AfriBam is a Limited company, registered in Malawi, we are strategically positioned to identify, promote and supply the best quality bamboo species in Africa, to suit customer’s needs and match their local climate conditions. Grant Blumrick is the Managing Director. Grant has nineteen years experience in the Malawi timber and silviculture Industry. Grant who is also the Managing Director of Forest
& Garden Services is the local distributor for Husqvarna and Wood-Mizer. AfriBam is able to provide bamboo turn key plantation establishment and support. While AfriBam is a new entity its members have been pioneers involved in the promotion and establishment of commercial bamboo plantations in Africa for the past 20 years. Given the regions diminishing natural timber resources and its growing population, we firmly believe that bamboo is a key component to finding sustainable solutions to many of the challenges Africa faces, ranging from simple but essential fuel and energy needs, to employment in the production of high end, value added products for exported to developed international markets. As a team we strive to maintain the highest technical standards to ensure the production of high quality true-to-type bamboo clones. We maintain a limited stock of selected species of elite bamboo planting material and can produce a wide variety of species to order.