Tangier Travel VIP

Tangier Travel  VIP TANGIER TRAVEL is an Incoming Tour Operator based in Tangier Morocco.

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Avec Costas y Paisajes. Mayorista de viajes. – Je viens d’être reconnu(e) comme l’un(e) de ses fans montant(e)s ! 🎉



According to the Greek myth, Tangier is named after “Tingis” wife of Antaois son of Poseidon the Olympian God of the sea, earthquakes, floods, droughts, and horses and the goddess of the Earth Gaia. It is believed the Europe and Africa were one continent. A fierce fight between Hercules and Antaois divided the two continents and that’s how the Hercules cave was made. Tangier is the meeting point between the Mediterranean Sea, the European continent, and the African continent.

This important strategic position enabled it to be the center of the transit and exchange of civilizations for thousands of years. The remains of the old buildings and the archaeological sites in Tangiers and its region take multiple forms. Romans, Andalusians, Europeans, Phoenicians, Carthaginians… were all here!

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La mezcla de los aromas de diferentes especias es uno de los olores típicos de Marruecos, lo percibes al recorrer zocos, medinas y puestos callejeros.

Marruecos cuenta con una increíble variedad de especias que, además, disfrutas en la exquisita gastronomía marroquí.

Marruecos despierta todos los sentidos dejando recuerdos únicos😍🌏✈🌹💯.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


Welcome to Morocco:

Morocco is an ancient, mysterious and breathtakingly beautiful country that will seduce the senses. It is a land of contrasts: ancient and modern, Arab and Berber, European and African. The picturesque and isolated Berber villages of the High Atlas Mountains, the dramatic gorges and the desert seem untouched by time.

In cities like imperial Fes, coastal Essaouira and magical Marrakech the medieval intricacies of the medinas go hand in hand with fashionable rooftop bars and chic renovated riads. Join us on our cooking holidays in Morocco for an experience of a lifetime.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


Visit the Blue City – Chefchaouen:

While all Moroccan cities are bursting with historical tales to tell, Chefchaouen has a charm none other regions in the country have. Teeming with white-washed buildings and blue alleys, the Blue City has a rich past as it was the place where Muslims and Jews migrated to from Europe in the 15th century to escape persecution. Due to this, you will find a lot of Muslim and Jewish cultures in the area.

The mosques in this part of Morocco are nothing short of old architectural wonders where locals congregate daily for prayers. You can hear the call to prayer (known as adhaan) and witness the daily prayer congregations in Chefchaouen to see Moroccan life up-close.

If you want to check out the authentic Moroccan life, you can head to the Ras el Ma Spring, the main source of water in the Blue City, where the townspeople come to wash their clothes and take water for everyday use.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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Ride a Camel in the Sahara Desert

You have not experienced the real Morocco if you don’t go on a camel ride in the Sahara. Travellers ride camels to get through the sandy desert dunes to get to nearby towns, such as Ouarzazate, where they spend time with the locals and listen to Moroccan folk tales and music.

This experience allows you to be around the indigenous community and see the local life first-hand. Since the villages around the Sahara Desert are mostly small and secluded, they still hold on to their cultural roots. Because of that, visitors get to live or at least see Moroccan life.

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Gnawa music:

Gnawa music, also known as Gnawa or Gnawi, is a form of spiritual music originating from West Africa, which was introduced to Morocco in the 15th century by sub-Saharan slaves. Over the centuries, this music has evolved to become an important element of Moroccan culture.

The Gnawas are a Moroccan ethnic community of sub-Saharan origin who have been historically marginalized and discriminated against. They created their own music to maintain their cultural and spiritual traditions. Gnawa music is therefore intimately linked to the culture and identity of the Gnawas.

Gnawa music is a fusion of sub-Saharan African music and Arabic and Berber music. It is characterized by hypnotic rhythms, powerful percussion and captivating vocals. Traditional instruments of Gnawa music include the guembri, a bass-like stringed instrument, the qaraqeb, a metallic percussion instrument, and the tbal, a large drum.

Gnawa music is often played during spiritual ceremonies called lilas, which are religious events that celebrate the saints of Islam. Lila ceremonies are led by Gnawa masters called mâalems, who sing and play music to enter a spiritual trance and reach a state of connection with the afterlife.

