
AfrikOlistik BIEN-ÊTRE I VOYAGES I YOGA I SANTÉ HOLISTIQUE I ÉNERGIE POSITIVE Just book your ticket and we take care of the rest !

AfrikOlistiK is a concept created by Sylvia Ebony Desroses, inspired by her Listyle and Organic Lifestyle in the Caribbean. AfrikOlistiK is a concept created by International Yoga Instructor Sylvia Ebony Desroses, inspired by her Listyle and Organic Life in the Caribbean. WELLNESS I TRAVELS I YOGA I HOLISTIC HEALTH I POSITIVE ENERGY


AfrikOlistiK est un concept créé par Sylvia Desroses, Professeure de Yoga à l'International, inspiré de son style de vie Organique dans la Caraïbe. Prenez votre billet, et on s'occupe du reste !!!


"Réunissez ces deux âmes dans un rituel." - Sobonfu Somé -
Crédit photo : Maati Ra, Blue Photography


The coconut is the biggest nut in the world, and the raw meat one of the most nutritive.

Le SE YOGA, de la tradition Africaine, fait sa rentrée à l'occasion de la Fête du sport IMS, le Samedi 22 septembre 2018...

Le SE YOGA, de la tradition Africaine, fait sa rentrée à l'occasion de la Fête du sport IMS, le Samedi 22 septembre 2018 à l’Institut Martiniquais Du Sport au Lamentin.
Au programme démonstration, cours gratuits de Se Yoga et Méditation et inscriptions !
Les cours hebdomadaires reprennent dès le Lundi 24 Septembre 2018 à 18h à l’IMS au Lamentin avec de nouvelles sessions : Yoga Ti Moun, Senior et un stage de 7 semaines pour apprendre à méditer.

Eye am really sensitive, aware and careful about the animals and insects that are crossing my path during my day. Do you...

Eye am really sensitive, aware and careful about the animals and insects that are crossing my path during my day. Do you?
Grasshopper Symbolism
Trust that you will receive everything you need to finish your project. Let Go! ~ Grasshopper ~
You are being asked to take a leap of faith. Just go ahead and do it without knowing the outcome. Usually this is something that you have been avoided doing and is often linked to a large scale change in direction. This can be a change in relationship, career or a change in yourself. Know that you have the wisdom that you need to get past any obstacles in an efficient manner. For the most part all possible outcomes will be positive.

Some places are SACRED. The first day I have been brought to this private site, I immediately thought about practicing S...

Some places are SACRED.
The first day I have been brought to this private site, I immediately thought about practicing Se Yoga (.intl) there. And this is exactly what it has manifested. Àse.



I love to visit the lands of our organic farmers. They will tell you why they are planting food, how, their philosophy, ...

I love to visit the lands of our organic farmers. They will tell you why they are planting food, how, their philosophy, you will learn so many things, and most of all, the Love and Respect they have for (Mother) Nature.
Photo: M. Briand who is offering me Atoumo’s flowers.

“Gotta keep my head up (yeah)Even though I'm fed up (survival every day)Gettin' hard to eat (right)And all the drama in ...

“Gotta keep my head up (yeah)
Even though I'm fed up (survival every day)
Gettin' hard to eat (right)
And all the drama in the street (it's gettin hot in every way)”
~ Temperature, Zion I ~


This is called agility and dexterity. It seem some vendors know exactly what kind of coconut you desire. With M. Lamber, it’s a total satisfaction. Can’t wait for the day when I can pick those beauties on our land.
On appelle cela de l’agilité et dextérité. Il semble que certains vendeurs savent exactement quelle noix de coco vous voulez. Avec M. Lambert, c’est la satisfaction totale. J’ai hâte de pouvoir les cueillir sur notre terre.

We began   more than 2 months ago. And today here we are harvesting scotch bonnets, lettuces, tomatoes, okras, seasoning...

