Explore Kotor Bay

Explore Kotor Bay Explore Kotor Bay is a newly opened tour agency with over 20 years of experience in family run rental properties.

Our goal is to enrich your Montenegro holiday by offering personalized trip planning and local insights.

Mill Tour and Menus to choose:-Mill tour and demonstration of mill operation-Short presentation about historical facts r...

Mill Tour and Menus to choose:

-Mill tour and demonstration of mill operation

-Short presentation about historical facts related to the production of organic flour

Basic Menu: Fried dough, dried fruits, and drinks (homemade wine, brandy, juices and water)

Basic Menu + Prosciutto and chease: fried dough, dried fruits + homemade cheese, homemade prosciutto, cornbread, as well as homemade bread prepared in the mill from flour produced in the same mill + drinks (homemade wine, brandy, juices and water)

Full Menu: fried dough, dried fruits + homemade cheese, homemade prosciutto, cornbread, as well as homemade bread prepared in the mill from flour produced in the same mill + veal and lamb cooked under the bell, roasted potatoes, salads, and cooked cabbage + drinks + homemade dessert

Contact us for more details and a tailored offer!

Obilazak mlina i meniji za izbor:

-Obilazak mlina i demonstracija rada mlina

-Kratka prezentacija o istorijskim činjenicama vezanim za proizvodnju organskog brašna

Osnovni Meni: Priganice, sušeno voće i piće (domaće vino, rakija, sokovi i voda)

Osnovni Meni + Pršut i sir: Priganice, sušeno voće + domaći sir, domaći pršut, proja, kao i domaći hleb pripremljen u mlinu od brašna proizvedenog u mlinu + konzumacija pića (domaće vino, rakija, sokovi i voda)

Kompletni Meni: Priganice, sušeno voće + domaći sir, domaći pršut, proja, kao i domaći hleb pripremljen u mlinu od brašna proizvedenog u mlinu + teletina ili jagnjetina ispod sača, pečeni krompir, salata i kuvani kupus + pića + domaći desert

Kontaktirajte nas za više detalja i ponudu.


For an authentic Montenegrin and Bay of Kotor experience, look no further 💚The Old Mill is located in the village of Pod...

For an authentic Montenegrin and Bay of Kotor experience, look no further 💚

The Old Mill is located in the village of Podi, 5,5km from Herceg Novi centre.

A local family business, an old stone house renovated with love and care, converted into a place that will show you home atmosphere, serene surrounding in nature and the most delicious food.

From Mill tour with Basic Menu to Full Menu, you can choose between most delicious home made food in a peaceful surrounding, nestled in greenery.

The price ranges from 12€ - 49€ per person.

For more details and a tailored offer, please contact us.

Za autentično gastronomsko iskustvo Boke Kotorske, ne tražite dalje 💚

Stari Mlini se nalazi u selu Podi, 5,5 km od centra Herceg Novog.

Porodični biznis, stara kamena kuća renovirana s ljubavlju i pažnjom, pretvorena u mjesto koje će vam pružiti domaću atmosferu, mirno okruženje u prirodi i najukusniju hranu.

Od ture obilaska mlina sa osnovnim menijem do kompletnog menija, možete da birate između najukusnije domaće hrane u mirnom okruženju, uronjenom u zelenilo.

Cijene se kreću od 12€ do 49€ po osobi.

Kontaktirajte nas za vise detalja i ponudu prema Vasim zahtjevima.


Old stone house, greenery and a special home atmosphere. Taste some of Boka specialties for a true gastronomic and cultu...

Old stone house, greenery and a special home atmosphere.

Taste some of Boka specialties for a true gastronomic and cultural experience 💚

Contact us for more information and a tailored offer.

Stara kamena kuća, zelenilo i posebna domaća atmosfera.

Probajte neke od bokeljskih specijaliteta za pravo gastronomsko iskustvo 💚

Kontaktirajte nas za vise detalja i ponudu prema Vasim zahtjevima.

Explore Kotor Bay Experiences: https://explorekotorbay.com/experiences/

If you are a wine lover and you are looking for a romantic place to combine it with, look no further! From Classic Wine ...

If you are a wine lover and you are looking for a romantic place to combine it with, look no further!

From Classic Wine tasting package to Gourmet (Plus) and Traditional Montenegro package, there is an offer for all your senses, as it includes great wine tasting as well as delicious food to accompany it with.

The price range is from 50€ - 110€ per person.

Check our offer on https://explorekotorbay.com/ and contact us for a tailored offer.