Over the years, Gnawa music began to gain popularity beyond the Gnawa community, attracting music fans from around the world. Gnawa music festivals have been established, such as the Festival Gnawa et Musiques du Monde d'Essaouira, which attract artists and music fans from all over the world.

Today, Gnawa music is considered an important element of Moroccan cultural heritage and has been included on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2019. Gnawa music continues to evolve and expand. adapt to contemporary influences, while maintaining its link with the history and culture of the Gnawa community.

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The town of Kelaat M'Gouna, in the Tinghir region of Morocco, is probably best known for the Rose Festival, which celebrates the harvest of rose petals in May each year. Kelaat M'Gouna, also known as El-Kelaa, is home to the country's largest manufacturers of rose water and rose oil - products widely used in perfumes, beauty products and cooking Moroccan traditional. Visitors to the manufacturers can purchase rose water and other rose-scented products, knowing that it takes up to three tons of rose petals to produce one liter of rose water.
Starting from the city and heading north into the M'Goun Valley, visitors will meander through the magnificent Valley of Roses, with its seemingly endless rows of damask roses that bloom in April and produce the most intense and distinctive rose scent . Some 4,000 tonnes of rose petals are harvested each year from 4,200 kilometers of rose bushes. The Damascus rose was brought to Kelaat M’Gouna by the French in 1938, with the first rose water distillery opening shortly after.

Roses have long been prized for their fragrance, medicinal and food value. The Romans, Greeks and Phoenicians of the time cultivated large rose gardens, on the same scale as orchards and field crops. Rose oil is extracted from rose petals through steam distillation, with rose water being a byproduct of this process. Rose water is also used in religious rituals by Muslims, Hindus and the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christianity.

The three-day Rose Festival in Kelaat M’Gouna enjoys the support of local residents and is a popular tourist attraction. Celebrations include traditional Berber foods, music and dancing, and a street parade with brightly colored floats covered in paper roses. The festival's elected Rose Queen travels on one of the floats and the parade includes Berber dances with female dancers accompanied by male drummers as they make their way down the main street. This very festive occasion is a good reason to travel to this spectacular region of Morocco in May.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


Campamento en el desierto:

Icónico, legendario, mundialmente famoso... el desierto del Sahara es un lugar reconocido a nivel mundial. Increíblemente, incomprensible, casi increíblemente inmenso, este paisaje gigantesco se extiende por diez países y representa el 31% de todo el continente africano. Tema de mil historias, leyendas, poemas y novelas, el Sahara ha capturado la imaginación de la humanidad durante siglos. Pase una noche acampando bajo las estrellas en este lugar mágico, rodeado de imponentes dunas de arena y la inquietante belleza del desierto.

En nuestros recorridos, acampamos en un campamento tradicional bereber en el desierto. Los bereberes fueron los habitantes originales del norte de África, un pueblo preárabe cuyos descendientes aún residen en la región en la actualidad. Viva la experiencia completa del desierto con un paseo en camello al atardecer, antes de presenciar la puesta de sol desde lo alto de una duna de arena. Una deliciosa comida servida alrededor de una fogata, mientras músicos locales le dan una serenata, completa la experiencia mágica. Inmaculada por las luces artificiales de pueblos y ciudades, quedarás asombrado por la grandeza de la Vía Láctea que se extiende sobre ti. Luego es hora de retirarse a su cómoda tienda de campaña de pelo de camello, la quietud del desierto hace que sea fácil quedarse dormido.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma



🌍🚢🚍🧳 ¡Listo para una experiencia que despierte todos tus sentidos?

En 📍Chefchaouen, 🇲🇦 Marruecos, es como si el cielo se hubiera mudado a la tierra. 😍

💙Su color azul turquesa causa sensación, la hace totalmente diferente a cualquier otra ciudad marroquí.

📍Lo mejor es perderse por sus callejuelas sin rumbo fijo, para ir encontrando los rincones más fotogénicos del 🌏mundo

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
📧 [email protected]
💻 www.tangiertravel.ma



Embrenhe-se nos intrigantes labirintos dos Souks de Marraquexe, no coração de Marrocos! 🌍 Deixe-se envolver pela magia de cada esquina, onde os tesouros do artesanato local e os aromas exóticos criam uma experiência única.

