World Lynx Day - these magnificent creatures still roam wild in the Balkans.
❓ 🐆 Da li ste znali? Ris je veoma tajnovita i samotna životinja i uglavnom lovi u sumrak i noću, te ga je zato teško uočiti. Mužjaci i ženke se susreću samo u sezoni parenja, a brigu o mladunčadi preuzima ženka. Način lova je isti kao u svih mačaka. Prikrada se iz zasjede, zaskoči plijen ili ga sustiže u kratkom trku (najviše do 20 m). Lovi male i srednje sisare, ptice, zečeve, vjeverice, zmije itd.
🇧🇦 Od ukupno četiri vrste risa na svijetu u Bosni i Hercegovini svoj dom je pronašala najveća - euroazijski ris (Lynx, lynx). Strogo je zaštićena vrsta u BiH i nalazi se na Crvenoj listi faune FBiH i RS. Dinarska populacija risa primarno je ugrožena krivolovom i gubitkom genetske raznolikosti.
📸 Autor fotografije: Staffan Widstrand
❓ 🐆 Did you know? The lynx is a very mysterious and solitary animal and mostly hunts at dusk and at night, so it is difficult to spot it. Males and females meet only during the mating season, and the female takes care of the cubs. The way of hunting is the same as in all cats. Lynx sneaks out of an ambush, jumps prey or catches up within a short run (up to 20 m). It hunts small and medium mammals, birds, rabbits, squirrels, snakes, etc.
🇧🇦 Out of a total of four lynx species in the world, the largest has found its home in Bosnia and Herzegovina - the Eurasian lynx (Lynx, lynx). It is a strictly protected species in BiH and is on the Red List of Fauna of FBiH and RS. The Dinaric lynx population is primarily threatened by poaching and loss of genetic diversity.
📸 Author of photography: Staffan Widstrand