Ako ste ljubitelj vina i tražite romantično mjesto za potpun doživljaj, ne tražite dalje!

Od klasičnog paketa degustacije vina do gurmanskog (plus) i tradicionalnog crnogorskog paketa, postoji ponuda za sva vaša čula, jer uključuje odličnu degustaciju vina kao i ukusnu hranu koja ga prati.

Cijene se kreću od 50€ do 110€ po osobi.

Pogledajte našu ponudu na https://explorekotorbay.com/ i kontaktirajte nas za više detalja i kombinaciju koja Vama odgovara.

Good wine, good food, happy people 🥰🥂Check our offer on https://explorekotorbay.com/ and contact us for a tailored offer...

Good wine, good food, happy people 🥰🥂

Check our offer on https://explorekotorbay.com/ and contact us for a tailored offer.

Dobro vino, dobra hrana, srećni i zadovoljni ljudi 🥰🥂

Pogledajte našu ponudu na https://explorekotorbay.com/ i kontaktirajte nas za ponudu prema Vašim potrebama i željama.

Whether you are looking for a perfect place for gatherings, or celebrations or a romantic dinner for two, we know one th...

Whether you are looking for a perfect place for gatherings, or celebrations or a romantic dinner for two, we know one that will captivate all your senses 💚

The most charming sea and Bay view, careful decorations, good wine made locally accompanied with some good food, it is a combination of all.

This winery with a Bay view is nestled in Herceg Novi, only 10-15min from town centre, yet is feels so private and secluded.

Contact us for more information and package offers!

Bilo da tražite savršeno mjesto za okupljanja, proslave ili romantičnu večeru za dvoje, znamo jedno koje će očarati sva vaša čula 💚

Najšarmantniji pogled na more i zaliv, pažljivo dekorisan prostor, dobro vino proizvedeno lokalno uz ukusnu hranu, to je kombinacija svega.

Ova vinarija s pogledom na zaliv smještena je u Herceg Novom, samo 10-15 minuta od centra grada, ali se pruža pravi osjećaj privatnosti.

Kontaktirajte nas za više informacija i pon**e paketa!

The sky and the mountains mirrored in the beautiful Adriatic sea of our Boka Bay.No need to ask who is the prettiest of ...

The sky and the mountains mirrored in the beautiful Adriatic sea of our Boka Bay.

No need to ask who is the prettiest of all. Our Boka is 🩵

Nebo i brda se ogledaju u divnom Jadranskom moru nase Bokekotorske.

Nema potrebe za pitanjem ko je najljepsi. To je nasa Boka 🩵

📸 by our dear .thybo.dahl 🩵🩵🩵

No matter the perspective, the view is magical 💚Bez obzira na ugao gledanja, pogled je caroban 💚

No matter the perspective, the view is magical 💚

Bez obzira na ugao gledanja, pogled je caroban 💚

Early mornings in the Bay bring a special feel of serenity.Rise and shine, time to explore this beauty 💙Rana jutra u Bok...

Early mornings in the Bay bring a special feel of serenity.

Rise and shine, time to explore this beauty 💙

Rana jutra u Boki donose poseban osjecaj mira.

Osmijeh na lice, vrijeme je za istrazivanje ljepote zaliva 💙

📸 by our dear .thybo.dahl ☀️☀️☀️

Lipa Cave and Wine Road for nature lovers 💛Departure: 7:30amPrice: 59€ per personStarting point: Herceg Novi Itinerary:-...

Lipa Cave and Wine Road for nature lovers 💛

Departure: 7:30am

Price: 59€ per person

Starting point: Herceg Novi


-We go from Herceg Novi to Tivat by ferry, then we pass Budva and go towards Cetinje.
-Arrival at Lipa Cave at 10:15am, where you will enjoy 1h exploring the cave and admiring creative force of the nature.
-Arrival at Sipcanik cellar at 12:15h. For 2 hours you will tour the wine yards and wine cellar with a tourist guide.
-Arrival at Podgorica, capital of Montenegro at 2:30pm. After panoramic sightseeing of town, you will have 1h free time to explore our capital, near Sahat kula, and then tour The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Saborni hram Hristovog Vaskrsenja).

For more details and booking, please contact us via DM, email or mobile.