Conheça os segredos de Marraquexe, uma cidade vibrante que mistura tradição e modernidade no norte de África. Navegue pelos sinuosos corredores dos Souks, repletos de cores e vida, onde mercadores habilidosos oferecem tapetes tecidos à mão, especiarias aromáticas e intrincadas peças de artesanato. Cada rua estreita conta uma história, proporcionando uma viagem única pelas tradições e cultura cativantes de Marrocos.

Explore o encanto de Marraquexe, onde a cada passo uma nova descoberta aguarda por si.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


Explorar o Deserto do Sahara:

Explorar o Deserto do Sahara é uma experiência que cativa os sentidos e f**a gravada na memória para sempre. Começa com um emocionante passeio de 4x4 pelas dunas, onde a adrenalina se mistura com a grandiosidade do deserto ao nosso redor. Depois, o cenário muda quando embarcamos num passeio de camelo para testemunhar o hipnotizante pôr do sol. As dunas ganham tons dourados e alaranjados enquanto o sol se despede do horizonte, criando uma visão mágica e inesquecível.

Chegando ao acampamento, somos recebidos com a calorosa hospitalidade dos habitantes locais, que nos oferecem uma refeição tradicional sob o céu estrelado. À noite, junto à fogueira, ouvimos música tradicional e contamos histórias, enquanto as estrelas cintilam acima de nós. Adormecer nas tendas berberes, com o silêncio do deserto como companhia, é uma experiência única e serena. Esta jornada no Deserto do Sahara é muito mais do que uma simples viagem; é uma imersão na cultura e na natureza de Marrocos, deixando-nos com memórias eternas de uma das paisagens mais espetaculares do mundo.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma



Chefchaouen possesses a distinctive charm, perched on the mountainside, captivating travelers with its surreal ambiance. The city's allure lies in its azure-hued facades, creating an ethereal atmosphere that feels like a stroll through a dream.

Chefchaouen is not merely a picturesque facade; it boasts a wealth of attractions. The intimate and authentic Medina invites exploration, immersing visitors in the local rhythms, from the scent of freshly baked bread to the aromatic allure of skillfully crafted tagines. The Kasbah, centrally located in the old quarter, boasts lush gardens providing a refreshing oasis within the city. Its museum showcases an array of historical artifacts, including old weapons, city photos, and textiles.

Situated amidst scenic landscapes, Chefchaouen beckons hikers with a paradise of trails weaving through the surrounding mountains, offering a glimpse into the more remote Morocco of the Rif chain.

Embark on a journey to experience the enchantment of the "little blue town" and make your stay akin to a dream!

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
📧 [email protected]
💻 www.tangiertravel.ma



Marruecos es quizás más famoso por sus principales ciudades, en particular Marrakech, que cuenta con una rica historia, una arquitectura única y una deliciosa cocina local. En nuestros tours guiados por Marruecos, experimentará todo lo que esta gran ciudad tiene para ofrecer, incluidas las impresionantes murallas medievales que rodean los variados puestos y vendedores dentro de la medina con forma de laberinto.

Cualquier viaje a Marruecos debería incluir un viaje a Jemaa el-Fna, la bulliciosa plaza del casco antiguo de Marrakech. La plaza alberga puestos de comida, encantadores de serpientes y una gran cantidad de narradores, músicos y artistas tradicionales marroquíes, y es una experiencia verdaderamente única y fascinante.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma



O Reino de Marrocos, é uma terra de contrastes. Um país único, cativante e arrebatador, onde se fundem diferentes culturas, tradições, povos e gentes. Um país onde o calor do deserto contrasta com os oásis verdejantes, onde o mar se confunde com o azul do céu. Para conhecer Marrocos é preciso sentir e deixar-se levar pela aventura, percorrendo os souks labirínticos, as cidades imperiais, os Kasbahs e as Medinas. Por tudo isto, diz-se que Marrocos é o Reino dos Sentidos, porque tudo o que se vê nos faz sentir.

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¿Tienes ganas de hacer escapadas a la joya del norte de África?

El hipnótico encanto de Marruecos le encantará a primera vista. Eche un vistazo al país a su manera mientras saborea cada minuto de nuestros tours por Marruecos en 2024.
Disfrute de los fascinantes tonos crepusculares de las dunas doradas del Sahara o sacie su sed de aventuras a través de oasis verdes:

‼ Marruecos es una visita obligada para viajeros de todo tipo ‼

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma



Procurando uma viagem em grupo para Marrocos❓

Viajar no tempo não é possível, mas viajar ao passado é, nas nossas viagens de grupo a Marrocos vamos perder-nos a passear pelas medinas, regatear nos souks, provar o delicioso chá mourisco... enquanto conhece gente e compartilhar experiências inesquecíveis.

