Chinese Universities Graduates Union (CUGU) was founded on the 18th December 2015 and is officially registered with the registry of associations since the 1st March 2016. CUGU is a not-for-profit organisation which aims to bring together all those who studied in China at the tertiary level, so we can help and support each other through our experiences and expertise. In light of increasing exchange
s between the PRC and the Republic of Mauritius, we believe that Chinese graduates have a crucial role to play in helping our country move forward. To facilitate the exchange of knowledge, skills and expertise between graduates of different fields and between graduates from China and Mauritius;
3. To assist and provide orientation, guidance and support to prospective and new students going to China for tertiary education;
4. To serve as a platform for members to interact, exchange ideas, share experiences and expand in their respective fields;
5. To assist in the bilateral Sino-Mauritian relations in various fields including but not limited to tourism, business and health care
6. To do all such things that are conducive to the attainment of the above objects. To be part of our association, join us on our facebook group- Chinese Universities Graduates Union. Full Details of our membership criteria and fees are published and shall be accessible to you. Some main points:
Membership is open to any person of 18 years and above who reside in Mauritius. Anyone holding a graduate degree from a Chinese university can postulate to become a full member. Full members will have the right to vote. Anyone who has done a fellowship of at least 6 months in the People’s Republic
of China can postulate to become a Partial member. Partial members will not have the right to vote