Pećina Lipa i Vinska ruta za ljubitelje prirode 💛

Polazak: 7:30 ujutru

Cijena: 59€ po osobi

Polazak iz: Herceg Novog

Plan izleta:

-Polazak iz Herceg Novog do Tivta trajektom, zatim prolazimo kroz Budvu i idemo ka Cetinju.
-Dolazak u Lipsku pećinu u 10:15h, gdje ćete uživati u 1h istraživanja pećine i vidjeti kreativnu snagu prirode.
-Dolazak u podrum Sipčanik u 12:15h. Tokom 2h ćete obići vinograde i vinski podrum uz turističkog vodiča.
-Dolazak u Podgoricu, glavni grad Crne Gore, u 14:30h. Nakon panoramskog razgledanja grada, imaćete 1h slobodnog vremena da istražite našu prijestonicu, okolinu Sahat kule, i zatim obiđete Saborni hram Hristovog Vaskrsenja.

Za više detalja i rezervacije, molimo kontaktirajte nas putem DM-a, e-maila ili mobilnog telefona.

Montenegro Tour – Perast, Njegusi and Cetinje ❤️Departure: 8:00amPrice: 40€ per personStarting point: Herceg Novi Itiner...

Montenegro Tour – Perast, Njegusi and Cetinje ❤️

Departure: 8:00am

Price: 40€ per person

Starting point: Herceg Novi


-First stop: Perast! 30min to explore a bit a jewel of our Bay.
-After a picturesque drive along the Bay, next stop is Njegusi, 900m above sea level. Break for refreshments and a tasting of Njeguši specialties.
-Arrival in the old Montenegrin capital of Cetinje around 1:00 PM. Free time to discover beauties of our royal capital.

For more details and booking, please contact us via DM, email or mobile.

Crna Gora tura – Perast, Njeguši i Cetinje ❤️

Polazak: 8:00 ujutru

Cijena: 40€ po osobi

Polazak iz: Herceg Novog

Plan izleta:

-Prva stanica: Perast! 30 minuta upoznavanje sa biserom naše Boke.
-Nakon vožnje duž Bokokotorskog zaliva, sledeća stanica su Njeguši (900m nadmorske visine). Pauza za osvježenje i degustaciju njeguških specijaliteta .
-Dolazak na Cetinje oko 13:00h. Slobodno vrijeme za istraživanje ljepota prijestolnice.

Za više detalja i rezervacije, molimo kontaktirajte nas putem DM-a, e-maila ili mobilnog telefona.

Visit enchanting Skadar Lake with us 💚Departure: 7:30amPrice: 54€ per personStarting point: Herceg Novi Itinerary:-Depar...

Visit enchanting Skadar Lake with us 💚

Departure: 7:30am

Price: 54€ per person

Starting point: Herceg Novi


-Departure from Herceg Novi to Tivat by ferry.
- 20min break in a restaurant above St Stephen (Sveti Stefan) .
-Arrival at Virpazar at 10am. A unique experience awaits with a cruise on Lake Skadar!
-During the 2-hour (2h 30min) boat ride, you can enjoy views of a different world of flora and fauna.

-Lunch in a nearby restaurant (fish or meat menu).

-Tour of Visitor’s Centre Vranjina, where you will see relief models of all national parks in Montenegro, as well as numerous exhibits of plant and animal species characteristic of Montenegro's region.

For more details and booking, please contact us via DM, email or mobile.

Posjetite čarobno Skadarsko jezero s nama 💚

Polazak: 7:30 ujutru

Cijena: 54€ po osobi

Polazak iz: Herceg Novog

Plan izleta:

-Polazak iz Herceg Novog do Tivta trajektom.
-Pauza od 20 minuta u restoranu iznad Svetog Stefana.
-Dolazak u Virpazar u 10 ujutru. Jedinstveno iskustvo vas očekuje sa krstarenjem po Skadarskom jezeru!
-Tokom 2 sata i 30 minuta vožnje brodom, možete uživati u pogledima na drugačiji svijet flore i faune.
-Ručak u obližnjem restoranu (riba ili mesni meni).
-Obilazak Centra za posjetioce Vranjina, gdje ćete vidjeti reljefne modele svih nacionalnih parkova u Crnoj Gori, kao i brojne eksponate biljnih i životinjskih vrsta karakterističnih za region Crne Gore.

Za više detalja i rezervacije, molimo kontaktirajte nas putem DM-a, e-maila ili mobilnog telefona.

Dubrovnik sunset tour for romance lovers ❤️As the sun descends over the Adriatic Sea, soak in the serenity, and apprecia...

