TICK.DESIGN TICK.DESIGN We strive to create inspiring visual experience and one-of-a-kind design for clients.



品牌形象設計 / 包裝設計 / 商標設計 / 海報設計 / 活動及展覽設計 / 插畫 / 彩繪 / 字體設計 / 網頁視覺設計 / 書籍設計 / 產品設計 / 動畫設計 / 室內設計 / IP設計 / 廣告 / 會展


TICK.DESIGN was established in 2015. Our clients come from various industries, ranging fr

om international franchise brand, luxury brand, jewellery, to F&B, art and organizations. We provide brand analysis and market evaluation for varied design cases, discovering core brand spirit, and executing design project. Our tailor made design plan will leverage the accuracy of the brand's creativity ex*****on and enhance brand personality, with unique attractiveness and creativeness. Service Items:
Branding / Packaging Design / Logo Design / Poster Design / Event And Exhibition Design / Illustration / Typography Design / Website Visual Design / Book Design / Product Design

*Welcome to make an appointment with us.

🏐「銀河娛樂集團世界女排聯賽澳門2024」打卡裝置設計✨🏐“Women’s Volleyball Nations League 2024 Macao presented by Galaxy Entertainment Group” Phot...

🏐“Women’s Volleyball Nations League 2024 Macao presented by Galaxy Entertainment Group” Photography Area Design✨

為「銀河娛樂集團世界女排聯賽澳門2024」設計了充滿創意與活力的立體打卡裝置。🧡"I LOVE VOLLEYBALL" 打卡區設於場館入口處,使用約150個排球填充字母,呈現引人注目的視覺效果,讓觀眾拍照留念,展現對排球的熱愛,留下精彩瞬間。🏐

場地更設置立體路牌,靈感來自澳門特色路牌。每個路牌分別融合了八個參賽國文化的獨特之處或標誌性建築。🇨🇳🇧🇷🇮🇹🇩🇴🇯🇵🇳🇱🇹🇭🇫🇷 活動限定打卡區為世界女排聯賽的觀眾沉浸式感受澳門體育盛事的魅力。📸✨

The creative and vivid three-dimensional photography area was designed for the "Women’s Volleyball Nations League 2024 Macao presented by Galaxy Entertainment Group". 🧡The "I LOVE VOLLEYBALL" photography area is located at the entrance of the venue. A hundred and fifty volleyball-filled letters are used to present a striking visual effect, allowing the audience to take photos, show their love for volleyball, and capture wonderful moments. 🏐

Moreover, three-dimensional street signs, inspired by Macau’s characteristic street signs. Each road sign incorporates unique features or landmarks from the cultures of the eight participating countries. 🇨🇳🇧🇷🇮🇹🇩🇴🇯🇵🇳🇱🇹🇭🇫🇷 The limited check-in area allows viewers of the World Women’s Volleyball League to immerse themselves in the charm of Macau’s sports event. 📸✨

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

🌐 澳門阿里雲  辦公室軟裝設計⚙️🌐 Alibaba Cloud Office Soft Furnishing Design⚙️為澳門阿里雲提供辦公室軟裝設計,包含多幅牆身及柱身設計,打造充滿創意與活力的辦公空間。牆身設計將澳門的地標 -...

🌐 澳門阿里雲 辦公室軟裝設計⚙️
🌐 Alibaba Cloud Office Soft Furnishing Design⚙️

為澳門阿里雲提供辦公室軟裝設計,包含多幅牆身及柱身設計,打造充滿創意與活力的辦公空間。牆身設計將澳門的地標 - 大三巴、崗頂劇院巧妙融入牆面,阿里吉祥物們在這些歷史建築中穿梭,講述著澳門的故事。在澳門特色的舊式茶樓中,吉祥物們聚在一起「飲茶」🍵,享用點心🥧,營造澳門人情味的氛圍。柱身設計巧妙地展示吉祥物們用不同語言述說阿里土語,展現阿里的國際視野🌍和多元文化。在休憩區的牆身設計,阿里巴巴的價值觀標語和澳門地標完美融合,為阿里員工提供一個放鬆身心、激發靈感的空間。整體設計為辦公環境帶來正能量,激發創造力,營造快樂與振奮的工作氛圍。 ✨

