Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars in the back of your mouth. They usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25, and they're spotted on X-rays.
Most people have them removed for one of these reasons:
➡️They’re impacted. Because they're so far back in your mouth, wisdom teeth may not come in normally. They can be trapped in your jawbone or gums, which can be painful.
➡️They come in at the wrong angle. They may press against your other teeth.
➡️Your mouth isn’t big enough. Your jaw has no room for an extra set of molars.
➡️You have cavities or gum disease. You may not be able to reach your wisdom teeth with your toothbrush or dental floss.
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Braces Placement
The first step towards a new and beautiful smile is setting up an initial consultation with our Dental Hero orthodontists.😄
At the consultation, the orthodontist will interview you about your previous dental history, look at x-rays of your teeth and mouth, and thoroughly examine your mouth.
Placing the braces:
Conditioning the surface of the teeth, to provide a place to cement on the brackets, cementing the brackets in place, and placing the first wire.
Then, the teeth are primed for the cement, and then the brackets are placed, based on predetermined positions, designed by the orthodontist.✅
The complete placement process is relatively fast and typically takes approximately 20 minutes.🕗
Brushing with Braces
Our patients who wear traditional metal braces must take very good care of them in order to maximize the success of their treatment. ✅
This means that they must brush and floss quite often, but they must also use Interdental brushes, a water pick, and/or fluoride mouth rinses to help reach the underneath the dental arch wires.If your teeth are neglected while you are wearing your braces, you may damage the enamel on them.
Therefore, our Dental Hero orthodontists recommend brushing your teeth at least three times daily and that you carry a toothbrush with you to school or work so you can brush your teeth after lunch. ✨
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Dental braces
Braces are far more than just a cosmetic investment. Because they rearrange your misaligned teeth and fix your bite, they also alleviate an array of health problems, including:
➡️ Difficulty speaking
➡️ Breathing issues
➡️ Problems chewing and swallowing
When it comes to your mouth, orthodontics are pretty and practical.👌