AVIS Car Rental Macau

AVIS Car Rental Macau AVIS一家全球性的汽車租賃公司,在世界174個國家和地區設立了營業網點,車 Our staff is available 14 hours a day to provide you with quality service, as well as 24 hours emergency assistance.

網址: www.avis.com.mo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvisMacau
Instagram: avismacau

我們提供從 14 小時的電話預定咨詢到 24 小時的全天候緊急救援服務,凡是租車涉及到的問題,我們都為您想在先,做在前。除此之外,我們倡導靈活多變的彈性服務理念,除了為眾多國際大公司提供長租服務外,在短租車輛資源上亦有明顯的優勢,讓您擁有更大的選擇餘地。

AVIS 在車況及車輛保養方面也勝人一籌,讓您租車更放心、順心。我們的車管中心擁有多名高級車輛維修技術師及精密的維修設備確保您在 AVIS 汽車租賃所租的每輛車都車況優良。為了滿足您的需要,我們將不懈努力。

Website: www.avis.com.mo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvisMacau
Instagram: avismac


AVIS Macau provides self-drive rental car service, chauffer drive for services ranging from a one-way-transfer, to a city tour, and even special wedding packages aboard our very unique Tour Machine. AVIS Macau also has an advantage in car maintenance, as our maintenance center is equipped with precision equipment and operated by a number of our own high-level mechanics to keep all the cars in top conditions. We will always try harder to satisfy your needs.

【立即 Mark 低九、十月澳門「煙」花期】又到咗一年一度嚟澳門、賞「煙」花🎇嘅季節喇~澳門國際煙花比賽匯演今年已經嚟到第 32 屆,將會分成五日,分別喺 9月 7 號、 14 號、 21 號,及 10月 1 日 號 6 號晚上舉行,喺旅遊...

【立即 Mark 低九、十月澳門「煙」花期】


澳門國際煙花比賽匯演今年已經嚟到第 32 屆,將會分成五日,分別喺 9月 7 號、 14 號、 21 號,及 10月 1 日 號 6 號晚上舉行,喺旅遊塔對出海面綻放繽紛絢爛嘅煙花🎆!


【Mark Your Calendars for Macau's "Fireworks" Season in September and October】

It's that time of the year again to visit Macau and enjoy the "fireworks" 🎇!

The Macau International Fireworks Display Contest has reached its 32nd edition this year. It will be held over five nights on September 7, 14, 21, and October 1, 6, with colorful and spectacular fireworks lighting up the sea in front of the Macau Tower 🎆!

Choose the right time and bring your significant other for a self-drive mini-trip to Macau 🚗! While driving around to enjoy food and fun, it's also more convenient to find the best viewing spot for the fireworks at night – perfectly romantic 💞!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co

Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau

想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!

【盛夏澳門家庭自駕遊等緊你🔥】暑假已經過咗一大半🏃🏼‍➡️,仲想把握機會去多個旅行🧳? Book 唔切機票唔緊要,搵個週末帶埋屋企人嚟澳門自駕遊啦🔥!我哋提供多款七人車租賃🚗,適合一家大細👨‍👩‍👧‍👦,取車地點位於澳門雅辰酒店停車場📍,鄰...


暑假已經過咗一大半🏃🏼‍➡️,仲想把握機會去多個旅行🧳? Book 唔切機票唔緊要,搵個週末帶埋屋企人嚟澳門自駕遊啦🔥!

我哋提供多款七人車租賃🚗,適合一家大細👨‍👩‍👧‍👦,取車地點位於澳門雅辰酒店停車場📍,鄰近外港客運碼頭,夠晒方便~即刻嚟 AVIS Macau 租車,留低珍貴又歡樂嘅夏日回憶✨!

【Hot Summer Family Self-Drive Tour in Macau Awaits You 🔥】

Already halfway through the summer vacation 🏃🏼‍➡️, but still want to squeeze in another trip 🧳? Can't book flight tickets? No worries! Take your family on a weekend self-drive tour to Macau 🔥!