Dubrovnik sunset tour for romance lovers ❤️

As the sun descends over the Adriatic Sea, soak in the serenity, and appreciate the natural and historical wonders of this enchanting Croatian city.

Departure: Thursdays, start at 1:15pm

Price: 55€ per person

Starting point: Herceg Novi or Kotor


-Arrival to Dubrovnik Old Town where an English-speaking guide will be waiting for you and show you the charming Old Town, with is lovely narrow streets and squares.
-After the tour, a boat cruise will be waiting to take you around the island of Lokrum at sunset. It is a canvas of vibrant colors to enjoy.

Contact us for more details about this romantic tour!

Dubrovačka tura zalaska sunca za ljubitelje romantike ❤️

Dok sunce zalazi nad Jadranskim morem, upijte mir i uživajte u prirodnoj i istorijskoj ljepoti ovog očaravajućeg hrvatskog grada.

Polazak: četvrtkom, u 13:15h

Cijena: 55€ po osobi

Polazak iz: Herceg Novog ili Kotora

Plan izleta:

-Dolazak u Stari grad Dubrovnik gdje će vas čekati vodič koji govori engleski jezik i sa vama će obići Stradun, šarmantne uske ulice grada i trgove.

-Nakon obilaska, čeka vas krstarenje brodom koje će vas odvesti oko ostrva Lokrum tokom zalaska sunca.

Uživajte u predivnim bojama prirode.

Kontaktirajte nas za više detalja o ovoj romantičnoj turi!

Day trips from Kotor or Herceg Novi to Dubrovnik!Enjoy your holiday in Montenegro and explore the most out of this area....

Day trips from Kotor or Herceg Novi to Dubrovnik!

Enjoy your holiday in Montenegro and explore the most out of this area.

Contact us for some great offers!

Dnevni izleti iz Kotora ili Herceg Novog do Dubrovnika!

Uživajte u svom odmoru u Crnoj Gori i iskoristite najbolje od pon**e.

Kontaktirajte nas za ponudu!

Dubrovnik colours 💙🌸Contact us for the offer of day trips to Dubrovnik from Kotor or Herceg Novi!Boje Dubrovnika u zalas...

Dubrovnik colours 💙🌸

Contact us for the offer of day trips to Dubrovnik from Kotor or Herceg Novi!

Boje Dubrovnika u zalasku sunca 💙🌸

Kontaktirajte nas za ponudu dnevnih izleta do Dubrovnika iz Kotora ili Herceg Novog!

Durmitor, with its rugged peaks, pristine lakes, and lush forests, epitomizes the breathtaking natural beauty of Montene...

Durmitor, with its rugged peaks, pristine lakes, and lush forests, epitomizes the breathtaking natural beauty of Montenegro 💚

Visitors can explore its network of hiking trails, marvel at its crystal-clear lakes like the enchanting Black Lake, or experience adrenaline-pumping adventures like rafting on the Tara River.

Contact us for the offer of our day trips from the Bay of Kotor! Visit the greatest charms of Montenegro – be at sea and mountains, in a few-hour drive.

Durmitor, sa svojim strmim vrhovima, netaknutim jezerima i bujnim šumama, simbolizuje zadivljujuću prirodnu ljepotu Crne Gore 💚

Posjetioci mogu da istražuju njegovu mrežu planinarskih staza, diviti se njegovim kristalno čistim jezerima poput očaravajućeg Crnog jezera, ili doživjeti avanture pune adrenalina poput raftinga na rijeci Tari.

Kontaktirajte nas za ponudu naših jednodnevnih izleta iz Bokokotorskog zaliva! Iskusite najveće čari Crne Gore - budite na moru i u planinama, u nekoliko sati vožnje.

A visit to Djurdjevic Tara Bridge promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of Montenegro's wilderness It is one...

A visit to Djurdjevic Tara Bridge promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of Montenegro's wilderness

It is one of Montenegro's most iconic landmarks, stands as a testament to engineering marvel and natural beauty 💚

Contact us for the tour offer!

Posjeta mostu Đurđevića Tari obećava nezaboravno iskustvo u srcu crnogorske divljine.

To je jedan od najpoznatijih simbola Crne Gore, dokaz inženjerskog čuda i prirodne ljepote 💚

Kontaktirajte nas za ponudu izleta!

Experience the Ultimate Adventure: Durmitor Day Trip - Explore Montenegro's Stunning LandscapesDeparture: Tuesday and Sa...