‼️ Viva esta incrível viagem ao Marrocos em grupo‼️

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma



Descubra Marrocos com outro olhar. Explore os desertos mágicos e oásis férteis, praias, florestas e montanhas. Descubra as cidades imperiais como Fes, Rabat, Marrakech. Visite a impressionante Casablanca com a sua extraordinária Mesquita Hassan II. Desperte os seus sentidos com os cheiros e sabores da deliciosa cozinha marroquina.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
📧 [email protected]
💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


🌍🚢🚍🧳 ¡Listo para una experiencia que despierte todos tus sentidos?

En 📍Chefchaouen, 🇲🇦 Marruecos, es como si el cielo se hubiera mudado a la tierra. 😍

💙Su color azul turquesa causa sensación, la hace totalmente diferente a cualquier otra ciudad marroquí.

📍Lo mejor es perderse por sus callejuelas sin rumbo fijo, para ir encontrando los rincones más fotogénicos del 🌏mundo

✅ Visite Marruecos & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


Arabic Calligraphy:

Arabic calligraphy is the artistic practice of handwriting Arabic script in a fluid manner to convey harmony, grace and beauty. The practice, which can be passed down through formal and informal education, uses the twenty-eight letters of the Arabic alphabet, written in cursive, from right to left. Originally intended to make writing clear and legible, it gradually became an Islamic Arab art for traditional and modern works. The fluidity of Arabic script offers infinite possibilities, even within a single word, as letters can be stretched and transformed in numerous ways to create different motifs.
Traditional techniques use natural materials, such as reeds and bamboo stems for the qalam, or writing instrument. A mixture of honey, black soot and saffron is used for the ink, and the paper is handmade and treated with starch, egg white and alum. Modern calligraphy commonly uses markers and synthetic paint, and spray paint is used for calligraffiti on walls, signs and buildings.
Artisans and designers also use Arabic calligraphy for artistic enhancement, such as for marble and wood carving, embroidery and metal etching. Arabic calligraphy is widespread in Arab and non-Arab countries and is practised by men and women of all ages. Skills are transmitted informally or through formal schools or apprenticeships.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


Moroccan Beghrir (Semolina Honeycomb Pancakes):

Beghrir are tender, spongy, melt-in-your-mouth Moroccan pancakes made from semolina. Yeast in the crepe-like batter causes hundreds of bubbles to form and break on the surface of each pancake as it cooks. This gives beghrir its unique texture and appearance.

Although beghrir are normally cooked only on one side, in some regions of Morocco, they are flipped over for just a moment to help dry out the top. Prepared this way, they might be referred to as khringos, although in Casablanca that term is the name for tiny fritter-like Moroccan churros.

Beghrir are easy to make, but in order for the bubbles to form properly, the batter must be the right consistency. If the batter is too thick, the bubbles can't form. Use the conventional measures or a tall drinking glass to measure ingredients. It might also be helpful to refer to the tips at the end of the recipe.

Leftover beghrir are best stored in freezer, with a small piece of plastic wrap or wax paper between each pancake.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
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💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


Moroccan Cuisine:

Moroccan Cuisine and Moroccan pastries occupies the first place in the Arab world, Africa and the Third World, mainly, due to the diversity of its dishes. Secondly, Morocco being above all an agricultural country, helps it to diversify its food resources such as vegetables, fruits and cereals. In addition, it also has the richness and the precious famous endemic tree, which is the argan tree. It contains many benefits, such as sterol which is a real anti- aging that is used to prevent or lessen the effects of aging, and rich in E vitamin, which can be used as anti-oxydant. Olive oil also plays a key role in promoting Morocco\’swealth and resources.

Secondly, because it is open to many cultures, such as amazigh, Andalusian and European culture. Morocco is an excellent touristic country; it attracts every year millions of tourists with a cultural identity that they do not hesitate to share.

✅ Visit Morocco & TANGIER TRAVEL
📧 [email protected]
💻 www.tangiertravel.ma


40, Rue Zerktouni Appt N°1

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00




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