We offer a variety of 7-seater car rentals 🚗, perfect for the whole family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦. Our pick-up location is at the Ascott Macau Hotel parking lot 📍, near the Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal - super convenient! Come to AVIS Macau to rent a car now and create precious and joyful summer memories ✨!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!






【Coming to Macau in Summer? Self-Drive Tours with AC Are the Way to Go!】

When traveling in summer, surely no one wants to wait for transportation under the scorching sun 🌞🥵!

At any time, a self-drive tour is your best choice for a relaxed trip 😎! Whether you're exploring attractions in the old town ⛪️, enjoying good food 😋, or heading to Coloane for outdoor activities 🏄🏻, experiencing the sun and beach is equally convenient!

We offer a variety of car models to choose from. Book your Macau self-drive tour now 🚘!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!






【Summer · Beach · Explore Macau ☀️】

When visiting Macau for summer vacation, how can you miss out on the beaches and cool, refreshing water activities 🤽🏼?

Macau has two beaches in total — Hac Sa Beach and Cheoc Van Beach, located on the east side and southern tip of Coloane respectively. It's even more convenient to drive there yourself, and you can explore more places along the way 🚘!

Take advantage of the long summer holiday now to create unforgettable memories ☺️~


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!

【企業必睇‼️ AVIS Macau 長期租車方案】諗住為高級員工配車🚗,又或者係經常要接送客戶🕴🏼?我哋嘅長期租車方案可以揀每月繳費,助你更靈活運用資金,更多心儀車款可供選擇,無需再擔心資金壓力和汽車折舊風險🥳!立即聯絡我哋,享受輕鬆無憂...

【企業必睇‼️ AVIS Macau 長期租車方案】




【Must-see for Enterprises! AVIS Macau Long-term Car Rental Solutions】

Thinking of providing company cars 🚗 for your senior staff, or frequently need to pick up clients 🕴🏼?

Our long-term car rental plan allows you to choose a monthly payment, helping you utilize your funds more flexibly, while freely switching to new models, without worrying about financial pressure and vehicle depreciation risks 🥳!

Our long-term car rental plan allows you to choose monthly payments to help you use your funds more flexibly, with more car models to choose from. You no longer need to worry about financial pressure and car depreciation risks! 🥳

Contact us now to enjoy a hassle-free car rental solution!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!

【今個六月,你不容錯過嘅國際美食盡在澳門🤩】今個六月, “澳門國際美食之都嘉年華” 又嚟喇, 不容錯過‼️冇錯!澳門將會聯動多個聯合國教科文組織創意城市網絡(UCCN)嘅美食之都,由 14 號至 23 號喺漁人碼頭,帶嚟總共約100個美食展...


今個六月, “澳門國際美食之都嘉年華” 又嚟喇, 不容錯過‼️

冇錯!澳門將會聯動多個聯合國教科文組織創意城市網絡(UCCN)嘅美食之都,由 14 號至 23 號喺漁人碼頭,帶嚟總共約100個美食展銷攤位!嚟轉澳門就一次過品嚐到各國美食佳餚🥢,仲唔立即出發?

嚟得澳門又點會淨係得食😋,仲有玩玩玩🛍️!嚟AVIS Macau 租車自駕,咁就可以更加輕鬆往返會場同埋唔同景點啦~

【This June, Don't Miss the International Gourmet Feast in Macau 🤩】

In the middle of June, the Macau International Gourmet Festival is back again‼️

That's right! Macau is collaborating with multiple UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy Network, bringing around 100 food and beverage booths to the Fisherman's Wharf from the 14th to the 23rd! Come to Macau and enjoy delectable cuisine from different countries in one go 🥢, so why not set off right now?

When you come to Macau, it's not just about eating 😋, there's also lots of fun things to do 🛍️! Rent a car with AVIS Macau and self-drive, so you can more easily travel between the venue and different attractions.


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co

Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau

想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!

To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!

