Hurghada Egypt 2021
🗣Did you miss the summer?🔍
Hurghada City it's known as a top-three diving destination on the planet, it still has something for everyone, even the non-divers: beach fun, extreme water sports, clubbing and golfing are only some of the options you have to choose from.
You can reach Hurghada by ferry from Sharm-el-Sheikh, the road from Luxor and by the Hurghada International Airport. The temperature is lovely all year round, with Hurghada dry desert climate you should expect large differences in the temperature between night and day, days are hot, while nights can get pretty cold especially during winter months.
Lets start to our trip
Ajdinis travel & Amir turs
Ajdinis travel & Amir Turs
Lets start to our trip
Lets start to our trip
📍Shëtitje dhe shoping në Stamboll - 3 ditë / 2 natë
🚍Udhetëm me autobus
🏢Qendrim në hotel 4 yje me mëngjes
🗓Nisja me datë: 09.10.2020
📌Vendet që do të vizitohen - Sultan Ahmed, Kapali Çarshi, Ajasofia, Kulla Galata, Taksim
ℹ️Info Mob/Whatsapp/Viber - +389 70 721 830 / 70 507 535
📍İstanbul gezi ve alışveriş turu - 3 gün / 2 gece
🚍Otobüsle yolculuk
🏢4 yıldızlı hotelde kahvaltı dahil konaklama
🗓Hareket tarihi: 09.10.2020
📌Gezilecek yerler: Sultan Ahmed, Kapalıçarşı, Ayasofya, Galata Kulesi, Taksim
ℹ️Info Mob/Whatsapp/Viber - +389 70 721 830 / 70 507 535
📍Истанбул шопинг тура - 3 дена / 2 ноќевање
🚍Автобуски превоз
🏢Сместување во хотел со 4 ѕвезди на база ноќевање со појадок
🗓Тргнување во: 09.10.2020
📌Посета на атрактивни места: Султан Ахмед, Капаличарши, Ајасофја (св. Софја), Галата Кула, Таксим
ℹ️Info Mob/Whatsapp/Viber - +389 70 721 830 / 70 507 535
Bosphore tour at Istanbul 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Ajdinis travel with Amir tour
Ajdinis travel
The bus atmosphere