An office soft furnishing design was provided for Alibaba Cloud in Macao, encompassing multiple wall and column designs that created an office space brimming with creativity and vitality. The wall design seamlessly blended Macao‘s iconic landmarks - Ruins of St. Paul’s and Dom Pedro V Theatre - into a stunning integration. Alibaba‘s mascots appeared to shuttle through these historical buildings, telling the story of Macao. In the old-style teahouse with Macao characteristics, the mascots gathered together to ”yum cha“ 🍵 and enjoy snacks 🥧, creating a humane atmosphere in Macao. In the column design, the mascots were skillfully showcased speaking Alibaba dialect in various languages, highlighting Alibaba’s international vision 🌍 and commitment to multiculturalism. In the wall design of the recreation area, Alibaba‘s value slogans were perfectly integrated with Macao landmarks, creating a space where Alibaba employees could unwind and draw inspiration. The overall design brought positive energy to the office environment, stimulated creativity, and created a happy and exciting working atmosphere. ✨

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

❇️ M.CLASS 設計夏令營 視覺形象 ❇️🔷 M.CLASS Design Experience Class Visual Identity 🔷海報插畫展現有趣的角色們創作作品的過程,呈現夏令營多元化的課程內容,包容平面設計、插畫、多...

❇️ M.CLASS 設計夏令營 視覺形象 ❇️
🔷 M.CLASS Design Experience Class Visual Identity 🔷


The poster illustrations show the process of creating interesting characters works, and present the diversified curriculum content of the Design Experience Class, including graphic design, illustration, and multimedia animation. It is hoped that the public can feel the fun of design creation, so as to attract young people to participate in activities, explore and realize more creative possibilities. 🤩🖥💡✨

Visual Identity by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram: tickdesignltd
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]


❇️ M.CLASS 設計夏令營 視覺形象 ❇️
🔷 M.CLASS Design Experience Class Visual Identity 🔷


The poster illustrations show the process of creating interesting characters works, and present the diversified curriculum content of the Design Experience Class, including graphic design, illustration, and multimedia animation. It is hoped that the public can feel the fun of design creation, so as to attract young people to participate in activities, explore and realize more creative possibilities. 🤩🖥💡✨

Visual Identity by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram: tickdesignltd
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

🛍️ 國際消費者權益日展覽設計✨🛍️ World Consumer Rights Day Exhibition Design ✨「澳門-橫琴國際消費者權益日主題活動」在橫琴口岸一樓大廳舉行。此次活動由澳門特別行政區政府消費者委員會、橫琴粵澳...

🛍️ 國際消費者權益日展覽設計✨
🛍️ World Consumer Rights Day Exhibition Design ✨


展覽設計以消費者委員會的吉祥物和琴澳兩地的地標為設計元素。由吉祥物擔任展覽的導遊,帶大家了解消費者權益。1.5米高的公仔,活潑的肢體動作,倍添親切感和氛圍感。展覽主體方面,選用了橫琴著名地標 - 橫琴口岸和橫琴碼頭,以及澳門著名地標 - 大三巴牌坊、媽祖閣和關閘作為設計元素。✨


The “Macao-Hengqin World Consumer Rights Day Theme Event” was held in the lobby on the first floor of Hengqin Port. The event was jointly organized by the Macao SAR Government Consumer Council and the Consumers Association of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. ✨

The Consumer Council’s mascots and the landmarks of Hengqin and Macao were featured as design elements. The mascots served as tour guides for the exhibition to help everyone understand consumer rights. The 1.5-meter-tall mascots and their lively body gestures added a sense of intimacy and atmosphere. As for the main body of the exhibition, Hengqin’s famous landmarks - Hengqin Port and Hengqin Pier, as well as Macao’s famous landmarks - Ruins of St. Paul, A-Ma Temple and Border Gate were selected as design elements. ✨

In order to have a better immersive exhibition experience, the macaron color palette was specially designed. The color combination was bright and soft, making the audience felt like they had entered a fantasy world. 🥳💖💜💚💛

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign
🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

🎽 銀河娛樂澳門國際馬拉松嘉年華設計🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️🎽 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon Carnival Design🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️✨嘉年華以銀河娛樂吉祥物小淘淘...