【嚟澳門租車但唔知點泊車?必睇‼️】旅行自駕遊最大問題唔止係人生路不熟,對於去邊度泊車,可能都冇乜頭緒🤯!除咗街邊咪錶可以停,目前全澳門總共有66個公共停車場📍,絕大多數嘅收費都係日間每小時 MOP$6  、夜間每小時 MOP$3 ,非常經...



除咗街邊咪錶可以停,目前全澳門總共有66個公共停車場📍,絕大多數嘅收費都係日間每小時 MOP$6 、夜間每小時 MOP$3 ,非常經濟實惠🤑。

所以過嚟澳門玩,真係冇需擔心泊唔到車,快啲 plan 定嚟緊暑假自駕遊嘅行程喇😉~

【Coming to Macau but Don't Know Where to Park? A Must-Read‼️】

The biggest problem with self-driving tours isn't just being unfamiliar with the roads, but also not knowing where to park your car🤯!

In addition to on-street parking meters, Macau currently has a total of 66 public parking lots📍, and the majority of them charge quite reasonable rates - MOP$6 per hour during the day and MOP$3 per hour at night, which is very economical🤑.

So when you come to Macau, you really don't need to worry about not finding a place to park. Start planning your self-driving trip for the upcoming summer holidays right away!😉


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the """"Follow settings"""" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select """"Favourites"""" now!






【What's the special occasion this Sunday?】

Mother's Day is coming up this Sunday, and I wish all the mothers around the world a Happy Mother's Day‼️

Have you thought about how to show your appreciation? What can you do? How about bringing your mother to Macau for a relaxing self-drive getaway!

Driving yourself not only allows you to visit different places and take memorable photos, but also gives you the opportunity to personally play the role of a chauffeur. It will make you feel more grown-up and responsible🤣!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the """"Follow settings"""" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select """"Favourites"""" now!

【世界地球日🌏點樣對佢比較好🤔?】有冇諗過,去緊旅行都可以為環保出一分力💪🏼?嚟 AVIS Macau 租車自駕,可以揀選電動車🔋,無拘無束暢玩澳門🥳嘅同時,仲可以盡量減低碳排放同空氣污染🤩!一年得一日係世界地球日,但 365 日都應該環保...



嚟 AVIS Macau 租車自駕,可以揀選電動車🔋,無拘無束暢玩澳門🥳嘅同時,仲可以盡量減低碳排放同空氣污染🤩!

一年得一日係世界地球日,但 365 日都應該環保🌳!幾時嚟澳門都好,有需要租車就嚟搵我哋喇🚗!

【How can we treat Earth better on World Earth Day?🌏🤔】

Have you ever thought that even when traveling, you can contribute to environmental conservation? 💪🏼

At AVIS Macau, you can choose to rent an electric car🔋 and explore Macau freely🥳. Not only can you enjoy your trip, but you can also minimize carbon emissions and air pollution🤩!

World Earth Day happens once a year, but we should prioritize environmental protection🌳 every day of the year! Whenever you come to Macau and need a car rental, feel free to reach out to us🚗!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!





【Short Vacation Proposal - Come and Explore the New Map of Macau🗺️】

Although Macau is small, I believe not everyone has been to every corner of it 😏~ Not to mention, there are always new attractions popping up each year 🤩!

Coming up in May, we have two public holidays that happen to fall on a Wednesday🗓️~ If you're unsure where to go for a day trip, why not consider visiting Macau? Take a self-driving tour for a day and discover some places and attractions that you haven't been to before🚗!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!

【國際幻彩大巡遊復辦!嚟到澳門點可以錯過!】嚟緊 3 月 24 號,即將復辦久違五年嘅澳門國際幻彩大巡遊喇🥳!留意返,今年嘅巡遊路線將會由大三巴牌坊起步,將會有超過 80 隊本地及世界各地嘅巡遊隊伍參與,直到西灣湖廣場作為終點🚩。到時西灣湖...


嚟緊 3 月 24 號,即將復辦久違五年嘅澳門國際幻彩大巡遊喇🥳!

