WILD Whitewater Intensive Leadership Development School Mexico

WILD Whitewater Intensive Leadership Development School Mexico W.I.L.D. Mexico is a 5 week adventure guide training program focussed on the 4 whitewater discipline

Esprit gift cards are a thoughtful and memorable present in today's world where experiences are valued more than materia...

Esprit gift cards are a thoughtful and memorable present in today's world where experiences are valued more than material possessions.👍🏻

These cards can be customized with any value and can be used towards any of our adventure programs such as rafting, canoeing, accommodations, meals, and even international trips to Mexico and Costa Rica.

The best part? You don't need to make a reservation right away as it works like a regular credit/debit card.

Load it with any value you choose and redeem it for any of our exciting adventures.🤗

For a limited time, purchase an Esprit Gift Card and receive a special 10% discount until March 15, 2023. Don't forget to use the promo code MARCH 10% at checkout.

For more information, 🌐 visit our website at www.Whitewater.ca.

We offer professional and personal development opportunities, competitive wages, and a room and board plan for those who...

We offer professional and personal development opportunities, competitive wages, and a room and board plan for those who need it. 👍🏻

Plus, for those who are looking for international opportunities, we have that too!

Join Team Esprit and experience the thrill of working in the white water industry.🤗

To join Team Esprit, contact us at 📱 +1-613-717-5222 via WhatsApp.

Meet Jim Coffey, the Founder, Owner, and Director of Esprit White Water. Jim started Esprit in 1992 with just two rafts,...

Meet Jim Coffey, the Founder, Owner, and Director of Esprit White Water. Jim started Esprit in 1992 with just two rafts, safety equipment, and $500. 👍🏻

Despite the odds, Esprit managed to take 500 people rafting in their first year. Jim's vision was to do things differently and to stand out from the larger, more established companies.

Today, Esprit continues to thrive and offer unique and exciting whitewater experiences to its customers. With Jim's leadership, Esprit has become an industry leader in the Ottawa River Valley.🤗

For more information, 🌐 visit our website at www.Whitewater.ca.

Looking for an exhilarating adventure?Look no further than Esprit White Water! Our Whitewater Tours and Training in the ...

Looking for an exhilarating adventure?

Look no further than Esprit White Water! Our Whitewater Tours and Training in the Ottawa River Valley offer the perfect combination of thrills and education. 👍🏻

Our experienced guides will take you on a thrilling journey through the rapids while teaching you the skills and techniques needed to navigate the water safely.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, our tours are tailored to your skill level.

Come experience the beauty and excitement of the Ottawa River Valley with Esprit White Water. 🤗

To learn more, 🌐 visit and follow our website at www.Whitewater.ca


I’ve often been asked “Who is WILD really for” … and the answer varies to a wide range of participants.

1. Those that want elite level training to work in the whitewater/adventure travel industry.
2. Those that want to up their paddling game and experience an immersive, active “real” rural Travel experience.
3. Active, curious explorers that want to learn new skills such as whitewater paddling.
4. Those that want a change or break from their current career to try something entirely different and outside their comfort zone.
5. Those that want a new, fun outdoor experience with a strong focus on activity, ecology and different cultures.

What do all these profiles have in common? They connect with fun, experiential learning, camaraderie, physical challenge, appreciation of our natural world and connecting with different cultures. They are all looking for a transformative experience rooted in sport and travel. They are “chasing their bliss”.

WILD 2023 Feb. 5 - March 18 2023Join us for 6 weeks of intensive Whitewater Adventure Guide Training!Lots of amazing lea...

WILD 2023 Feb. 5 - March 18 2023

Join us for 6 weeks of intensive Whitewater Adventure Guide Training!

Lots of amazing learning, experience and FUN!


(Reserve before Jan. 1 2023 and be eligible for a $500 Scholarship Bursary)


Our next WILD (Whitewater Intensive Leadership Development School) receiving registrations.

There is no better way to gain/improve whitewater skills than dedicating the time yo an intensive program.

5 weeks (Feb. 27-April 3 2022) based in Jalcomulco Veracruz Mexico

Join us for an experience of a lifetime.



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5 weeks of whitewater paddling/instruction/training (kayaking, canoeing, rafting, water rescue)

Warm weather and water

Enchanted typical Mexican village

Authentic home cooked meals

Covid Conscious (private room, sanitary measures 90% of time spent outside)

February 27-April 2 2022

Would you (or someone you know) like to join us?

2 spaces left!

To reserve https://espritwhitewater.checkfront.com/reserve/?item_id=176

Excited for this WILD Feb. 27-April 2 2022

Excited for this WILD Feb. 27-April 2 2022

Please share!Our most recent WILD (Whitewater Intensive Leadership Development) Program was a huge success.  Our student...

Please share!