Experience the Ultimate Adventure: Durmitor Day Trip - Explore Montenegro's Stunning Landscapes

Departure: Tuesday and Saturday, start at 6:30am

Price 75€ per person

Starting point: Herceg Novi or Kotor (if starting place is Kotor, please consult the price)


-Panoramic views of Bay of Kotor with the Perast Islands. -First stop – viewpoint in Lipci
-Second stop – near the town of Niksic, where you can have breakfast
-Driving along picturesque route through Savnik and Zabljak, reaching Tara river and one of Montenegro’s landmarks – Djurdjevic Tara Bridge
-Arriving at Zabljak and visiting Black Lake – free time to swim, take a boat, or relax in nature or nearby restaurant
Drive along famous P14 route continues, where you will enjoy stunning nature views - characteristic peaks of Sedlo (1907 m) and Prutas (2393 m). Be prepared for meeting domestic animals that graze on mountain pastures in the summer.
-Next stop: Piva Lake, known for its turquoise water. It was created in a former river canyon and its beauty leaves you speechless.
-Lunch in the town of Pluzine, where you can taste traditional Montenegrin food and specialties

Contact us for the offer and to book this tour!

The Tara River, often referred to as the "Tear of Europe," offers some of the most spectacular rafting experiences in Mo...

The Tara River, often referred to as the "Tear of Europe," offers some of the most spectacular rafting experiences in Montenegro, with its turquoise rapids cutting through the majestic Tara Canyon, the deepest canyon in Europe.

The rafting tour is about immersing yourself in nature's grandeur while embracing the challenge and excitement of navigating through rapids of varying difficulty levels.

Whether you're an experienced rafter seeking adrenaline-pumping rapids or a nature enthusiast craving breathtaking scenery, Montenegro's rivers offer an unforgettable journey that combines adrenaline with natural beauty.

Contact us to book this exhilarating adventure! 🏞

Rijeka Tara, koja se često naziva i „Suzom Evrope“, nudi neka od najspektakularnijih rafting iskustava u Crnoj Gori, sa svojim tirkiznim brzacima koji sijeku kroz veličanstveni kanjon Tare, najdublji kanjon u Evropi.

Rafting tura spaja veličanstvenost prirode dok prihvatate izazov i uzbuđenje splavarenja.

Bilo da ste iskusan rafter koji traži brzake koje podižu adrenalin ili entuzijasta prirode koji žudi za pejzažima koji oduzimaju dah, crnogorske rijeke n**e nezaboravno putovanje koje kombinuje adrenalin sa prirodnim ljepotama.

Kontaktirajte nas da rezervišete ovu uzbudljivu avanturu! 🏞

Rafting in Montenegro! It combines breathtaking beauty with the thrill of navigating through its wild rivers.-Departure:...

Rafting in Montenegro! It combines breathtaking beauty with the thrill of navigating through its wild rivers.

-Departure: Monday and Friday, start at 6am
-Price 75€ per person
-Starting point: Herceg Novi or Kotor (if Kotor is starting point, please consult the price)


-Panoramic views of Bay of Kotor with the Perast Islands, Salt Lake, and the Piva River Canyon drive – photo breaks, 3.5h long drive
-Arrival at Scepan polje in the Camp - There each participant receives the appropriate equipment (neoprene suit, boots, safety jacket, helmet, and paddle)
-Switching to jeeps and continue the 12 km long ride to the place where boats are waiting for you and from where the 18 km long rafting on the river Tara begins. During the rafting, you will have the opportunity to see a beautiful waterfall and cave. Possibility of a break for swimming.
-After rafting, a rich table with National cuisine awaits for you.

Contact us to book this exhilarating adventure! 🤗🥰

Rafting u Crnoj Gori, kombinacija ocaravajuce ljepote sa uzbudjenjem splavarenja.

-Polazak: Ponedeljak i petak, u 6h
-Cijena: 75€ po osobi
-Polazak iz: Herceg Novog ili Kotora (ako je Kotor polazna tačka, molimo vas da nas konsultujete za cijenu)

Plan izleta:

-Panoramski pogled na Boku Kotorsku sa peraškim ostrvima, Slano jezero i vožnja kanjonom rijeke Pive - pauze za fotografisanje, vožnja traje 3,5h
-Dolazak u Šćepan Polje u kampu - Svaki učesnik dobija odgovarajuću opremu (odijelo, čizme, sigurnosni prsluk, kacigu i veslo).
-Prelazak na džipove i nastavak vožnje duge 12 km do mjesta gdje vas čekaju čamci i odakle počinje rafting na rijeci Tari dug 18 km. Tokom raftinga, imaćete priliku da vidite prelijepi vodopad i pećinu. Mogućnost pauze za plivanje.
-Nakon raftinga vas očekuje bogata trpeza sa nacionalnom kuhinjom.