留意返,今年嘅巡遊路線將會由大三巴牌坊起步,將會有超過 80 隊本地及世界各地嘅巡遊隊伍參與,直到西灣湖廣場作為終點🚩。



【Don't Miss Out! The Macao International Parade is Back This Year!】

After a five-year hiatus, the Macao International Parade returns on March 24th!🥳

Starting from the Ruins of St. Paul's, this year's parade route will gather over 80 local and international participating groups, concluding at the Sai Van Lake Square🚩, where a grand party will be hosted!

If you're planning a road trip to Macau on this day, be sure to check the road conditions or simply join this grand event!😉


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!

【Sakura~ Sakura~ 近近地都有得睇㗎👀~】又要捱貴機票、又要同同事爭大假,就係為咗去睇🌸Sakura🌸?!其實唔使搭飛機,過嚟澳門都有得睇🌸Sakura🌸㗎!仲喺香港嘅你,如果又想睇櫻花🤩、又唔想嘥假😉,咁就不如把握機會嚟澳門...

【Sakura~ Sakura~ 近近地都有得睇㗎👀~】





【Simple Way to Enjoy Sakura Viewing!👀】

Spending so much on expensive flights and fight for annual leave just to view Sakura🌸 abroad?

Actually, you don't need to fly anywhere, but come to Macau instead!🌸

If you're in Hong Kong and craving Sakura🤩 without wasting annual leave😉, don't forget to seize the opportunity to come to Macau and have a road trip with our self drive car!🚘 It can fulfill both of your wishes in one go, making Sakura viewing much easier!

Here are some great spots in Macau for Sakura viewing:
🤳🏼Flora Garden
🤳🏼Guia Hill Municipal Park
🤳🏼Taipa Houses
🤳🏼Lou Lim Ioc Park


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the ""Follow settings"" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select ""Favourites"" now!

【AVIS Macau 精選自駕車款🚘】自駕遊除咗行程、時間夠自由,另一個顯而易見嘅好處,就係可以揸到唔同牌子嘅車款,夠晒新鮮感💨~AVIS Macau嘅自駕車租賃服務提供多種車款選擇,包括福士Caddy 、豐田Sienta、萬事得 5、日...

【AVIS Macau 精選自駕車款🚘】


AVIS Macau嘅自駕車租賃服務提供多種車款選擇,包括福士Caddy 、豐田Sienta、萬事得 5、日產Serena等等,總有一款啱你心水~


【Explore our self-drive options!🚘】

What attracts you to self-driving tours besides the freedom to plan your itinerary? Of course, it's the opportunity to try various car models and enjoy a fresh driving experience!💨

Our self-driving car rental service offers a wide range of models, including Volkswagen Caddy, Toyota Sienta, Mazda 5, Nissan Serena, and more, ensuring a satisfying driving experience!

Are you planning a trip to Macau? Don't forget to reserve a self-drive car with AVIS Macau for a delightful driving experience!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the """"Follow settings"""" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select """"Favourites"""" now!""

【2024年農曆新年花車匯演🐲】安排咗今個新年嚟自駕遊嘅大家要注意喇!今年澳門嘅農曆新年花車匯演——騰龍運鑽歡樂春節㊗️,將會分別喺初三同初八舉行,大家切記要留意到時候嘅交通情況,又或者直接安排行程去欣賞喇😉~2月12日 (正月初三)🕰️時...



2月12日 (正月初三)

【Parade for Celebration of the Year of the Dragon🐲】

Attention to everyone planning a road trip to Macau for the upcoming Lunar New Year!