🎽 銀河娛樂澳門國際馬拉松嘉年華設計🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️
🎽 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon Carnival Design🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️✨


The carnival featured Wavey, the Peacock of Galaxy, as the protagonist, leading everyone to experience the fun of the marathon carnival. The creative check in area included a giant marathon medal, a photogenic spot🥇, an “I💚MARATHON” photo wall and a selfie neon wall⏱, etc. The carnival featured a variety of game booths, incorporating the landmarks along the marathon route as design elements. The event launched a children’s running competition for the first time, allowing both adults and children to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of Macao’s annual marathon event. 💦🏁💥✨

Visual Identity by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

♦️泰豐超市 門店插畫 🛒♦️Tai Fung Supermarket Store Illustration 🛒插畫以高底錯落的立體空間分布,營造出如迷宮般充滿娛樂性的歡樂空間。因應超市不同類型及用途的商品,利用它們的外型特徵、材質特性等擺...

♦️泰豐超市 門店插畫 🛒
♦️Tai Fung Supermarket Store Illustration 🛒


The illustrations feature staggered three-dimensional space to create a joyful and entertaining maze-like space. According to the different types and uses of products in the supermarket, their appearance characteristics and material characteristics are featured in different positions. This leads to the interaction between the customers and the products, enriching the content of the picture. The store is decorated with illustrations to attract customers, inviting everyone to enjoy shopping. 🛍✨

Illustration by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

💧澳門自來水 2022 年報設計 ✨💧Macao Water 2022 Annual Report Design ✨以澳門自來水母公司蘇伊士與澳門自來水的品牌形象為基礎,設計製作了澳門自來水2022年報。各項圖標及輔助圖形貫穿整本年報,呈現...

💧澳門自來水 2022 年報設計 ✨
💧Macao Water 2022 Annual Report Design ✨


Macacao Water 2022 Annual Report is designed based on the branding of SUEZ, the parent company of Macao Water, and Macao Water as well.
Throughout this report, various icons are used to show the connectivity amongst sections, bringing out a professional, concise and beautiful image. It shows that with a history of nearly 90 years in the city, Macao Water is committed to providing safe, stable and quality water supply services.🚰💧

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.DESIGN
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]


TICK.DESIGN 8th Anniversary! 🥳🥳


感謝一直支持我們的客戶和朋友 🤗🙏🏻

We will continue to work hard and create more wonderful and quality designs. 💪🏻💡💫
Thanks to our customers and friends who have been supporting us. 🤗🙏🏻

📩 [email protected] 📩
Welcome to come and discuss design cooperation with us✨
☑️ 品牌設計 Branding|包裝設計 Packaging|活動展覽形象設計 Event&Exhibition|插畫 illustration|書籍設計 Book|產品設計 Product|IP角色設計 IP Design

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.DESIGN
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign


TICK.DESIGN 8th Anniversary! 🥳🥳


感謝一直支持我們的客戶和朋友 🤗🙏🏻

We will continue to work hard and create more wonderful and quality designs. 💪🏻💡💫
Thanks to our customers and friends who have been supporting us. 🤗🙏🏻

📩 [email protected] 📩
Welcome to come and discuss design cooperation with us✨
☑️ 品牌設計 Branding|包裝設計 Packaging|活動展覽形象設計 Event&Exhibition|插畫 illustration|書籍設計 Book|產品設計 Product|IP角色設計 IP Design

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.DESIGN
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign


TICK.DESIGN 8th Anniversary! 🥳🥳


感謝一直支持我們的客戶和朋友 🤗🙏🏻

We will continue to work hard and create more wonderful and quality designs. 💪🏻💡💫
Thanks to our customers and friends who have been supporting us. 🤗🙏🏻

📩 [email protected] 📩
Welcome to come and discuss design cooperation with us✨
☑️ 品牌設計 Branding|包裝設計 Packaging|活動展覽形象設計 Event&Exhibition|插畫 illustration|書籍設計 Book|產品設計 Product|IP角色設計 IP Design

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.DESIGN
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

澳門誠信店聯乘橫琴誠信店 系列廣告設計 🛍️✨Macao Certified Shop and Hengqin Certified Shop Series Advertising Billboard Design 🛍️✨以3D視覺元素製作的...