Kontaktirajte nas da zakažete ovu uzbudljivu avanturu!

How about some rafting for adrenaline seekers?🤗Every twist and turn brings a new thrill! Contact us for more details and...

How about some rafting for adrenaline seekers?🤗

Every twist and turn brings a new thrill!

Contact us for more details and book you unforgettable tour!

Da li ste za rafting? 🤗

Svaki zavoj donosi novo uzbuđenje!

Kontaktirajte nas za više detalja i rezervišite svoju nezaboravnu turu!

Private tours from Portonovi, Herceg Novi!🚤☀️• Lady of the Rocks island and Perast Old Town Duration: 2h Price: 200€Bay ...

Private tours from Portonovi, Herceg Novi!🚤☀️

• Lady of the Rocks island and Perast Old Town

Duration: 2h
Price: 200€

Bay Sightseeing: 40 min
Our Lady of the Rocks: 20 min
Visit Perast: 60 min. visit

• Blue Cave adventure

Duration: 2h
Price: 200€

Bay Sightseeing: 40 min
Visit of Submarine Tunnels and panoramic view of Mamula island: 30 min
Arza Beach and fortress swimming & snorkeling: 20 min
Blue Cave swimming & snorkeling: 30 min

• Lady of the Rocks island and Perast Old Town + Kotor Old Town

Duration: 4h
Price: 350€

Bay Sightseeing: 90 min
Our Lady of the Rocks: 30 min
visit Perast: 60 min
Visit Kotor: 60 min

• Full day tour of Boka Bay

Duration: 8h
Price: 600€

We can organize a customized tour based on your choice of locations ❤️

Contact us for the best offer for you, we will suggest a tour that suits your preferences, time, and budget.

Privatne ture iz marine Portonovi, Herceg Novi! ☀️🚤

• Ostrvo Gospa od Škrpjela i Stari Grad Perast

Trajanje: 2 sata
Cijena: 200€

Razgledanje zaliva: 40 minuta
Posjeta Ostrvu Gospa od Škrpjela: 20 minuta
Posjeta Perastu: 60 minuta

• Avantura Plava Špilja

Trajanje: 2 sata
Cijena: 200€

Razgledanje zaliva: 40 minuta
Posjeta tunelu za podmornice i panoramski pogled na ostrvo Mamula: 30 minuta
Plaža Arza i plivanje i ronjenje kod tvrđave: 20 minuta
Plivanje i ronjenje u Plavoj špilji: 30 minuta

• Ostrvo Gospa od Škrpjela i Stari grad Perast + Stari grad Kotor

Trajanje: 4 sata
Cijena: 350€

Razgledanje zaliva: 90 minuta
Posjeta ostrvu Gospa od Škrpjela: 30 minuta P
osjeta Perastu: 60 minuta
Posjeta Kotoru: 60 minuta

• Cjelodnevna tura Bokokotorskim zalivom

Trajanje: 8 sati
Cijena: 600€

Možemo da organizujemo prilagođenu turu prema Vašem izboru lokacija ❤️

Kontaktirajte nas za najbolju ponudu za Vas, predložićemo turu koja odgovara Vašim željama, vremenu i budžetu.

Best summer days are sea days 🌊🩵☀️Do not miss a boat tour while you are in the Bay of Kotor!Choose between departure fro...

Best summer days are sea days 🌊🩵☀️

Do not miss a boat tour while you are in the Bay of Kotor!

Choose between departure from Kotor or Herceg Novi and choose between a group/ticket tour or a private tour 🚤

Contact us for a tailored offer to match with your preference, time and budget!

Najbolji ljetnji dani su dani na moru 🌊🩵☀️

Ne propustite turu brodom/gliserom dok ste u Bokokotorskom zalivu.

Izaberite između polaska iz Kotora ili Herceg Novog i birajte između grupne ili privatne ture 🚤

Kontaktirajte nas za prilagođenu ponudu koja odgovara vašim željama, vremenu i budžetu!

GOLDEN TOUR – See the very best of the Bay and have a day to remember ☀️🚤💛Departure from Kotor, every day at 9h and 15h....

GOLDEN TOUR – See the very best of the Bay and have a day to remember ☀️🚤💛

Departure from Kotor, every day at 9h and 15h.

