What is a Henna?
Henna is a small tree, and its contain a dye which stains your skin – similar to turmeric or beets. However, with Moroccan , the dye (lawsone) to the keratin in your , which makes it a permanent stain. It’s been used to dye the , nails and skin for thousands of years.
Where does Henna come from?
The art of henna has been practiced for over 5000 years in , , , and the East; Because henna has natural cooling properties, people of the desert, for centuries, have been using henna to help control their body temperature. They would make a from the crushed dried leaves of the henna plant and soak their and soles in it to get a cooling effect. The cooling sensation was felt throughout the body for as long as the henna stain remained on their skin. Initially, as the stain faded away, it left patterns on the skin’s surface which led to ideas of making for decorative purposes.
Henna was a popular for the rich and the poor, who could not afford jewelry, so they used it to decorate their bodies.