澳門誠信店聯乘橫琴誠信店 系列廣告設計 🛍️✨
Macao Certified Shop and Hengqin Certified Shop Series Advertising Billboard Design 🛍️✨


Two graphic advertising designs were made with 3D visual elements. In addition to mascots with different movements, the elements of representative landmarks, shopping, gifts, and surprises from Macao and Hengqin were included in the scenes. The highly reflective metal material matched the high-end positioning of the advertisement. The advertisements were designed to promote the Macao Certificed Shop and Hengqin Certified Shop to residents and tourists, and to build an honest and high-quality consumer environment.🛒🎁

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook & XiaoHongShu: TICK.DESIGN
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

VIGNOBLES ROMA 紅葡萄酒 酒標包裝設計🍷🍇VIGNOBLES ROMA Cuvée Tradition Wine Label & Packaging Design 🍷🍇為聖貝澤酒庄出品的VIGNOBLES ROMA紅酒產品設計...

VIGNOBLES ROMA 紅葡萄酒 酒標包裝設計🍷🍇
VIGNOBLES ROMA Cuvée Tradition Wine Label & Packaging Design 🍷🍇

為聖貝澤酒庄出品的VIGNOBLES ROMA紅酒產品設計酒標,以最具代表性的羅馬著名地標羅馬競技場為主圖像,由精細復古的繪畫筆觸描繪。酒標設計以不同的配色來區分紅酒的品種,整體設計呈現華麗典雅風格,突顯紅葡萄酒的香醇濃郁的精良出品特色。🏟🎨


The wine labels were designed for a series of VIGNOBLES ROMA red wine products from the Winery Saint-Bénézet, with the most representative landmark in Rome, the Colosseum, as the main image, depicted by fine retro painting brushstrokes. The different colors of the wine labels were used to distinguish the varieties of the red wine. The overall design has presented a gorgeous and elegant style, highlighting the mellow, rich and sophisticated characteristics of red wine. 🏟🎨

The grape varieties of VIGNOBLES ROMA, rich and varied, included Grenache, Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, etc. The red wine series have been famous for their passionate and fruity wine, allowing everyone to enjoy a harmonious and rich taste. 🍷✨

Packaging Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

🔶 C to C 計劃 🔶 視覺形象 ✨🔶 C to C Connect to Creativity Program 🔶 Visual Identity ✨活動以Connect和Creativity的「C」字串連起整體的視覺形象,動態宣傳片...

🔶 C to C 計劃 🔶 視覺形象 ✨
🔶 C to C Connect to Creativity Program 🔶 Visual Identity ✨


「C to C Connect to Creativity 計劃」由澳門設計師協會舉辦,嘗試在各院校向學生介紹協會未來的設計展覽,邀請有興趣同學參與和體驗協會工作。計劃內容包括協會展覽工作參與、設計工作室拜訪、印廠、紙行及相關行業拜訪等。學生藉由參與策劃及實踐,能加強對設計的認知、擴展視野、了解設計美學及提昇相關能力。✨

The visual image of the event was connected by the word "C" of Connect and Creativity, and the motion graphic video was reorganized and transformed into the word C by post-it notes symbolizing design inspiration. The diffusion-type logo design was like Wi-Fi, which suggested that students could interact with creators and exchange ideas when participating in the program. 💡💥

The "C to C Connect to Creativity Program" was organized by the Macau Designers Association, aiming at introducing the upcoming design exhibitions to students in various institutions, and inviting interested students to participate and experience the work of the association. The content of the program includes participation in the association's exhibition work, and visits to design studios, printing factories, paper shops and related industries, etc. Through participation in the planning and practice, students can strengthen their understanding of design, expand their horizons, enhance design aesthetics and improve related abilities.✨

Visual Identity by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]


🔶 C to C 計劃 🔶 視覺形象 ✨
🔶 C to C Connect to Creativity Program 🔶 Visual Identity ✨


「C to C Connect to Creativity 計劃」由澳門設計師協會舉辦,嘗試在各院校向學生介紹協會未來的設計展覽,邀請有興趣同學參與和體驗協會工作。計劃內容包括協會展覽工作參與、設計工作室拜訪、印廠、紙行及相關行業拜訪等。學生藉由參與策劃及實踐,能加強對設計的認知、擴展視野、了解設計美學及提昇相關能力。✨