On the third and eighth days of the Lunar New Year, there will be a Parade for the Celebration of the Year of the Dragon.㊗️ Be sure to stay informed about traffic conditions, or plan your trip to enjoy the parade!😉

12th February, 2024 (3rd day of Lunar New Year)
20:00 – 21:45
🐉Parade Route:
(Starting point) Sai Van Lake SquareAv. Dr. Sun Yat-SenMacao Science CenterMacau Fisherman's Wharf (Ending point)
17th February, 2024 (8th day of Lunar New Year)
20:00 – 21:30
🐉Parade Route:
(Starting point) University of St. Joseph and Colégio Diocesano de S. José⮕Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde⮕Av. do Conselheiro Borja⮕Estrada do Arco⮕Estrada da Areia Preta⮕Av. de Venceslau de Morais⮕Rua Quatro do Bairro da Areia Preta⮕Av. da Longevidade⮕Rua do Mercado de Iao Hon⮕Iao Hon Market Garden (Ending point)


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the """"Follow settings"""" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select """"Favourites"""" now!""

【嚟 AVIS Macau 拎車要注意】已經抵步澳門,距離自駕遊行程,只差最後一個步驟——冇錯,就係嚟搵我哋取車喇🚗!AVIS Macau 嘅取車點,位於鄰近外港客運碼頭嘅澳門雅辰酒店停車場。取車嘅時侯必需出示🔔:有效護照&入境纸或身份證、...

【嚟 AVIS Macau 拎車要注意】


AVIS Macau 嘅取車點,位於鄰近外港客運碼頭嘅澳門雅辰酒店停車場。取車嘅時侯必需出示🔔:有效護照&入境纸或身份證、有效駕駛執照,以及信用卡。另外,假如你入境逗留超過 14 日,就需要先去交通局辦理駕駛登記紙📑!

每次出租前,車輛都會先通過專業保養同檢查,務求大家揸得安心~另外,日租服務係以 24 小時為標準,駕駛哩數並冇任何限制,只要準備好所需嘅證明,就可以好快完成程序、放心出發喇😉!

【Things to Note When Picking Up Your Car In AVIS Macau】

You have arrived in Macau, and you're just a step away from starting your self-driving journey!🚗

Our pickup location is at Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau Car Park, near the Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal. Please prepare the required documents below when you pick up your car🔔: a valid passport and arrival card or identity card, a valid driving license, and a credit card. Additionally, please register with the Traffic Department if you plan to stay in Macau for more than 14 days.📑

Before each rental, the vehicle undergoes professional maintenance and inspection to ensure a safe trip for you. Also, our daily rates are based on 24 hours with unlimited mileage. As long as you have all the required documents ready, you can complete the process quickly and start enjoying your trip!😉


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the "Follow settings" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select "Favourites" now!

【2024 美高梅澳門國際帆船賽⛵】新一年嚟澳門有咩玩?嚟緊 11 日至 14 日,即刻就有國際大型帆船賽事「2024美高梅澳門國際帆船賽」!賽事將會帶嚟三個比賽項目:粵港澳大灣區盃帆船賽IRC組、澳門盃國際帆船賽博納多First 40.7...

【2024 美高梅澳門國際帆船賽⛵】

新一年嚟澳門有咩玩?嚟緊 11 日至 14 日,即刻就有國際大型帆船賽事「2024美高梅澳門國際帆船賽」!

賽事將會帶嚟三個比賽項目:粵港澳大灣區盃帆船賽IRC組、澳門盃國際帆船賽博納多First 40.7統一設計組,同埋雙體帆船國際邀請賽Hobie 16統一設計組。


【2024 MGM Macao International Regatta⛵】

Wondering what to do in Macau this year? From the 11th to the 14th, there is the world-class sailing event, "2024 MGM Macao International Regatta"!

The event features three race categories: the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cup Regatta (IRC), the Macao Cup International Regatta (Beneteau First 40.7 unified design group), and the International Catamaran Invitational (Hobie 16 unified design group).

These races will take place in the waters south of Hac Sa Beach in Macau and in the waters south of the Macao Channel off the Macao Science Center. Visitors can enjoy and experience the excitement of the races on the shore and participate in the photography competition with a chance to win awards! Be sure to check it out if you are in Macau this week!😉


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the "Follow settings" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select "Favourites" now!




