WEllNESS HOLIDAY- we are a young team full of energy , love for life and people . We value high moral and professional values , and big ambitions . We - WEllNESS HOLIDAY- aim to provide you a delightful stay organized with special care on our part, we want to throw a new light , for you to open a new chapter in life. We want to invite you to Macedonia the sunny country of green mountains , clear l
akes, fabulous , mild climate , natural environment , healthy and delicious Mediterranean dishes made with fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy country of fine wines from the best grapes . Atmosphere of the Garden of Eden , we want to supplement an active holiday , offering you a lot of different sports , promoting ways to a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature which we are a part . Our aim is to transfer you to our optimism and love of life , and promote the active care of their health and well-being through participation in our programs developed according to taste and preferences of each client. Allow us to charge your life battery with new energy and expand the horizons of your experience and interests, escorting you to magical places full of romantic magic, dated archaeological mysteries of the past millennium . We are pleased to offer you an unforgettable experience.