will enjoy the beauty of the sand dunes and landscapes. Later on, you will have a tea in the hotel before ride camels in the Sahara desert. The night will be spent in the middle of the Sahara Desert in Berber tents enjoying the brilliance of the stars at night, and the gorgeous sunset.

We wake up early morning to enjoy the sunrise over the dunes of Erg Chebbi, one the best moment of Merzouga desert, after you will be followed by a delicious breakfast in the bivouac of Merzouga, then you will ride camels back to meet your staff and start your journey back from Merzouga dunes to Marrakech via Tazarine and the Draa valley, Agdz and Ouarzazate city. You will have free time for lunch on the way before you will continue to Marrakech, where your tour from Marrakech to Merzouga ends. You will cross again the Tizi n’Tichka pass and Atlas the Berber villages between Ouarzazate and Marrakech.

Pick up & drop off from hotel
Private transfers in A/C vehicle
English speaking driver
Camel trekking
Night in hotels and in Sahara desert camp
Dinners/breakfast as per itinerary
Not Include
Lunches, beverages
Entry fees for museums, sites
Flight tickets to and from Morocco
What is not included in program
NOTE : This private Morocco tour can be modified depends on your requirements. Contact us for more details.
📩[email protected]
Whatsapp 0664-901875

❤️Casablanca, Morocco❤️

❤️Casablanca, Morocco❤️

Our tours are available from all the cities of Morocco; Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez, Rabat, Agadir, and Tanger, Ouarzazat...

Our tours are available from all the cities of Morocco; Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez, Rabat, Agadir, and Tanger, Ouarzazate, Merzouga, and Zagora, from & around all parts of the country. Our drivers/guides are ready to meet you greet, and pick you from the Port, Airport, Train Bus station or your Accommodation in Morocco. Camel Trekking Experience is offering you very relaxing, comfortable, and easy trips with 4wd car, van, or minibus. If you have a longer vacation we recommend you choose a longer package to see the most beautiful Moroccan areas more ...
+212 0664-901875

5 Days From Casablanca To Marrakech Via MerzougaOur tours are available from all the cities of Morocco; Casablanca, Marr...

5 Days From Casablanca To Marrakech Via Merzouga
Our tours are available from all the cities of Morocco; Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez, Rabat, Agadir, and Tanger, Ouarzazate, Merzouga, and Zagora, from & around all parts of the country. Our drivers/guides are ready to meet you greet, and pick you from the Port, Airport, Train Bus station or your Accommodation in Morocco. Camel Trekking Experience is offering you very relaxing, comfortable, and easy trips with 4wd car, van, or minibus. If you have a longer vacation we recommend you choose a longer package to see the most beautiful Moroccan areas more ...
📩 [email protected]

Whatsapp +212 0664-901875

History of MoroccoThe history of human habitation in Morocco spans since the Lower Paleolithic, with the earliest known ...

History of Morocco
The history of human habitation in Morocco spans since the Lower Paleolithic, with the earliest known being Jebel Irhoud. Much later Morocco was part of Iberomaurusian culture, including Taforalt. It dates from the establishment of Mauretania and other ancient Berber kingdoms, to the establishment of the Moroccan state by the Idrisid dynasty[1] followed by other Islamic dynasties, through to the colonial and independence periods.

Archaeological evidence has shown that the area was inhabited by hominids at least 400,000 years ago.[2] The recorded history of Morocco begins with the Phoenician colonization of the Moroccan coast between the 8th and 6th centuries BCE,[3] although the area was inhabited by indigenous Berbers for some two thousand years before that. In the 5th century BCE, the city-state of Carthage extended its hegemony over the coastal areas.[4] They remained there until the late 3rd century BCE,[5] while the hinterland was ruled by indigenous monarchs.[4] Indigenous Berber monarchs ruled the territory from the 3rd century BCE until 40 CE, when it was annexed to the Roman Empire. In the mid-5th century CE, it was overrun by Vandals, before being recovered by the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century.

The region was conquered by the Muslims in the early 8th century CE, but broke away from the Umayyad Caliphate after the Berber Revolt of 740. Half a century later, the Moroccan state was established by the Idrisid dynasty.[6][1] The Saadi dynasty ruled the country from 1549 to 1659, followed by the Alaouites from 1667 onwards, who have since been the ruling dynasty of Morocco.[7][8][9]

How to visit Ait Ben Haddou on your ownAit Ben Haddou, is divided into two parts: the old city (which would be the famou...

