FEYLI The Association was registered on 14 July 1979. At first it was named as “Bahiyya School Muskhulhi Dharivarunge Jammiyaa” In 2002 it was renamed as FEYLI.

At present FEYLI is actively working with Eydhafushi island community, the capital island of Baa Atoll. However, it has established networks of relationship with other NGOs working in different islands in Baa Atoll as well as in other atolls. FEYLI had provided consultation service and capacity building programmes for partner NGOs working in other island communities. The island of Eydhafushi is an

average sized island in the Maldives with land area of 22.2 hectors and a population of less than 3000 people. The island had been populated throughout and at present there is no more land available for new settlements. This is partly due to resettlement of people from three more islands of Baa Atoll in Eydhafushi forty years ago. As a result the island is being densely populated with the growing population and continuation of people migrating from other islands for various reasons. Historically Eydhafushi is well-known for fine craftsmanship of Maldivian style sarong (known as “feyli”) weaving. However, Eydhafushi had lost this legacy since there is no one living who can do the work. As tourism industry sprung in the atoll, most of the working population shifted to this industry which normally gives good return for lesser effort and time spent. It can be seen clearly there is a significant change in industry structure in Baa Atoll, leaving fisheries, agriculture and traditional craftsmanship endangered. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of the volatility and risk involved in tourism industry. At present people depend much on tourism, and most of them see no other livelihood opportunity elsewhere. One of our key activities is alternative livelihood development, which may help people to change their livelihood to another industry or
enhance their livelihood in tourism industry itself.

Warm Congratulations 👏👏👏

Warm Congratulations 👏👏👏

Our heartfelt congratulations go out to our top achievers for their exemplary results - you serve as an inspiration to us all.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the teachers and parents for their unwavering support and guidance. Continue to strive for excellence; this is merely the beginning of your remarkable journey.

ބ. އޭދަފުށީ ކައުންސިލު ޤުރުއާން މުބާރާތުގައި ފޭލި ޖަމިއްޔާ ތަމްސީލުކުރާ ދަރިވަރުންނަށް ފުރިހަމަ ކާމިޔާބީއަކަށް އެދެން.

ބ. އޭދަފުށީ ކައުންސިލު ޤުރުއާން މުބާރާތުގައި ފޭލި ޖަމިއްޔާ ތަމްސީލުކުރާ ދަރިވަރުންނަށް ފުރިހަމަ ކާމިޔާބީއަކަށް އެދެން.

ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ފަޚުރުވެރި މިނިވަން ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮއެދުމާއި، ތަހުނިޔާ ދިވެހި އެންމެހައި ލޮބުވެތި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަނ...

ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ފަޚުރުވެރި މިނިވަން ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮއެދުމާއި، ތަހުނިޔާ ދިވެހި އެންމެހައި ލޮބުވެތި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން.

Warm Congratulations 🎉

Warm Congratulations 🎉

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝑯𝒂𝒘𝒘𝒂 𝑭𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑵𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒅.

Farahath Nashid has achieved the World’s 8th Highest Result in Accounting at the Edexcel Advanced Level Examinations 2023. We couldn’t be more PROUD!!! 🎉👏

Congratulations 👏👏

Congratulations 👏👏

We are proud to announce the students of High Achievers’ Award, batch 2023.

Your outstanding dedication and hard work have earned you this prestigious recognition. Congratulations to all! Keep striving for excellence!

"އޭދަފުށީ ކައުންސިލް ޤުރުއާން މުބާރާތް 1446' ގައި ބައިވެރިވުމާއިގުޅޭ

"އޭދަފުށީ ކައުންސިލް ޤުރުއާން މުބާރާތް 1446' ގައި ބައިވެރިވުމާއިގުޅޭ

1445ވަނަ އަހަރު ޢަލްޙާ ޢީދު ނަމާދު ބޮޑު ޖަމާއަތުގައި އޭދަފުށީގައިބަރަކާތްތެރި އަޟްޙާ ޢީދުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ އާއި ހެޔޮ އެދުންތައ...

1445ވަނަ އަހަރު ޢަލްޙާ ޢީދު ނަމާދު ބޮޑު ޖަމާއަތުގައި އޭދަފުށީގައި
ބަރަކާތްތެރި އަޟްޙާ ޢީދުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ އާއި ހެޔޮ އެދުންތައް އެންމެހާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް އަރިސްކުރަން!
Baa Atoll Police
Secretariat of South Maalhosmadulu Eydhafushi Council


އޮރެންޖު ކުލައިން ފާހަގަ ކޮށްފައިވާ މަގުތަކުގައި އީދު ނަމާދު ވަގުތުގެ 1 ގަޑިއިރު ކުރިން ފެށިގެން އީދު ނަމާދު ނިމެންދެން އެއްގަމު އުޅަނދު ޕާކު ކުރުމާއި ދުއްވުމަކީ މަނާކަމެއް ކަމުގައި ދަންނަވަން

Eid PrayerSecretariat of South Maalhosmadulu Eydhafushi Council Baa Atoll Police

Eid Prayer
Secretariat of South Maalhosmadulu Eydhafushi Council
Baa Atoll Police

Aameen 🤲

Aameen 🤲

ބަރަކާތްތެރި ހައްޖު ދުވަހުގެ ދަރުމަޔާއި ސަވާބު އެންމެހާ މުސްލިމް އަޚުންނާއި އުޚްތުންނަށް މިންވަރު ކުރައްވާށި. އާމީން!❤️


މިއަހަރުގެއެސްއެސްސީ އަދި ކޭމްބްރިޖް އައިޖީސީއެސްއީ އޯލެވެލް އިމްތިޙާނު ހަދާ، ލޮބުވެތި ދަރިވަރުންނަށް ފުރިހަމަ ކާމިޔާބީއަކަށް އެދެން.

