Al Iymaan - Umrah Facilitator

Al Iymaan - Umrah Facilitator -Embark on a spiritual and sacred Journey with the Students of Knowledge (Imaam, Hafiz, Aalim)


"Be good to all, even if they’re not good to you. My father rahmatullahi alayhi used to say, 'Son, do good to all, whether you perceive them as good or not good to you. If they’re good to you, then you’ve done good to those who are worthy of receiving good. And if they’re not good to you, you are worthy of doing good. It is attributed to Shaykh Abdul Qader al-Jaylani to have said: Do good to those who are worthy and those who are not, so that Allah Ta'ala gives you when you are worthy and when you are not.'”

- Sayyidi Shaykh Dr Muhammad bin Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy Hafizahu'Allah


الرجال اربعة :
Men are of four kinds :

١) رجل يدري ويدري انه يدري فذلك عالم فاتبعوه.
A man who knows and knows that he knows; he is a learned man, follow him.

٢) ورجل يدري ولا يدري انه يدري فذلك نائم فأيقظوه.
A man who knows, but doesn't know that he knows; he is asleep, wake him up.

٣) ورجل لا يدري ويدري انه لا يدري فذلك مسترشد فعلموه.
A man who doesn't know and knows that he doesn't know; he needs guidance, teach him.
٤) ورجل لا يدري ولا يدري انه لا يدري فذلك جاهل فارفضوه.
And a man who doesn't know and doesn't know that he doesn't know; he is a fool (ignorant), renounce him.

Jumu^ah Mubaarak ❤️


Karbala ke Jaan Nisaaron ko Salaam ❤️
Faatimah Zahraa ke Pyaaron ko Salaam ❤️


The reward for Laylat al-Qadr isn't just going to be for those who are pitching their tents and making itikaf this year in the Masjid or those in Makkah.

Laylat al-Qadr shall be for those who serve their parents. Laylat al-Qadr is for who those put the needs of others before themselves. Laylat al-Qadr shall be for those going through depression and still thanking Allah in these nights for the strength to continue. Laylat al-Qadr shall be for that people who are ill but are content with Allah's decree. Laylat al-Qadr shall be for those who gave up getting high to bow their heads before Allāh. Laylat al-Qadr shall be for those that had to put aside personal worship to look after an elderly person at home. Laylat al-Qadr is for that breastfeeding mother who could not fast because she was nourishing another soul. Laylat al-Qadr is for that person who gave up an addiction of watching haram out of respect for this month. Laylat al-Qadr is for those who forgave others so they could be forgiven. Laylat al-Qadr is for those who changed their lives for the better. O Allah, as we enter the final 10 days, allow us to witness Laylat al-Qadr.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam


Sayyidah Ruqayyah, the beloved daughter of Rasulallah ﷺ passed away on the 17th Ramadan. رضى الله عنها

She got ill before the Battle of Badr so the Prophet ﷺ instructed her husband, Sayyiduna 'Uthman ibn 'Affan to stay at home and to look after after her. He gave up the greatest battle in history to look after his spouse - this was the level of his loyalty. They were described as the perfect couple and Rasūlallāh ﷺ once said, ' "Have you ever seen a couple more beautiful than those two?' After the victory and happiness of Badr, the Prophet ﷺ returned to the extremely sad news that his beloved daughter had passed away as a young woman, but even in this great hardship - gratitude and patience never left his blessed heart. May Allah increase the ranks of noble daughter of the Prophet ﷺ and grant our womenfolk an abode neighbouring her in Jannah.

Our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the most beautiful, yet his first marriage was with a woman who was 15 years older than him, had been married twice before and had children from previous marriages. He is the greatest warrior, yet he cried when seeing the necklace of his wife years after she passed away. He is the most God-conscious, yet he instructed his army to march on and he raced with his wife to show how much he loved her. The most honoured, yet he would stand up and greet his daughter when she entered his home. The mighty and dignified, yet he patched his own clothing, mended his own sandals and served his own family. The most powerful, yet tears would stop flowing from his blessed eyes when he saw the discomfort of a baby child.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam


Rasulallah ﷺ said Jannah is made up of 120 rows. 80 of those rows are the Ummah of Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ. Allah make us from amongst them. ❤️