Duration: 6h
Price: 90€ per person

Visit our Lady of the Rocks island (30min), see the submarine tunnel (10min), panoramic stop by Mamula Island (the island has a fort that used to be a prison and now it is converted into a 5 luxury hotel). Visit Blue Cave (45min) for a swim in turquoise blue sea you will be amazed by. Stop for some more swimming and sunbathing at Zanjice beach (90min).

If you choose 15h start, you will be able to enjoy a beautiful sunset view 🌅

On the way back, you will stop around Tivat islands – St Mark and stop at modern yacht marina with luxury residences Porto Montenegro.

This tour can be private as well, leaves at 12h and it is for up to 6 persons by the price of 500€.

Contact us for the offer!

ZLATNA TURA – Upoznajte najbolje od Bokokotorskog zaliva i provedite nezaboravan dan ☀️🚤💛

Polazak iz Kotora, svakog dana u 9h i 15h.

Trajanje: 6 sati
Cijena: 90€ po osobi

Posjetite naše Ostrvo Gospa od Škrpjela (30 minuta), vidite tunel za podmornice (10 minuta), panoramsko razgledanje ostrva Mamula (na kojem se nalazi tvrđava koja je nekada bila zatvor, a sada je pretvorena u luksuzni hotel sa 5 zvjezdica).
Posjetite Plavu Špilju (45 minuta) i plivajte u tirkiznom moru. Zaustavite se još malo za plivanje i sunčanje na plaži Žanjice (90 minuta).

Ako izaberete polazak u 15h, moći ćete da uživate u predivnom zalazku sunca 🌅

U povratku, zaustavićete se oko tivatskih ostrva – Sveti Marko i Ostrvo cvijeća i posjetićete modernu marinu za jahte sa luksuznim rezidencijama Porto Montenegro.

Ova tura može da bude privatna takođe, polazi u 12h i za do 6 osoba je, po cijeni od 500€.

Kontaktirajte nas za ponudu!

Opt for a customized private boat tour to suit your preferences! ☀️🚤Departing from Kotor daily at your chosen time.• Lad...

Opt for a customized private boat tour to suit your preferences! ☀️🚤

Departing from Kotor daily at your chosen time.

• Lady of the Rocks island and Perast Old Town

Duration: 2h
Price: 120€
Number of persons: 6 (For over 6 people, tour price increases for 15 euros per passenger)

• Blue Cave Adventure

Duration: 3h
Price: 240€
Number of persons: 6 (For over 6 people, tour price increases for 35 euros per passenger)

• Porto Montenegro and Tivat Bay

Duration: 3h
Price: 180€
Number of persons: 6 (For over 6 people, tour price increases for 25 euros per passenger)

• Blue Cave and Perast Old Town
Duration: 4h
Price: 300€
Number of persons: 6 (For over 6 people, tour price increases for 40 euros per passenger)

Contact us for more details and to book your perfect tour!

Izaberite privatnu turu gliserom po vašoj mjeri! ☀️🚤

Polazak iz Kotora, svakog dana u dogovoreno vrijeme.

• Ostrvo Gospa od Škrpjela i Stari grad Perast

Trajanje: 2 sata
Cijena: 120€ Broj osoba: 6 (Za više od 6 osoba, cijena ture se povećava za 15 eura po putniku)

• Avantura Plava Špilja

Trajanje: 3 sata
Cijena: 240€
Broj osoba: 6 (Za više od 6 osoba, cijena ture se povećava za 35 eura po putniku)

• Porto Montenegro i tivatski zaliv

Trajanje: 3 sata
Cijena: 180€
Broj osoba: 6 (Za više od 6 osoba, cijena ture se povećava za 25 eura po putniku)

• Plava Špilja i Stari grad Perast
Trajanje: 4 sata
Cijena: 300€ Broj osoba: 6 (Za više od 6 osoba, cijena ture se povećava za 40 eura po putniku)

Kontaktirajte nas za više detalja i rezervišite vašu savršenu turu!

Best selling group/ticket boat tour! Enjoy a fantastic day at sea while exploring the Bay of Kotor 🩵• Departing from Kot...

Best selling group/ticket boat tour! Enjoy a fantastic day at sea while exploring the Bay of Kotor 🩵

• Departing from Kotor every day at 9 AM, 12 PM, and 3 PM
• Price: 40€ per person

Visit Blue Cave, with its crystal turquise sea (30min). Take a refreshing swim and some great photos to capture this beauty! You will also visit Submarine Tunnel (10min) and our Lady of the Rocks island (20min). Throughout the entire tour, enjoy sightseeing of Herceg Novi riviera, part of Tivat and Kotor Bay.

