Huasteca Hunting

Huasteca Hunting Cacería en México de diversas especies. Sonora, Baja California, San Luis Potosí, Coahuila, Quer?




A recently published study commissioned by the German Delegation of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) delivers critical insights into the impact of international hunting on conservation and sustainability efforts.


➡ Under Alaska full curl regulations, a ram is considered legal it is at least eight years of age as determined by horn growth annuli.

Ageing rams in the field is really difficult, and some rams can be increasingly challenging to age due to the presence of false annuli. I chose this photo because this ram seemed pretty easy to age, unlike the tens of others that gave me anxiety. This is a pretty nice ram for 7! Think about what this guy would look like at 11 (random stock photo so we'll all never know).

Okay-here's some important information for ageing sheep:

➡Sheep have periods of horn growth starting in spring and ending in the late fall (think about when moose start growing their antlers in the spring, then drop them in the late fall- the growth period is the same). The groove that forms at the end of this period (in the winter) is a true annulus. By counting the annuli, you can get the estimated age of a sheep.

➡Horn growth is not exponential. After the first few years, horn growth slows, so there's less space between annuli as the sheep ages, which you can see in the photo. This is helpful to designate between true annuli and false annuli.

➡The best way to gain confidence in ageing sheep is to get your hands on some sheep horns. Go into your local Fish and Game office, bother a friend who has had some successful hunts, whatever it may be. But get well practiced before using this in the field!

Want a ton of information on this subject from the experts? Check out these ADF&G publications:


Conservation with Impact 👊🏻

In 2015, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that listing the greater sage-grouse on the Endangered Species Act was not warranted.

According to the press release issued for the decision, the Service noted that proactive, landscape-scale conservation partnerships, like SGI, had significantly reduced threats across 90% of the species' breeding habitat.

This decision showed that diverse partners committed to a shared vision can achieve remarkable gains for wildlife.

Read more about the No-List Decision here:

Photo: Tatiana Gettelman, USGS


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Cola prieta (Odocoileus hemionus fuliginatus) UMA Jamau, Baja California 12/12/23

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