We began more than 2 months ago. And today here we are harvesting scotch bonnets, lettuces, tomatoes, okras, seasoning peppers. I have been inspired by all the organic farmers I regularly met and some people on the gram ( Vanessa Méril-Mamert - Nutrition Beauté Robert Pue). I can’t even express with words how grateful I am. Cause gardening is so much more that just planting seeds, it’s an Art and way of life. I began by thinking of the food I could get but I would never believe it will also give me so much happiness, peace, pride and joy.
Forever Grateful.

Guava ma chérie.....

Guava ma chérie.....

Martinique has an amazing variety and diversity of fruits. We call this Malay apple “Malaka” and it is from South Asia. ...

Martinique has an amazing variety and diversity of fruits. We call this Malay apple “Malaka” and it is from South Asia. Quenching, delicious raw, it’s natural state or you can make jam with it.
La Martinique à une incroyable diversité et variété de fruits. On appelle cette pomme d’eau “Malaka” et est originaire d’Asie du Sud Est. Désaltérante, délicieuse crue, on peut également en faire des confitures.
: M. Paul NELSON

This lettuce has grown in the garden. I am so proud to be able to provide to my Greens need thanks to my little  .

This lettuce has grown in the garden. I am so proud to be able to provide to my Greens need thanks to my little .

“The edges of this living embryo are rich in enzymes and coated with pure, unadulterated coconut oil. This oil is the ri...

“The edges of this living embryo are rich in enzymes and coated with pure, unadulterated coconut oil. This oil is the rich, healthy fat that the mother tree has gifted the new seedling to give it the energy needed to put down its fi rst roots and create its fi rst few sets of leaves.

Delicious and delicate, this jungle snack is something everyone should try at least once. And since sprouted coconuts are in reality baby trees, it is a snack best eaten with utmost reverence and appreciation.

In closing there is a responsibility when eating and enjoying a sprouted coconut. You take the life of a coconut tree that could have the potential to feed a village. So when eating one sprouted coconut be sure to also plant a coconut tree.”

Time to rest after working so hard... first time I can witness their growth and this makes me feel privileged. I am look...

Time to rest after working so hard... first time I can witness their growth and this makes me feel privileged. I am looking after you hungry caterpillars 🐛...

Pawoka on the market today.Bitter but good for the liver and diabetic.Pawoka sur le marché bô kanal aujourd’hui. Amer et...

Pawoka on the market today.
Bitter but good for the liver and diabetic.
Pawoka sur le marché bô kanal aujourd’hui. Amer et très bon pour le foie et le diabète.

Plus qu’une seule place pour la retraite SPIRALE SACRÉE pour célébrer le Solstice d’Été sur l’île magique de la Martiniq...

Plus qu’une seule place pour la retraite SPIRALE SACRÉE pour célébrer le Solstice d’Été sur l’île magique de la Martinique. ☀️🌈🏝
Only one spot available for the SACRED SPIRAL retreat to celebrate the Summer Solstice on the magical island of Martinique. Book your ticket Goddess Jamila and I are taking care of the rest. 🌀SACRED SPIRAL RETREAT🌀
•Se yoga & meditation🧘🏾‍♀️with Ebony •plantbased meals & cooking class 👩🏾‍🍳with Jamila •daily journaling 📒📝
•swimming in oceans and rivers 💦
Reserve your spot and for payment options, please visit our website (
See you in June 😎🏝!
• Se yoga et méditation avec Ebony
• repas à base de plantes et cours de cuisine 👩🏾🍳avec Jamila
• Journal quotidien📒📝
• nager dans les océans et les rivières 💦
•et bien plus !
Réservez votre place et pour les options de paiement, s'il vous plaît visitez notre site Web (
On se revoit en juin 😎🏝!


Even in the plane while leaving Costa Rica, the landscape and Nature we’re overwhelming me one more time with their beauty and unusual appearance. Costa Rica got a very special place into my heart and mind.

Même dans l'avion en quittant le Costa Rica, le paysage et la Nature, nous sommes une fois de plus submergés par leur beauté et leur apparence inhabituelle. Le Costa Rica a une place très spéciale dans mon cœur et dans mon esprit.

Sometimes self love looks like a delicious home made smoothie.Sweet Love... 💕can you feel it?

