Park Residence

Park Residence The complex consists of total: 126 apartments, office space, 5 floors hotel, secured parking, with total area of 32.264 m2.

Park Residence, located in one of the most attractive locations in the city, along the river Vardar, within the City Park is a residential building with apartments and offices. The building is built with the finest materials from world famous brands as Cotto D' ieste, M&Z, VIP, BAUDZT, Progetti, Rossini, and have been implemented highest security standards certified by authorized institutions in t

he country. Park Residence is recognizable by its unique facade, modern design, energy efficiency and the highest technology that is incorporated in the facility, which comprehensively makes Park Residence a unique space that takes visitors breath away. The concept of Park Residence is to attract people who know what they want for themselves and they work hard to achieve it, but at the same time enjoy the life fully, this is the most common impression of the guests who had the opportunity to visit the suites and to feel themselves the harmony of perfection offered by this facility. All those who will live in Park Residence or will stay at the hotel, will have: restaurant, parking lot, spa, fitness center, winery, deli shop, bar and many other amenities, all in one place. Besides the hotel part of the Park Residence, also you can find BRICK BAR,TWINS RESTAURANT AND LITTLE BOX.

* Apartments are registered and are provided with property deeds
** The electricity in the apartments is based on household rates

With the appointment of Mr. Alban Maliqi as Honorary Consul of the United Mexican States to the Republic of North Macedo...

With the appointment of Mr. Alban Maliqi as Honorary Consul of the United Mexican States to the Republic of North Macedonia, a consular office has been opened within the Park Residence complex, providing easy access for both the public and officials. The consulate is open to the public every weekday from 9:00 to 17:00, where citizens will be able to receive a range of services intended to advance diplomatic and economic relations between the two countries. These services include consular assistance and the organization of cultural events showcasing Mexican heritage.

With great pride we are celebrating an anniversary -10 years of Park Residence!These ten years represent more than just ...

With great pride we are celebrating an anniversary -10 years of Park Residence!
These ten years represent more than just time, they are a symbol of commitment, growth, and success. Together we managed to build a stable team, a strong community, and exceptional partnerships.
With each step, we created space for new opportunities, fulfilled the expectations of our clients and partners, and built success on the foundations of joint work, trust, and professionalism. May this tenth year be an inspiration for many more future victories and achievements!
Thank you all for your faith, support, and the shared story we write every day.
The Park Residence team
Со голема гордост го прославуваме јубилејот – 10 години Парк Резиденс!
Овие десет години претставуваат повеќе од само време, тие се симбол на посветеност, раст и успех. Заедно успеавме да изградиме стабилен тим, силна заедница и исклучителни партнерства.
Со секој чекор, создававме простор за нови можности, ги исполнувавме очекувањата на нашите клиенти и партнери и го градевме успехот врз темелите на заедничката работа, доверба и професионализам. Нека оваа десетта година биде инспирација за уште многу идни победи и постигнувања!
Ви благодариме на сите за вербата, поддршката и заедничката приказна што ја пишуваме секој ден.
Со почит,
Тимот на Парк Резиденс

Seize the opportunity to establish your business in the bustling heart of the city! Presenting a rare chance to own a pr...

Seize the opportunity to establish your business in the bustling heart of the city!

Presenting a rare chance to own a premium office space just moments away from City Park, where convenience meets sophistication.

Contact us today at: +38970960908 or [email protected] to schedule a viewing and make this space yours!


Looking for a prestigious address for your business in Skopje?

Look no further than Park Residence! We are excited to announce the availability of premium office spaces for rent in one of Skopje's most sought-after locations.

Contact us today to schedule a viewing and experience the difference firsthand at +38970960908 or [email protected]

Unlock the potential of your business with Park Residence - Where Excellence Meets Convenience!


Барате престижна адреса за вашиот бизнис во Скопје?

Не барајте понатаму! Park Residence го нуди тоа што ви треба.

Контактирајте нè денес за да закажете состанок на: +38970960908 или [email protected] и одберете премиум канцелариски простории за изнајмување на една од најбараните локации во Скопје.


Gradski Park Kamping Bb


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Our Story

Park Residence, лоциран на една од најатрактивните локации во градот, долж реката Вардар, во рамките на Градскиот парк е станбено - деловен комплекс. Комплекс изграден со најквалитетни материјали од светски познати и реномирани брендови како Cotto D 'ieste, M & Z, VIP, BAUDZT, Progetti, Rossini и се имплементирани највисоки безбедносни стандарди заверени од овластени институции во земјата.

Park Residence е препознатлив по својата единствена фасада, модерен дизајн, енергетска ефикасност и висока технологија која е вградена во објектот, што сеопфатно го прави Park Residence уникатен простор кој им го одзема здивот на посетителите.

Концептот на Park Residence е да се привлечат луѓе кои знаат што сакаат за себе и напорно работат за да го постигнат, но во исто време уживаат во животот во целост. Ова е најчестиот впечаток на гостите кои имаа можност да ги погледнат апартманите и да ја почувствуваат хармонијата на совршенството понудено од овој објект. Комплексот се состои од вкупно: 126 станови, канцелариски простор, 5 спрата хотел, обезбеден паркинг, со вкупна површина од 32.264 м2. Сите резиденти кои живеат во Park Residennce или престојуваат во хотелот, на располагање имаат: ресторан, паркинг, спа, фитнес центар, gift shop, бар и многу други погодности, сите на едно место. * Апартманите се регистрирани и се обезбедени со имотен лист ** Сметките за вода и електрична енергија наменети за домаќинство _____________________________________ Park Residence, located in one of the most attractive locations in the city, along the river Vardar, within the City Park is a residential building with apartments and offices. The building is built with the finest materials from world famous brands as Cotto D' ieste, M&Z, VIP, BAUDZT, Progetti, Rossini, and have been implemented highest security standards certified by authorized institutions in the country. Park Residence is recognizable by its unique facade, modern design, energy efficiency and the highest technology that is incorporated in the facility, which comprehensively makes Park Residence a unique space that takes visitors breath away. The concept of Park Residence is to attract people who know what they want for themselves and they work hard to achieve it, but at the same time enjoy the life fully, this is the most common impression of the guests who had the opportunity to visit the suites and to feel themselves the harmony of perfection offered by this facility. The complex consists of total: 126 apartments, office space, 5 floors hotel, secured parking, with total area of 32.264 m2. All those who will live in Park Residence or will stay at the hotel, will have: restaurant, parking lot, spa, fitness center, winery, deli shop, bar and many other amenities, all in one place. Besides the hotel part of the Park Residence, also you can find BRICK BAR,TWINS RESTAURANT AND LITTLE BOX. * Apartments are registered and are provided with property deeds ** The electricity in the apartments is based on household rates