The visual image of the event was connected by the word "C" of Connect and Creativity, and the motion graphic video was reorganized and transformed into the word C by post-it notes symbolizing design inspiration. The diffusion-type logo design was like Wi-Fi, which suggested that students could interact with creators and exchange ideas when participating in the program. 💡💥

The "C to C Connect to Creativity Program" was organized by the Macau Designers Association, aiming at introducing the upcoming design exhibitions to students in various institutions, and inviting interested students to participate and experience the work of the association. The content of the program includes participation in the association's exhibition work, and visits to design studios, printing factories, paper shops and related industries, etc. Through participation in the planning and practice, students can strengthen their understanding of design, expand their horizons, enhance design aesthetics and improve related abilities.✨

Visual Identity by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

⛩ 築鳥 吞拿魚解體秀 宣傳插畫 🍣⛩ Promotional Illustrations for the Tsutori's Tuna Cutting Shows  🍣為築鳥Tsutori日本料理的吞拿魚解體秀而創作的宣傳插畫,以具視覺冲...

⛩ 築鳥 吞拿魚解體秀 宣傳插畫 🍣
⛩ Promotional Illustrations for the Tsutori's Tuna Cutting Shows 🍣



The promotional illustrations created for the Tuna Cutting Shows from the Tsutori Japanese Restaurant are presented in a visually striking Japanese manga style. The concept of the illustration design is innovative, and the content includes various representative elements of the restaurant and the Tuna Cutting Shows. Through the exquisite and interesting style, the audiences can understand and appreciate the essence of Japanese cuisine. ⛩🗯✨

The Tuna Cutting Shows in the Tsutori Japanese Restautant is performed by experienced chefs every week. The Tuna Dismantling Show allows the audiences to feel the professionalism and superb skills of the chefs while enjoying the freshest food. 🌊🍣

Illustration by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

💎盛豐珠寶 品牌形象 ✨ 💎Seng Fung Jewellery Branding ✨盛豐珠寶品牌形象更新項目,由標誌原有書法字體統一變更成富設計感的品牌標準字。整體店舖形象配色以紅、金色為主色調,配搭簡約的裝飾線條,延伸應用至品牌的各個...

💎盛豐珠寶 品牌形象 ✨
💎Seng Fung Jewellery Branding ✨


The rebrading of Seng Fung Jewellery has been transformed from the original calligraphy font of the logo to the standard logotype with a sense of design. The color scheme of the overall store image is dominated by red and gold, with simple decorative lines, which are extended to various brand application items, highlighting the noble and elegant feeling. 💍✨

☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

TICK.DESIGN 榮獲 Hiii Illustration國際插畫大賽!🏆🎨Thank You! 🤗🤗✨ Hiii Illustration國際插畫大賽是在亞太地區乃至世界範圍內屈指可數的重量級插畫賽事,通過全球範圍的征集評選,發現褒...

TICK.DESIGN 榮獲 Hiii Illustration國際插畫大賽!🏆🎨
Thank You! 🤗🤗✨

Hiii Illustration國際插畫大賽是在亞太地區乃至世界範圍內屈指可數的重量級插畫賽事,通過全球範圍的征集評選,發現褒獎優秀的插畫力量和插畫作品。本屆Hiii Illustration國際插畫大賽共收到來自60多個國家或地區的參賽作品4306件,經過三輪嚴格評選,最終選出入圍作品578件,入圍比率為13.4%;獲獎作品185件,獲獎比率為4.2%。🤩

☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

💧澳門自來水 企業形象手冊及年報設計 ✨💧Macao Water Visual Identity Manual & Annual Report Design ✨為澳門自來水股份有限公司重新設計製作了企業視覺形象手冊。在公司原有品牌基礎上加入...