由文化局主辦嘅「時空穿梭‧遊歷三巴——大三巴牌坊沉浸式數字體驗展」,結合歷史資料同數字科技,數位化復原焚毀前嘅聖保祿學院天主之母教堂⛪,帶領參觀者透過 VR 技術返到 400 年前,沉浸體驗教堂彌撒、巡遊、節慶活動等等。

根據目前公佈,展覽只係去到今年年尾 31 日🗓️,大家今個月嚟澳門嘅話,記得把握機會,去認識大三巴嘅昔日繁華喇!

【Seize the opportunity to explore the historical ruins of St. Paul's!】

What comes to mind when you think of the Ruins of St. Paul's? A tourist attraction? Or a paradise for cuisine and dating?🤔

Organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the "Visiting the Ruins of St. Paul’s in Space and Time - Exhibition of Virtual Reality at the Ruins of St.Paul’s" digitally restored the Ruins of St. Paul’s (the facade of the Former Mater Dei Church⛪) with cutting-edge technology and historical information. With VR technology, visitors can travel back to the old church from 400 years ago, immersing themselves in the masses, processions, and celebrations from its heyday.

This exhibition is currently only available until December 31 this year.🗓️ So, don't miss the chance to revisit the history of the church centuries ago!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the "Follow settings" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select "Favourites" now!

【AVIS Macau 36週年感謝賞💖】AVIS Macau 已經嚟到第 36 年啦🎉!感謝咁多位舊雨新知嘅支持,我哋會繼續為大家提供優質嘅車輛租賃服務,畀你更好嘅澳門駕駛體驗🚘。而家凡喺 2024 年 1 月 31 號前租賃 AVIS ...

【AVIS Macau 36週年感謝賞💖】

AVIS Macau 已經嚟到第 36 年啦🎉!感謝咁多位舊雨新知嘅支持,我哋會繼續為大家提供優質嘅車輛租賃服務,畀你更好嘅澳門駕駛體驗🚘。

而家凡喺 2024 年 1 月 31 號前租賃 AVIS Macau 任何車款,即會附贈 2024 年精美檯曆乙本🗓️,數量有限,送完即止。期望嚟緊一年,我哋可以繼續陪住你創造更多回憶~


【AVIS Macau 36th Anniversary celebration💖】

AVIS Macau has reached its 36th year!🎉 Thanks to all our customers for their support. We will keep providing top-quality car rental services, ensuring you have an exceptional driving experience in Macau.🚘

For any AVIS Macau car rentals before January 31, 2024, we are pleased to offer an exclusive 2024 desk calendar.🗓️ Limited quantity, available until stocks last. We look forward to accompanying you on your Macau adventures in the coming year.

Thank you for choosing AVIS Macau again!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the "Follow settings" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select "Favourites" now!

【澳門聖誕好去處 2023🎄】想同另一半過返個sweet爆嘅聖誕節?近近地嚟澳門就得喇💞!今年「幻彩耀濠江」再度登場,由旅遊局攜手六大綜合旅遊休閒企業,透過浪漫繽紛嘅燈光裝置、光雕表演以及互動裝置,將整個澳門變成今年嘅主題——「璀璨遊樂場🛝...

【澳門聖誕好去處 2023🎄】



除此之外,仲可以去澳門倫敦人嘅「哈利‧波特™:展覽」,盡情感受奇幻聖誕🪄;以及澳門銀河嘅「夢想就該獨巨一格」活動,同高達 20 米嘅巨型聖誕老人打卡自拍、潮過聖誕🎅🏻🧑‍🎄!


【Guide to Macau Christmas 2023🎄】

Dreaming of a sweet Christmas with your loved one? Then Macau is your ideal choice!💞

The Macao Government Tourism Office, in collaboration with the six integrated resort enterprises, brings back "Light up Macao'' this year. Themed the Dazzling Wonderland🛝, the events will feature a variety of romantic and colorful light installations, interactive displays, and mapping shows in Macau.

