Experience Myanmar
Beyond Boundaries is formed with an inspiration to make travel more diverse, innovative, and meaningful for the travellers who value the real sense of travelling experience and personal encounters by interacting with local people in different regions along Myanmar. Our team is built up of young, innovative and experienced personals in the industry for more than 10 years of service. We have been serving our clients under the name of Enchanting Myanmar since 2012 and rebranding process is finalized in the month of February 2017 as Beyond Boundaries.
Why Beyond Boundaries? We are passionate to provide the authentic experiences around Myanmar by making sure that our guests are getting such encounters as interacting with locals in different destinations, learning their way of lives by involving in their daily activities and listening the stories and believes of the place by its indigenous which are beyond your daily routine in the developed world. We believe that travelling is not only about natural environment, and but also about making friends, personal communication along the journey. So let’s share the feeling that’s touching more than words.
Our products are concentrated on those real experiences by organizing and cooperating with the partners with the same passion in the communities around the Myanmar. However, this is your trip and we would like to make your trip perfect for you and so do feel free to customize your travel with our local expert.
To explore our tours, please visit our website: www.beyondboundariesmyanmar.com