💧澳門自來水 企業形象手冊及年報設計 ✨
💧Macao Water Visual Identity Manual & Annual Report Design ✨



The Visual Identity Manual for Macao Water Supply Company Limited was redesigned. On the basis of the company's original brand image, the brand elements of the parent company SUEZ were added to optimize the visual identity. The 100-page manual has regulated the scope of use of the logo and the application of auxiliary graphics, making the visual identity more standardized and systematized.🚰💧

The Annual Report has applied the rules of the Visual Identity Manual. The elements in the book, such as icons, tables, charts, etc., have applied SUEZ’s official color. The photos and backgrounds in the pages have also incorporated SUEZ’s auxiliary graphics, making the overall feeling unified with the brand. ✨

Design by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

💥 TICK.DESIGN @ Macau Design Week 💥我們的作品受邀於「澳門設計周2022|澳門設計國際得獎作品展」展出中哦 🤗有興趣的朋友仔歡迎到展場觀展啦 😉✨ ▎澳門設計國際得獎作品展邀請本地7間曾獲國際設計獎項的工作...

💥 TICK.DESIGN @ Macau Design Week 💥

我們的作品受邀於「澳門設計周2022|澳門設計國際得獎作品展」展出中哦 🤗
有興趣的朋友仔歡迎到展場觀展啦 😉✨


▎Macao-Design-Departure 澳門設計國際得獎作品展
▎Weather Report 韓國當代設計展
▎The Swap Show 新加坡當代設計展
不單只聚焦澳門設計,也帶大家領略來自世界各地的作品哦 🤩

♦️開放時間:10:00 - 19:00
▎免費入場 ▎

☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign


✈️ 奧比斯 線上展覽視覺形象 👁✨
✈️ Orbis Virtual Exhibition Visual Identity 👁✨

Orbis首個線上展覽「FUN享光明喜悅四十年」以眼睛為主要設計元素👁 ,並加入了奧比斯的吉祥物Seymour小熊、眼科醫生、眼部檢查儀器及飛機元素✈️,以表示機構正展開的救盲行動。踏上改變視障患者一生的旅程上,陪伴正在恢復視力的病人,為他們帶來安慰💕。當中也加入電筒元素,以象徵把光明傳遞給更多人。✨


Orbis’s first virtual exhibition, Sharing Celebrations - 40 years of saving sight, uses eyes as the main design element 👁 , and adds Orbis mascot Seymour bear, ophthalmologist, eye examination equipment and airplane elements. ✈️ We are launching a blind rescue operation, embarking on a journey to change the lives of visually impaired patients, accompanying patients who are recovering their vision, and bringing them comfort💕. The torch element is also added to symbolize the passing of light to more people. ✨

This exhibition will allow visitors to better understand Orbis life-transforming mission to end avoidable blindness, and will let us know about Orbis aspirations to changing the way the world sees. ✨

Visual Identity by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]


✈️ 奧比斯 線上展覽視覺形象 👁✨
✈️ Orbis Virtual Exhibition Visual Identity 👁✨

Orbis首個線上展覽「FUN享光明喜悅四十年」以眼睛為主要設計元素👁 ,並加入了奧比斯的吉祥物Seymour小熊、眼科醫生、眼部檢查儀器及飛機元素✈️,以表示機構正展開的救盲行動。踏上改變視障患者一生的旅程上,陪伴正在恢復視力的病人,為他們帶來安慰💕。當中也加入電筒元素,以象徵把光明傳遞給更多人。✨


Orbis’s first virtual exhibition, Sharing Celebrations - 40 years of saving sight, uses eyes as the main design element 👁 , and adds Orbis mascot Seymour bear, ophthalmologist, eye examination equipment and airplane elements. ✈️ We are launching a blind rescue operation, embarking on a journey to change the lives of visually impaired patients, accompanying patients who are recovering their vision, and bringing them comfort💕. The torch element is also added to symbolize the passing of light to more people. ✨

This exhibition will allow visitors to better understand Orbis life-transforming mission to end avoidable blindness, and will let us know about Orbis aspirations to changing the way the world sees. ✨

Visual Identity by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

✈️ 奧比斯 線上展覽視覺形象 👁✨✈️ Orbis Virtual Exhibition Visual Identity 👁✨Orbis首個線上展覽「FUN享光明喜悅四十年」以眼睛為主要設計元素👁 ,並加入了奧比斯的吉祥物Seymour小...

