May the creator accept the sacrifice and save us from sin. Lets take care of our planet and #GoReusable to show our gratitude for this beautiful house that was gifted to us.
#DailyBottle #EidAlAdha #Morocco #Rabat
By choosing for a sustainable drinkingbottle you can avoid around 2 single use bottles a day. Choose your favorite Bottle they can be customized and always with you on the go.
#DailyBottle #JoinThePipe #Refill #Reuse #Reduce #ReusableBottles #Sugarcane #Design #LiveStyle #Vibes #OwnTheGame #BioPlastic #Rabat #Morocco #ZeroWaste
#GoReusable. It's a Way of Life 🌎
Making the switch to reusable drinking bottles is one of the best ways we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. Lets adopt a whole new mindset.
Going reusable is a lifestyle choice that benefits our planet in so many ways. It reduces waste, conserves natural resources, and cuts down on the energy and emissions associated with producing disposable items.
So let's make the shift together. #GoReusable, with #JoinThePipe a small swab that can make a big difference. A new way of life. Our Earth will thank you.
#DailyBottle #JoinThePipe #TapWater #CircularEconomy #GreenerMorocco #MarocVert #GoReusable #SDG2030 #INC24 #CO2Negative #SustainableLifestyle #PlasticFreeJourney #ZeroWaste #Refill #Reuse #Reduce #Rabat #Vibes #Mindset #ThePowerIsYours
Stay hydrated with #JoinThePipe #CityWater and reduce single use plastic waste.
#DailyBottle #JoinThePipe #CityWater #Refill #Reuse #Reduce #SustainableTourism #MoroccoTravel #ZeroWasteVibes #EcoFriendly #SayNoToSingleUsePlastic #Rabat #MarocVert #Sugarcane #Sdgs #Co2Negative #YourSustainableChoice #weLoveOurPlanet
Your sustainable event. That sounds like an excellent idea. The Join the Pipe refill stations and sustainable drinking bottles contribute to reducing waste and promoting environmental awareness. These drinking bottles are ideal for personalizing with the logo of your sustainable event.
#DailyBottle #JoinThePipe #Refill #Reuse #Reduce #RefillStations #Events #ZeroWaste #Hospitality #TapWater #ReusableBottles #Morocco #GoReusable #EcoFriendly
The tension rises. Share with us no later than Tuesday, January 30, a text, photo or video in which your sports club shows in a creative way why your sports club should win a Join the Pipe refil station.
#dailybottle #jointhepipe #citywater #win #refillstation #dimamaghreb #keephydrated #tapwater #sustainablemorocco #zerowastevibes #morocco #africacupofnations #sportclub #welovefootball #goreusable #sustainabledevelopment #ThePowerIsYours #letstakepollutiondowntozero #saynotosingleuseplastic #ecotourismmorocco
"Join the Pipe City Water", la boisson la plus durable au monde. Eau du robinet d'origine locale (purifiée) dans une bouteille biosourcée réutilisable.
#dailybottle #jointhepipe #leaupotable #citywater #villedurable #bouteilledurable #marocdurable #evenement #ecotourism
Faites la promotion de votre ville avec le City bouteilles de "Join de Pipe" gavees avec l'horizon de la ville. Alternative ideale aux bouteilles a usage unique pour réduire les dechets plastiques tout en proposant un beau souvenir aux touristes sejournant la ville. les bouteilles sont fabriquées en plastic vegetal aux Pays Bas et peuvent être facilement personaliseer avec un logo.
#dailybottle #jointhepipe #citywater #beatplasticpollution #moroccodurable #tourisme #ecocity #envirement #leaupotable #plasticvegetal #durable #ecobouteille #skyline #citybottle #style #disign #bouteillepersonnalisée
Daily Bottle souhaite à tous un Joyeux Noël 🎅
#dailybottle #jointhepipe #joyeuxnoël #MerryChristmasToAll #newyeariscoming #durable #imgreen #eaupotablepourtous
Et si on devrait la décrire en trois mots:
Responsable, durable et indispensable 👌🏻🌱
#Jointhepipe #dailybottle #Maroc #durable #imgreen #gourderéutilisable
Copenhagen ✨
Portant le nom de la capitale et la plus grande ville du Danemark 🇩🇰
La gourde Copenhagen, nous fait voyager avec ses gravures dans son cœur historique
Disponible en noir et blanc, avec anneau en plusieurs coloris !
#Jointhepipe #dailybottle #Maroc #durable #imgreen #gourderéutilisable #gourdecopenhagen