Contact us to schedule your adventure!

Najprodavanija grupna tura gliserom!
Uživajte u sjajnom danu istražujući Bokokotorski zaliv 🩵

• Polazak iz Kotora svakog dana u 9h, 12h i 15h.
• Cijena: 40€ po osobi.

Posjetite Plavu Špilju, sa svojim kristalno tirkiznim morem (30 minuta). Otplivajte, zaronite i napravite nekoliko sjajnih fotografija! Takođe ćete posetiti tunel za podmornice (10 minuta) i našu Gospu od Škrpjela (20 minuta). Tokom ciele ture, uživajte u razgledanju novske rivijere, dijelove Tivta i kotorskog dijela zaliva.

Kontaktirajte nas da biste rezervisali svoju avanturu!

Explore our beautiful Boka with some great group/ticket tours!Departure from Kotor.-Group Tour - Lady of Rocks and Peras...

Explore our beautiful Boka with some great group/ticket tours!

Departure from Kotor.

-Group Tour - Lady of Rocks and Perast Old Town

Duration: 1h 30min
Price: 20€ per person

The tour will show you our Lady of the Rocks island (20 min) and Perast Old Town (30min).

-Group Tour - Blue Cave Adventure

Duration: 3h
Price: 40€ per person

This tour shows the very best of what Bay has to offer as you get to see Blue Cave (30min stop for swimming and taking some great photos), panoramic sightseeing of Mamula island (where there is a 5* hotel now), Submarine Tunnels (10min), our Lady of the Rocks island in Perast (20min) and Perast panoramic sightseeing.

Contact us for the offer and let us suggest you a best option for you based on your preference, time and budget!


Istrazite nasu predivnu Boku odlicnim grupnim turama!

Polazak iz Kotora.

-Grupna tura - Gospa od Skrpjela i Stari grad Perast

Trajanje: 1h 30min
Cijena: 20€ po osobi

Posjetite ostrvo Gospa od Skrpjela (20min) i Stari grad Perast (30min).

-Grupna tura - Plava spilja avantura

Trajanje: 3h
Cijena: 40€ po osobi

Ova tura ce Vam pokazati najbolje od Bokokotorskog zaliva. Vidjecete Plavu spilju (pauza za kupanje i ako zelite odlicne fotografije da napravite 30min), panoramsko razgledanje ostrva Mamula (gdje je sada hotel sa 5*), tunel za podmornice (10min), ostrvo Gospa od Skrpjela u Perastu (20min) i panoramsko razgledanje Perasta.

Kontaktirajte nas za ponudu prilagodjenu Vasim zeljama, vremenu i budzetu.

Explore the Bay of Kotor with us! Fascinating and breathtaking, we are sure you will love it ❤️The group/ticket tour inc...

Explore the Bay of Kotor with us! Fascinating and breathtaking, we are sure you will love it ❤️

The group/ticket tour includes:

Departure from Herceg Novi (Igalo 10h, Skver 12h, Kumbor 9:50h).

The sightseeing tour will show you beautiful parts of Boka Bay - Perast, our jewel of the Bay with its islands, Kotor, our charming Old Town, Prcanj, Stoliv (with a swimming break) and panoramic view of Porto Montenegro and Tivat riviera.

Price: 35€ per person

Children up to 6 years free
Children from 6 to 11 years -50%

Welcome drink, small fish (Girice) portion, fruit plate

Contact us for the offer!


Istrazite Bokokotorski zaliv sa nama! Ocaravajuci i predivan, sigurni smo da cete se zaljubiti u isti ❤️

Grupna turu ukljucuje:

Polazak iz Herceg Novog (Igalo 10h, Skver 12h, Kumbor 9:50h).

Ovim obilaskom cete vidjeti predivne dijelove Boke - Perast, nas dragulj sa svojim ostrvima), Kotor, nas sarmantni Stari grad, Prcanj, Stoliv (sa pauzom za kupanje) i panoramsko razgledanje Porto Montenegro marine i Tivta.

Cijena: 35€ po osobi

Djeca do 6 godina besplatno
Djeca od 6 do 11 godina -50%

Pice dobrodoslice, porcija girica, tanjir voca

Kontaktirajte nas za ponudu!




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