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ááşá¸ááťáŹá¸ááᯠáááşáᎠáááşááŹá¸ ááąáŹááşá¸ááťááąá¸ááąááŤááźáŽáážááˇáşđáĄáážááş 162C/ááŻáááááŽááááááşááŹ/áĄáąáŹááşááźááşáˇááźááşáááŻááşáááşá¸á/ áĄááŻáśááźááŻáˇáááş / áááşááŻááşááźááŻáˇáááŻáˇááŹááąáŹááşááźááşáˇáážáŻáˇáááŻááşááŤáááşáážááşáˇ đđ Viber (or) CB ááž áá
áşáááˇáşáááşá¸ áážáŹáá°áááŻááşááŤáááşááąáŹáşđ
No. 162-C, Second Thiri Avenue, Lower Kyimyindine Road, Ahlone Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Phone 09260597977 ( Viber ) , 09773222283 .
Dear Value Customers,
We are a professional supplier for restaurants and hotels, located in Yangon, Myanmar.
We are engaged in the sale, storage and distribution of many high quality products from factory, including kitchen equipment, hotel room equipment, ceramic dinnerware, Stainless Steel products, bar and coffee appliance, plastic and acrylic products, glassware,buffet ware, bedding set, bed sheets,towers, table cloths, chair covers, dinner cloths, table skirts, mattress protectors, bath robes, pillows, pillow case, bath mats, shower caps, soaps, shampoo, body lotion, shaving kit,slippers, comb, dental kit, tables, chair, wedding sofa,
(Single | Double
(Single | Double
& Duvet Cover (Single | Double
& Mattress Protector (Single | Double
, Pillow Case & Pillow Protector
(Hand Towel | Face Towel | Bath Towel | Pool Towel )
and etc.
We would like to invite you to come and visit our company. We will give competitive prices and best services to every customers. Warmly welcome your any inquiry and any questions about our products.
Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users and long time partnership can meet continously changing economic and social needs.
We are welcome to new and old customers from all walks of life to contacts us for future business relationships and achieving mutual success!
ááşá¸ááťáŹá¸ááᯠáááşááŽáááşááŹá¸ ááąáŹááşá¸ááťááąá¸ááťááşáážáááźáŽá¸ áá°ááźáŽá¸áááşá¸áááŻáˇáááşáá°áááŻááŤá áĄáąáŹááşááŤááŻááşá¸ááśááŤááşááťáŹá¸áááŻááąáŤáşáááŻáááŻááşááŤáááşáážááˇáş / Messenger or Viber áážáááşá¸ááąá¸ááźááşá¸áááşáá°áááŻááşááŤáááşááąáŹáşđ
No. 162-C, Second Thiri Avenue, Lower Kyimyindine Road, Ahlone Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Phone 09260597977 ( Viber ) , 09773222283
Google Maps ááž áááşááąáŹááşááźááşáˇáážáˇáááŻááşááŤáááşáážááşáˇ
Asia Great 1 Company
Lower Kyimyindine Road, Yangon
09 260 597 977 https://goo.gl/maps/a7tisBbFFGH2
áĄáážááş 162C/ááŻááşááááŽááááááşááŹ/áĄáąáŹááşááźááşáˇááźááşáááŻááşáááşá¸á/ áĄááŻáśááźááŻáˇáááş / áááşááŻááşááźááŻáˇá
phone 09260597977, 09773222283