✈️ 奧比斯 線上展覽視覺形象 👁✨
✈️ Orbis Virtual Exhibition Visual Identity 👁✨

Orbis首個線上展覽「FUN享光明喜悅四十年」以眼睛為主要設計元素👁 ,並加入了奧比斯的吉祥物Seymour小熊、眼科醫生、眼部檢查儀器及飛機元素✈️,以表示機構正展開的救盲行動。踏上改變視障患者一生的旅程上,陪伴正在恢復視力的病人,為他們帶來安慰💕。當中也加入電筒元素,以象徵把光明傳遞給更多人。✨


Orbis’s first virtual exhibition, Sharing Celebrations - 40 years of saving sight, uses eyes as the main design element 👁 , and adds Orbis mascot Seymour bear, ophthalmologist, eye examination equipment and airplane elements. ✈️ We are launching a blind rescue operation, embarking on a journey to change the lives of visually impaired patients, accompanying patients who are recovering their vision, and bringing them comfort💕. The torch element is also added to symbolize the passing of light to more people. ✨

This exhibition will allow visitors to better understand Orbis life-transforming mission to end avoidable blindness, and will let us know about Orbis aspirations to changing the way the world sees. ✨

Visual Identity by TICK.DESIGN ✨
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]


TICK.DESIGN 現招聘平面設計師 🖥
期望能找到將與我們共同進步的小伙伴哦 😉😉✨

💠 工作類型:全職 / 兼職 (求職時請註明)

💠 職位要求:
1. 能熟練操作AI, PS, InDesign等設計軟件
(如擅長操作3D /多媒體軟件或具插畫能力,將優先取錄)
2. 具備良好的設計觸覺、有活力、正能量、善於溝通、勇於挑戰
3. 就讀相關專業,具相關專業文憑或工作經驗

💠 工作內容:
配合協助各項設計專案 / 獨立完成設計項目

💠 申請方法:
有意者請將履歷表、作品集和清晰近照電郵至[email protected]

☑️ Facebook: TICK.DESIGN
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign


TICK.DESIGN 7th Anniversary! 🥳🥳

感謝一直支持我們的客戶和朋友 🤗🙏🏻

We will continue to work hard and create more wonderful and quality designs. 💪🏻💡💫
Thanks to our customers and friends who have been supporting us. 🤗🙏🏻

📩 [email protected] 📩
Welcome to come and discuss design cooperation with us✨
☑️ 品牌設計 Branding|包裝設計 Packaging|活動展覽形象設計 Event&Exhibition|插畫 illustration|書籍設計 Book|產品設計 Product|IP角色設計 IP Design

☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign


澳門金融管理局「人壽保險轉保指引」動畫宣傳片 🎥🎞
Monetary Authority of Macao "Guidelines for Life Insurance Transfer" Promotional Video 🎥🎞

動畫片通過生動、活潑的角色們互動,呈現出趣味性的畫面,以吸引大眾關注及了解人壽保險客戶轉保是存在著一定的風險及影響,讓客戶能在簽署文件前作出思考判斷,從而作出合適自己的選擇 。🔍🌟轉保前簽聲明書,諗真先揀無執輸!📃👍🏻✨

Through the interaction of lively characters, the interesting scenes are presented to attract the public's attention of the life insurance transfer, which might have certain risks and impacts. Customers should make sufficient consideration before signing documents, and make the right choice. 🔍🌟

Sign the statement before transferring the insurance, and make sure you make the right choice! 📃👍🏻

Motion Graphic by TICK.DESIGN
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

澳門金融管理局「人壽保險轉保指引」動畫宣傳片 🎥🎞Monetary Authority of Macao "Guidelines for Life Insurance Transfer" Promotional Video 🎥🎞動畫片通過生...