How to visit Ait Ben Haddou

on your own
Ait Ben Haddou, is divided into two parts: the old city (which would be the famous ksar) and the new city, with several options for accommodation and restaurants.

It is located about 30 km from Ouarzazate, at the southern end of the Ounila Valley, which crosses a picturesque landscape on the way to Marrakech, and passes through the beautiful Telouet Kasbah.

A few years ago part of the road was a dirt track, but now it is all paved and in perfect condition. So we believe that it is the best route to reach Air Ben Haddou.

The old citadel is separated from the new city by the river Ounila. To get to its feet you will have to cross the river on foot (don’t worry that the level is usually low or null, there is also a bridge).

First you can park your car in a parking lot next to the Hotel La Kasbah, or simply on the main road of the new town. When we visited in September, the river was a tiny trickle in the morning and was directly dry in the afternoon. There are two areas to cross the river:

Across the relatively newly built bridge (pedestrian only). It is behind the mosque.
Going down the alleyway to the restaurant La Terrazza and from there jumping over the sacks on the river, or using the stones. If it’s dry you have nothing to worry about.
But first you have to know that there are 3 entrances to cross the ancient walls:

The first one and the one we used was the one from the new bridge. It is on the left side.
The second one is more or less in the middle of ksar, and it goes through the most impressive constructions. It is just after the sacks in the river.
The third one is also after crossing the river by the sacks, but turning right afterwards. There is a path next to a small oasis and you reach an entrance corridor.
In theory the entrance is free, although we were told that it depends on where you enter. If you go through the central entrance, you will pass by a private house and they will ask you for some money (or so they told us at the reception of the hostel).

We entered through the access of the new bridge (first entrance) and left through the one on the right (third entrance) and nobody asked us for anything. We don’t know 100% if the access from the center or even the one on the right is paid.

Once inside the walls, Ait Ben Haddou appears as a set of cobblestone streets, with small houses on both sides, mostly uninhabited, and flights of stairs. It is not a maze, just keep in mind that first you have to go pulling up, to reach the agadir that crowns the citadel, and then down and out, if possible by other streets and another different door.

Kasbah Ait Ben Haddou, Morocco
Among its small houses you will surely see some that stand out from the others: in total there must be about 6 kasbahs (some can be visited, 10 dirhams entrance), some museum, but above all shops where they keep their material or use it as an exhibition.

Of course there are also souvenir stores (the drawings made with tea and saffron are very beautiful and change color when heat is applied are very beautiful!)

From the top of the hill you will have wonderful views of the region, although the best views are those offered by the mountain just in front. You can climb it from a small path that starts next to the third entrance, and it is the ideal place to watch the sunset in front of Ait Ben Haddou.

How to visit Ait Ben Haddou in organized tour
There are both excursions that take you and bring you from Marrakech in the day, as other several days also from Marrakech in which they visit the most important points of this area south of the Atlas.

These are the tours we recommend:

Visit of Ait Ben Haddou and Ouarzazate of 1 day
2 days tour: Ait Ben Haddou, Draa Valley and night in the desert of Erg Chegaga.
3 days tour: Ait Ben Haddou, Ouarzazate, Dades and Todra Valleys and night in Erg Chebbi desert.
4 days tour: Ait Ben Haddou, Ouarzazate, Dades and Todra Valleys, night in the desert of Erg Chebbi, Berber villages and Draa Valley.
Where to sleep in Ait Ben Haddou
We recommend that you stay overnight in the small village of Ait Ben Haddou to contemplate the old ksar both at sunset from the mountain and to visit it during the next morning.

We stayed at the La Baraka Hostel, which has modest rooms but all the comforts.

There are other Riads more pijetes in the surroundings, for larger budgets.

Where to eat in Ait Ben Haddou
We wanted to go to the Italian restaurant on La Terrazza, mostly to enjoy its clean views of Ait Ben Haddou, but the menu threw us back (pizzas and pastas from 150 dirhams).

So we opted for the Moroccan option and we took a huge and delicious menu at the restaurant and hostel Valentine (110 and 120 dirhams, with salad or soup, main, fruit and tea). The terrace is also very nice and the man very majete.

We hope that these tips will help you in your visit to Ait Ben Haddou, the most famous and best preserved ksar in Morocco.




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