What was Rasulallah ﷺ like? The Messenger of Allah ﷺ also smiled at home and was joyful. He never raised his voice, used foul speech, insulted others, or made them feel down about themselves. He was always loving, caring, gentle, and full of beautiful character. Rasulallah ﷺ never paid back a bad with a bad, rather he demonstrated goodness and always chose the side of compassion and generosity. He never criticised food or mocked the blessings of Allah no matter how small they seemed to be. He walked behind his Companions and lived a life of humility. He always guarded his sight and didn't look at that which did not concern him. He was the greatest of men but always gave Salam to others first. If someone spoke to him, he would turn his whole body and give them his full attention no matter who they were.

He did things himself. He never struck a woman in his entire life. He made everyone around him feel loved and important. Look at the society we live in now - celebrities sell products and promote cosmetics by making people feel ugly about themselves. The greatest of Allah's creation, who was was blessed with every beauty, spent his entire life lifting others up and letting them know that that they are special in the sight of God. There was a Companion called Zuhayr and he was known not to be very good-looking. Rasulallah ﷺ embraced him from behind one day and lightheartedly said, 'Who will buy this slave from me?' When Zuhayr realised who it was, he began to rub his back against the chest of Rasulallah ﷺ and he said, 'I'm not worth anything!' the Messenger of Allah ﷺ replied, 'Rather, you are expensive and precious in the sight of your Lord!'

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam

Parmi bann lesson ki ena ladan, c'est jamais abaisse bann dimun et pren ou comme pli superieur.

Aussi, 1 dimun ki kapav pauvre et li pas famous lor Dunya, mais li riche et precieux devan Allah, et li famous parmi bann habitants le ciel 😊❤️


The Prophet's ﷺ was so powerful that when he looked towards the sky desiring Makkah, Allah ordered the changing of the Qibla and the direction went from Masjid al-Aqsa.

So what do you think of his sight on the Final Day when he looks at the believers? He will not glance upon anyone from his ummah who had a mustard seed of iman except that he will intercede for them - changing their destinations and abodes from the Fire of Hell to the Gardens of Jannah. May Allah honour us all with his merciful sight on that day.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam


Imam Darimi narrated that after the Prophet left the world, Madinah faced severe drought and famine. The people of the city came to Sayyidah 'A'ishah seeking help and advice so she instructed them to make an opening above the Beloved's grave ﷺ so there would be no barrier between him and the sky. As soon as they did this, it immediately began to rain until all the plants grew and the animals became extremely healthy, and the city rejoiced. The Ottomans later placed a specific tile on the Dome to commemorate this event.

During the time when Madinah was being attacked by Yazid, the adhan was not allowed to be said out aloud and the prayer was not allowed to be performed in the Masjid. Sa'id ibn Musayyib said, "I hid in the masjid and I would know the time for the prayer because I would hear the adhan from the resting place of the Messenger of Allah." If you went to Madinah with your heart in a state of drought, famine, loneliness and darkness, Imagine what one standing before Rasūlullāh ﷺ and giving salam to would do ﷺ. It would change your dunya and akhira.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam


Rasūlullāh ﷺ had a beautiful fair complexion. His face was more handsome than the full moon. His body was strong. His hands were softer than silk and more fragrant than every perfume of this world. If he touched a person they would become the most fragrant of people. His teeth were whiter than hail stones and his blessed tongue always mentioned Allāh with gratitude and thankfulness. He tied stones to his stomach due to hunger but he never complained. When he walked, no one was able to catch him up. It was as if the earth folded up for him.

He always guarded his sight and didn't look at that which did not concern him. He was the greatest of men but always gave Salam to others first. If someone spoke to him, he would turn his whole body and give them his full attention no matter who they were. He is sinless and pure, yet he spent his nights in worship whilst weeping in humility. He would often cry before his Lord saying, 'My ummah! My ummah!' How can't we love him ﷺ?

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam


Those who truly love the Prophet ﷺ love everything connected to him. They love the earth he tread upon. They love the walls that are in his vicinity and the Dome he rests underneath. They love the sky of his city and the clouds that shade it. They love saying his name and hearing his remembrance. They love the mountains that kissed his feet and the specks of dust which touch his mosque.