澳門金融管理局「人壽保險轉保指引」動畫宣傳片 🎥🎞
Monetary Authority of Macao "Guidelines for Life Insurance Transfer" Promotional Video 🎥🎞

動畫片通過生動、活潑的角色們互動,呈現出趣味性的畫面,以吸引大眾關注及了解人壽保險客戶轉保是存在著一定的風險及影響,讓客戶能在簽署文件前作出思考判斷,從而作出合適自己的選擇 。🔍🌟轉保前簽聲明書,諗真先揀無執輸!📃👍🏻✨

Through the interaction of lively characters, the interesting scenes are presented to attract the public's attention of the life insurance transfer, which might have certain risks and impacts. Customers should make sufficient consideration before signing documents, and make the right choice. 🔍🌟

Sign the statement before transferring the insurance, and make sure you make the right choice! 📃👍🏻

Motion Graphic by TICK.DESIGN
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

獲獎消息雙雙報捷!🏆🏆🥳🥳TICK.DESIGN創意總監 Tramy Lui 與Swatch合作的插畫作品榮獲美國3x3國際插畫大賽榮譽獎並同時入選世界插畫大獎WIA!這也是TICK.DESIGN作品連續兩年入選WIA大獎!🥳🎨✨Good ...

TICK.DESIGN創意總監 Tramy Lui 與Swatch合作的插畫作品榮獲美國3x3國際插畫大賽榮譽獎並同時入選世界插畫大獎WIA!這也是TICK.DESIGN作品連續兩年入選WIA大獎!🥳🎨✨

Good news received from two international awards! 🏆🥳🥳
TICK.DESIGN creative director Tramy Lui's illustration work in cooperation with Swatch has won the Honorable Mention of the 3x3 International Illustration Awards, and has also been selected for the World Illustration Awards (WIA)! This is also the second consecutive year that TICK.DESIGN's works have been selected for the WIA! 🥳🎨✨


世界插畫大獎是面向對全球插畫家開放征集的最負盛名的世界級年度插畫比賽,該獎項由英國插畫師協會 AOI 與美國《插畫目錄》DI 共同舉辦。來自國際的插畫家提交過 5,000 幅參賽作品。隨後是競爭激烈的評審過程,以選出 500 個項目。此名單代表了來自世界各地最好的插畫作品。✨

The 3×3 International Illustration Annual in the United States is a competition with worldwide influence. Launched in 2003, 3x3 Magazine is the first publication devoted entirely to the art of contemporary illustration. This renowned illustration magazine is published in the United States and distributed worldwide. The jury produces annuals and curated directory for top illustrators' works.

The World Illustration Awards (WIA) is the most prestigious world-class annual illustration competition open to illustrators from all over the world. The award is jointly organized by the Association of Illustrators (AOI) in the UK and Directory of Illustration (DI) in the US. Illustrators from around the world submitted over 5,000 entries. This was followed by a highly competitive judging process to select 500 longlisted projects. The WIA Longlist represents the very best illustration works worldwide. ✨

Thank you!😛🙏🏻

☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design Tramy Lui
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]

📃 澳門非物質文化遺產名錄 🎨✨📃 List of Macau Intangible Cultural Heritage 🎨✨《澳門非物質文化遺產》是一本推廣澳門非物質文化遺產清單項目的普及性讀物,由澳門文化局出版。書中以生動有趣的插畫呈現...

📃 澳門非物質文化遺產名錄 🎨✨
📃 List of Macau Intangible Cultural Heritage 🎨✨



"List of Macao Intangible Cultural Heritage" is a popular reading material to promote the intangible cultural heritage in Macao, which is published by Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau. The booklet is presented with lively and interesting illustrations and concise words, hoping to arouse readers' interest in the intangible cultural heritage. It allows readers to realize the connotation and practical methods of a total of 70 items of intangible cultural heritage in Macao. 📗

Over 1,000 characters were drawn in 70 lively, cute and friendly illustrations, restoring the excitement of various festivals and activities. The illustrations were based on the manifestations of the intangible cultural heritage, and the tools, objects, cultural space and other related elements to create the scene and essence of the intangible cultural heritage. Through reading the booklet, everyone can know more about the interesting and unique intangible cultural heritage in Macao.🎨✨

Illustration by Tramy Lui @ TICK.Design ✨​​​
☑️ Facebook: TICK.Design
☑️ Instagram:
☑️ Behance: https://www.behance.net/tickdesign

🔎 如有合作意向,歡迎與我們聯絡 🤗✨
📩 For enquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]



Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:30 - 19:00
Terça-feira 09:30 - 19:00
Quarta-feira 09:30 - 19:00
Quinta-feira 09:30 - 19:00
Sexta-feira 09:30 - 19:00
Sábado 09:30 - 13:00


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