Sometimes self love looks like a delicious home made smoothie.
Sweet Love... 💕can you feel it?

Nature reminds us about P E R F E C T I O N.

Nature reminds us about P E R F E C T I O N.

No need 4 words.Those who overstand already know that the re[Evolution has already begun.

No need 4 words.
Those who overstand already know that the re[Evolution has already begun.


Reprise des cours de SE YOGA, ce lundi à 18h à l' Institut Martiniquais Du Sport au Lamentin. J'ai hâte de respirer à nouveau avec vous.
🌟🙏🏿🌟 Plus d'infos:

Plus qu’une seule place pour la retraite SPIRALE SACRÉE pour célébrer le Solstice d’Été sur l’île magique de la Martiniq...

Plus qu’une seule place pour la retraite SPIRALE SACRÉE pour célébrer le Solstice d’Été sur l’île magique de la Martinique. ☀️🌈🏝
Only one spot available for the SACRED SPIRAL retreat to celebrate the Summer Solstice on the magical island of Martinique. Book your ticket Goddess Jamila and I are taking care of the rest.
•Se yoga & meditation🧘🏾‍♀️with Ebony •plantbased meals & cooking class 👩🏾‍🍳with Jamila •daily journaling 📒📝
•swimming in oceans and rivers 💦
Reserve your spot and for payment options, please visit our website (
See you in June 😎🏝!
• Se yoga et méditation avec Ebony
• repas à base de plantes et cours de cuisine 👩🏾🍳avec Jamila
• Journal quotidien📒📝
• nager dans les océans et les rivières 💦
•et bien plus !
Réservez votre place et pour les options de paiement, s'il vous plaît visitez notre site Web (
On se revoit en juin 😎🏝!

When the detox is real. You will never how you will feel as long as you have not tried to eat fresh living and raw food ...

When the detox is real. You will never how you will feel as long as you have not tried to eat fresh living and raw food (organic fruits and veggies) for a certain period. Personally it was a rebirth, the taste of a new and joyful life.

Stay connected we will post about our next Wellness Retreats soon...

Le Se Yoga est un style de Yoga doux, énergétique et méditatif, inspiré de la tradition Africaine. Il apaise le mental t...

Le Se Yoga est un style de Yoga doux, énergétique et méditatif, inspiré de la tradition Africaine. Il apaise le mental tout en prenant soin du corps grâce à la respiration consciente, les différentes poses de Yoga et la Méditation. Il favorise ainsi le mieux-être. Vous apprenez à gérer vos émotions, réduire le stress pour créer plus d'Équilibre et d'Harmonie dans votre vie, une meilleure Santé globale. Cours hebdomadaire tous les Lundis à 18h à l'IMS et les jeudis à mon Bien-être au Lamentin.

Se Yoga is a gentle and energetic Yoga style. It soothes the mind while taking care of the body through conscious breathing, different poses of Yoga and Meditation. It promotes well-being. You learn to manage your emotions, reduce stress to create more balance and harmony in your life, better global health. Weekly classes every Monday at 6pm at the IMS in Lamentin.


Every Morning is different in Costa Rica, and every morning brings a new bird.... still wondering who was he?

Detox to break the fast with .🌱 Aloe Vera juice l Jus d’Aloe Vera🌱 Noni Juice l Jus de Noni🌱 Lime juice l Jus de Limes🌱 ...

Detox to break the fast with .
🌱 Aloe Vera juice l Jus d’Aloe Vera
🌱 Noni Juice l Jus de Noni
🌱 Lime juice l Jus de Limes
🌱 Coconut 🥥 water l Eau de coco
Detox du petit déjeuner et couper le jeûne avec le Dr. Aris Latham.

Sacred place got Special Sunset. What a wonderful way to close this Spring Equinox Retreat  Sunfired Institute in Costa ...

Sacred place got Special Sunset.
What a wonderful way to close this Spring Equinox Retreat Sunfired Institute in Costa Rica. The sun was on fire.... Grateful for the end of this cycle.




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