They love inhaling the air of his land and feeling the coolness of its breeze. They love the green carpet, the golden gates, and the beauty of his minbar and mihrab. They love the pillars, the doors, the calligraphy, and the fragrance. They love the moon and stars which take from his light, and they love his family and followers who gave up their lives so this religion could reach us. May Allah grant us all the honor of living, dying and being resurrected from Madinah.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam


Rasulallah ﷺ performed an amazing miracle by feeding the entire army of Khandaq until they were completed satiated - but with what? A single lamb and some barley that only feed a few men. Sayyiduna Jabir said that he saw the Prophet ﷺ one day during Khandaq. He had stones tied to his stomach and he hadn't eaten for three entire days.

Sayyiduna Jabir came to the Prophet ﷺ and whispered, 'I invite you and a few of your Companions to food at my home." Rasulallah ﷺ stood up and announced, 'O army of Khandaq, Jabir has prepared food for all of you!'' Look at his mercy! He always put others before himself. Rasulallah ﷺ then went to the house of Jabir and prayed over the food. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ served the entire army until they were full - even though it was he who made the most sacrifices during the Days of Khandaq. Look at his humility! The Prophet and Leader of a nation serving his followers!

Those people who try to compare themselves with Rasulallah ﷺ - ask them when is the last time they fed an entire starving army with that which was in their kitchen. When they did they turn sticks into swords? When did they make branches turn into torches? When did they fix broken bones with one wipe? When did they put eyes back into sockets and return the sight of man? When has their perspiration been used as perfume? When has their hair been used as a means of victory? When has their garments been used for cure? There is no one in the entirety of creation like Rasulallah ﷺ.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam


The Prophet ﷺ was once sleeping under a tree whilst his sword was hanging on the branch of a tree. An assasin who was following the Prophet ﷺ took hold of his sword, unsheathed it, and placed it over the face of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

The Prophet's eyes opened and the man asked, 'Who will save you now?' What would me and you say? The Beloved ﷺ only said, 'ALLAH!' The words of the Prophet ﷺ had so much power, strength, certitude, and might in them that the man felt like an earthquake was about to overcome him. He fell on the floor and the sword fell out of his hand. Rasulallah ﷺ asked, 'Who will save you' He replied, 'Ash-hadu....' and accepted Islam.

The Prophet ﷺ said, 'My enemies fear me the distance of two months!' He is the greatest, the most powerful, the protected, the most courageous, and the bravest. His enemy plotted and planned against him ﷺ but his acceptance only increased in the world.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam


When we go Madinah, we don't go with the intention of visiting a grave. We go with the sole intention of visiting the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and we present our salams before him in a state of humility and brokenness. If we don't know Arabic, we speak to him in the language of love and allow our tears to translate that which is hidden in our souls. He knows us and he is aware of our states because in reality - he is the one who is living and we are the ones who are dead.

14 centuries have passed, yet he continues to bring life to the hearts and souls of all those who stand before him ﷺ.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam

Travel with us for one of a lifetime spiritual trip... ☆☆☆☆ From 24th of January 2024 to 07th of February 2024 ☆☆☆☆Packa...

Travel with us for one of a lifetime spiritual trip...
☆☆☆☆ From 24th of January 2024 to 07th of February 2024 ☆☆☆☆

Package includes:

● Makkah (x2 meals) ● Madinah (x1 meal)
● (Makkah (×1 Ziyaarah) ● Madinah (x1 Ziyaarah)
● All transfers included ● Visa included
● Air ticket ● Accomodation


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Embark on a sacred journey with us, a platform dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth of young students in Islamic knowledge. Join our Umrah trip to Saudi Arabia, where spirituality takes center stage. Beyond rituals, we impart profound wisdom, connecting you to each blessed site with the reverence of those who walked before us. Our mission is to ensure you return spiritually enriched, following Quranic and Sunnah rites. Experience Divine blessings and love, as we prioritize spiritual elevation over mere business. Welcome to a transformative Umrah journey – return stronger, wiser, and spiritually deeper. We are Muslim from Ahlous Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.


Plaine Verte
Port Louis





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