ދަރިވަރުންގެ ހިތްވަރާއި ބުރަމަސައްކަތަށް ކާމިޔާބީ މިންވަރު ކުރައްވާށި. އާމީން!

1445ވަނަ އަހަރު ފިތުރު ޢީދު ނަމާދު ބޮޑު ޖަމާއަތުގައި އޭދަފުށީގައިBaa Atoll Police Secretariat of South Maalhosmadulu Eyd...

1445ވަނަ އަހަރު ފިތުރު ޢީދު ނަމާދު ބޮޑު ޖަމާއަތުގައި އޭދަފުށީގައި
Baa Atoll Police
Secretariat of South Maalhosmadulu Eydhafushi Council

Today, we were blessed with the opportunity to spread smiles and happiness on this auspicious occasion of Eid al-Fitr! 🌟...

Today, we were blessed with the opportunity to spread smiles and happiness on this auspicious occasion of Eid al-Fitr! 🌟✨

With hearts full of warmth and gratitude, we visited the Baa Family & Children's Service Centre to extend our heartfelt EidHadhiyaa gifting. 🎁✨ It was a beautiful moment, witnessing the joy and excitement reflected in the eyes of each individual we met. 💖

Thank you to EHEE for making this beautiful moment possible. Let's continue spreading love and joy in our communities! 💫🌟

Ministry of Social Services and Development

ބަރަކާތްތެރި ފިޠުރުޢީދުގެ ޙެޔޮ އެދުމާއި ތަހުނިޔާ  އެންމެހާ މުސްލިމް އަޚުންނާއި އުޚްތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން.

ބަރަކާތްތެރި ފިޠުރުޢީދުގެ ޙެޔޮ އެދުމާއި ތަހުނިޔާ އެންމެހާ މުސްލިމް އަޚުންނާއި އުޚްތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން.

Highlights from our 19th Quran Competition award ceremony! Witness the pride and joy radiating from our winners and part...

Highlights from our 19th Quran Competition award ceremony! Witness the pride and joy radiating from our winners and participants! 🏆✨
Chief Guest : Dean, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences Islamic University of Maldives - IUM
📷 Yaan Photos
Al Burooj Hajj & Umrah
Bank of Maldives
Secretariat of South Maalhosmadulu Eydhafushi Council
Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts
Ministry of Islamic Affairs
National Centre for the Holy Quran
Secretariat of the South Maalhosmadulu Atoll Council
ALIA Investments PVT LTD
Villa Air
White by 8S
Hangout Gelato & Café
Koveli Arts
Yoosuf Speed
Kiwi Line
Samoom Enterprises

1445ވަަނަ އަހަރުގެ ރަމަޟާންމަހު އޭދަފުށީ ރައްޔިތުންގެ މެދުގައި ދީނީ ހޭލުންތެރިކަން އިތުރުކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން، މިއަދު ކުރިއަށ...

1445ވަަނަ އަހަރުގެ ރަމަޟާންމަހު އޭދަފުށީ ރައްޔިތުންގެ މެދުގައި ދީނީ ހޭލުންތެރިކަން އިތުރުކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން، މިއަދު ކުރިއަށްގެންދެވުނު މިސްކިތު ދަރުހުގެ ތެރެއިން.
މި ދަރުސް ކުރިއަށްގެންގޮސްދެއްވީ އައްޝައިޚް ނިމާލް މުހައްމަދު
25 ރަމަޟާން 1445
Secretariat of South Maalhosmadulu Eydhafushi Council

Al Burooj Hajj & Umrah

Al Burooj Hajj & Umrah

Community online newspaper for Baa Atoll

Unveiling the very Unique and our own Customized Plaque design of FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445 🏆Plaque design by: K...

Unveiling the very Unique and our own Customized Plaque design of FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445 🏆

Plaque design by: Koveli Arts (Munco)

Our Heartfelt gratitude to the wonderful designer of this unique Plaque Arts 🤝

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445🤝 Supporting PartnersFasmugoo Samoom Enterprises Kiwi Line  hardware

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445
🤝 Supporting Partners
Samoom Enterprises
Kiwi Line


FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445📸 Photography PartnerYaan Photos

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445
📸 Photography Partner
Yaan Photos

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445Bronze PartnersSecretariat of the South Maalhosmadulu Atoll Council Baa Atoll Education...

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445
Bronze Partners
Secretariat of the South Maalhosmadulu Atoll Council
Baa Atoll Education Centre

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445🍜 Catering PartnersWhite by 8S Hangout Gelato & Café

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445
🍜 Catering Partners
White by 8S
Hangout Gelato & Café

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445🎨 Printing PartnerInkedMaldives

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445
🎨 Printing Partner

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445🧳 Travel PartnersVilla Air Yoosuf Speed

FEYLI 19th Quran Competition 1445
🧳 Travel Partners
Villa Air
Yoosuf Speed




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