Additionally, don't miss "Harry Potter™: The Exhibition" at The Londoner Macao and immerse yourself in a magical Christmas.🪄 You can also visit "Dream BOLD, play BIG" at Galaxy Macau, which features a towering 20-meter-tall Giant Santa installation and many festive displays!🎅🏻🧑‍🎄

Rent a car and embark on a Christmas self-driving experience in Macau!


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the "Follow settings" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select "Favourites" now!





另外,澳門仲有63個公共停車場可供泊車,絕大多數嘅收費,都係每小時MOP$6 (日間)、MOP$3 (夜間) ~有咗呢啲資訊,係時候籌備下一趟澳門之旅喇~

【A Starting Pack to Parking in Macau!🚘】

Do you find it challenging to locate parking spaces during your road trips in Macau?🤔 Don't worry😉, we've got you covered with some useful information:

Since May of this year, Macau's parking meters only accept e-payments, and the prices vary based on their color:

🔴Red parking meters: MOP10/hr for a 1-hour time limit
🟡Yellow parking meters: MOP6/hr for a 2-hour time limit
🟢Green parking meters: MOP3/hr for a 4-hour time limit

Additionally, there are 63 public car parks in Macau, with prices typically around MOP$6 per hour (day) and MOP$3 per hour (night).

With such convenient information, why not embark on a self-driving adventure in Macau?


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the "Follow settings" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select "Favourites" now!






前兩者需要大家注意,第三點嚟到 AVIS Macau 租車嘅話亦都唔使擔心,皆因我哋每次出車前,都會做足妥善保養及檢查,務求提供最全面嘅保障~下一次澳門自駕遊,記得嚟搵我哋喇😉!

【“Anger. That's what a racer needs”🤔❓】

Do you believe this statement? Actually, this is a line from a movie, but is it really applicable in real life❤️‍🔥?

When driving in reality, staying calm and driving safely is always so important😤. Here are three things you should bear in mind:

1️⃣Stay focused and avoid distracting driving on the road.
2️⃣Drive at a safe speed and maintain a safe distance; this isn't a movie.
3️⃣Keep your car in good condition.

Staying attentive and driving safely, of course, are your responsibilities. And on the third point, AVIS Macau always keeps all the cars in top condition before every rental, so don't hesitate to rent a car with us next time!😉


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the "Follow settings" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select "Favourites" now!

【為自駕遊做足準備🚗】太耐冇出國自駕遊,覺得自己手車有啲生疏🫣?出發前不如先嚟租架車,熱熱身搵返手感啦🔥!AVIS Macau 提供多種出租選擇,方便你挑選返相近嘅車款~至於揸去邊?先嚟返個澳門本地一日遊,相信係個唔錯嘅選擇😉!【Are y...



AVIS Macau 提供多種出租選擇,方便你挑選返相近嘅車款~至於揸去邊?先嚟返個澳門本地一日遊,相信係個唔錯嘅選擇😉!

【Are you truly prepared for a road trip?🚗】

Haven't been on a road trip abroad for a long time and feeling a bit rusty🫣? Why not consider renting a car for some practice to get you back on the road!🔥

AVIS Macau offers a variety of rental cars that can meet your specific needs. Additionally, you can take this opportunity to explore Macau with a one-day trip!😉


Car Rental: (853) 2833 6789 / http://bit.ly/2oGY9Co
Follow us on Facebook: Avis Car Rental Macau
Instagram: avismacau
WeChat: AVISMacau
Twitter: AvisMacau
想知道更多AVIS Macau嘅動向以及澳門最新消息,立即點選Cover Photo下方嘅『追蹤設定』按鈕,選擇『最愛』就可以喇!
To receive more information about car rental and Macau, click the "Follow settings" button at the bottom of the cover photo and select "Favourites" now!


Grand Lapa Hotel Car Park, 956-1110 Avenida Da Amizade

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 08:00 - 22:00
Terça-feira 08:00 - 22:00
Quarta-feira 08:00 - 22:00
Quinta-feira 08:00 - 22:00
Sexta-feira 08:00 - 22:00
Sábado 08:00 - 22:00
Domingo 08:00 - 22:00




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