Enjoy Macedonia

Enjoy Macedonia Enjoy Macedonia is a company specialized in incentive travel and team building events. All that is left to you is to ENJOY!

We design and run bespoke and inspirational incentive trips for your staff and customers, creating programs which promote team cohesion, strengthen bonds, develop skills and ultimately increase the engagement for your business. Our signature 4E formula (experience, engagement, education, entertainment) will definitely leave an impact on your team. Explore our variety of destination management serv

ices, whether you require a comprehensive program designed for associations and corporations or travel packages, we are your one-stop shop.


Ја заокружуваме јубилејната 2023та со одличен тим билдинг во прекрасниот Охрид кој беше домаќин на ПроКредит тимот. Уште еднаш се потврди одличната синергија, којa покажа дека тимот функционира како еден, а не отсуствуваше и забавната страна за едно незаборавно дружење.

Продолжуваме мотивирани и силни, одговорни кон луѓето, кон тимот, кон иднината!

Винската сезона ни помина прекрасно, низ игри, забава, квалитетно вино, добра храна и главното-едукација.Голем поздрав д...

Винската сезона ни помина прекрасно, низ игри, забава, квалитетно вино, добра храна и главното-едукација.
Голем поздрав до ATS Macedonia и благодарност за прекрасната дружба.

Со разиграност и насмевки на лицата успеавме да им приредиме на нашите пријатели од Комерцијална Банка еден прекрасен ви...

Со разиграност и насмевки на лицата успеавме да им приредиме на нашите пријатели од Комерцијална Банка еден прекрасен викенд кој и нас ни ги исполни срцата и не направи помудри и поспремни за нови предизвици.
Поздрав дечки, одлични бевте #КомерцијалнаБанка

Thank you One Inside for giving us the honour to organize your team building together :)

Thank you One Inside for giving us the honour to organize your team building together :)

They'll say better luck next time. It's not all about luck. It's about team work, leadership, cooperation and camaraderi...

They'll say better luck next time. It's not all about luck. It's about team work, leadership, cooperation and camaraderie. To trust the person next to you, give them your trust and the same will be given back to you. The fun and interactive way of learning something new is still the most efficient way.
And that is the only way we do it.

We do think that family is the most important thing in life. A lot of times we tend to focus to much on the work stuff s...

We do think that family is the most important thing in life. A lot of times we tend to focus to much on the work stuff so we forget about our most loved ones. Everything else is inferior compared to our families. With our family day we think we achieved the perfect event. For mama, papa, the little ones, for everyone. Schedule you're perfect day and combine everyone's family in your company, to enjoy most beautiful

📢 Breaking News: Enjoy Macedonia Goes LinkedIn! 🌟 Ignite Your Connections Today! 🌍Ја оживеавме нашата LinkedIn страница....

📢 Breaking News: Enjoy Macedonia Goes LinkedIn! 🌟 Ignite Your Connections Today! 🌍
Ја оживеавме нашата LinkedIn страница. Знаете што треба - Follow 👥


КАЈАКАРЕЊЕ НА МАТКАИзлезе од зоната на удобност, инспирирајте го својот тим, обновете ја вашата синергија и посветеност ...


Излезе од зоната на удобност, инспирирајте го својот тим, обновете ја вашата синергија и посветеност на работното место.
Под будното око на нашите стручни водичи и фасилитатори поминете ден во мистичен предел каде што вертикалните карпи скриваат бројни пештери, древни храмови, недопрена природа и бистри води. 🚣‍♂️



Vasil Glavinov 7b

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday 08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00


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Our Story

We design and run bespoke and inspirational incentives for your staff and customers, creating programs which are fun, strengthen bonds, develop skills and ultimately increase the engagement for your business. Our team is consistent of highly skilled professionals with over a decade of experience in the travel and company event management.

Our mission is to position Macedonia on the map of incentive destinations and provide you with the best travel management solution. We specialize in providing a comprehensive travel management service, combining our unsurpassed expertise and vast network of partners in Macedonia to create a tailor-made solution for each of our clients. Together, we deliver events with a meticulous eye for organizational detail, on time and on budget.

Our clients range from local companies to multinational corporations – large or small, each receives the same individual attention, the same flexible and innovative approach and the same cost-saving benefits. You point out your special demands and we provide you with individual solutions and matching offer for transportation, hotel accommodation, restaurants, activities, excursions, conference venues, themed events, gala dinners and logistics, meetings, incentive schemes.