Our most recent WILD (Whitewater Intensive Leadership Development) Program was a huge success. Our students literally went from beginner to accomplished paddlers in just 5 weeks. The key to their success?…INTENSITY!

Students acquired new skills in Kayaking, Canoeing, Rafting and Swiftwater Rescue while having the cultural experience of their lives. If you (or someone you know) are interested in a healthy outdoor learning experience based in a charming and secureMexican village… they should check this out!

Next course starts Feb. 27 - April 2 2022.


After an amazing fall semester we are getting excited for our spring program starting Feb 27-April 7 2022. WILD is an am...

After an amazing fall semester we are getting excited for our spring program starting Feb 27-April 7 2022.

WILD is an amazing way to build skills, competence and confidence in the disciplines of whitewater kayaking, canoeing, water rescue and rafting.

The perfect training grounds to start the 2022 season.

To reserve https://espritwhitewater.checkfront.com/reserve/?item_id=176

Apart from having 100km of runnable whitewater at our doorstep Jalcomulco is an amazing training destination for its foo...

Apart from having 100km of runnable whitewater at our doorstep Jalcomulco is an amazing training destination for its food, culture and people.

Here is a great description about many great things that Mexico offers.

Anthony Bourdain wrote:

"Americans love Mexican food. We consume nachos, tacos, burritos, tortas, enchiladas, tamales and anything resembling Mexican in enormous quantities. We love Mexican beverages, happily knocking back huge amounts of tequila, mezcal, and Mexican beer every year. We love Mexican people—we sure employ a lot of them. Despite our ridiculously hypocritical attitudes towards immigration, we demand that Mexicans cook a large percentage of the food we eat, grow the ingredients we need to make that food, clean our houses, mow our lawns, wash our dishes, and look after our children. As any chef will tell you, our entire service economy—the restaurant business as we know it—in most American cities, would collapse overnight without Mexican workers. Some, of course, like to claim that Mexicans are “stealing American jobs.” But in two decades as a chef and employer, I never had ONE American kid walk in my door and apply for a dishwashing job, a porter’s position—or even a job as a prep cook. Mexicans do much of the work in this country that Americans, probably, simply won’t do.

We love Mexican drugs. Maybe not you personally, but “we”, as a nation, certainly consume titanic amounts of them—and go to extraordinary lengths and expense to acquire them. We love Mexican music, Mexican beaches, Mexican architecture, interior design, Mexican films.

So, why don’t we love Mexico?

We throw up our hands and shrug at what happens and what is happening just across the border. Maybe we are embarrassed. Mexico, after all, has always been there for us, to service our darkest needs and desires. Whether it’s dress up like fools and get passed-out drunk and sunburned on spring break in Cancun, throw pesos at st*****rs in Tijuana, or get toasted on Mexican drugs, we are seldom on our best behavior in Mexico. They have seen many of us at our worst. They know our darkest desires.

In the service of our appetites, we spend billions and billions of dollars each year on Mexican drugs—while at the same time spending billions and billions more trying to prevent those drugs from reaching us. The effect on our society is everywhere to be seen. Whether it’s kids nodding off and overdosing in small town Vermont, gang violence in L.A., burned out neighborhoods in Detroit—it’s there to see. What we don’t see, however, haven’t really noticed, and don’t seem to much care about, is the 80,000 dead in Mexico, just in the past few years—mostly innocent victims. Eighty thousand families who’ve been touched directly by the so-called “War On Drugs”.

Mexico. Our brother from another mother. A country, with whom, like it or not, we are inexorably, deeply involved, in a close but often uncomfortable embrace. Look at it. It’s beautiful. It has some of the most ravishingly beautiful beaches on earth. Mountains, desert, jungle. Beautiful colonial architecture, a tragic, elegant, violent, ludicrous, heroic, lamentable, heartbreaking history. Mexican wine country rivals Tuscany for gorgeousness. Its archeological sites—the remnants of great empires, unrivaled anywhere. And as much as we think we know and love it, we have barely scratched the surface of what Mexican food really is. It is NOT melted cheese over tortilla chips. It is not simple, or easy. It is not simply “bro food” at halftime. It is in fact, old—older even than the great cuisines of Europe, and often deeply complex, refined, subtle, and sophisticated. A true mole sauce, for instance, can take DAYS to make, a balance of freshly (always fresh) ingredients painstakingly prepared by hand. It could be, should be, one of the most exciting cuisines on the planet, if we paid attention. The old school cooks of Oaxaca make some of the more difficult and nuanced sauces in gastronomy. And some of the new generation—many of whom have trained in the kitchens of America and Europe—have returned home to take Mexican food to new and thrilling heights.

It’s a country I feel particularly attached to and grateful for. In nearly 30 years of cooking professionally, just about every time I walked into a new kitchen, it was a Mexican guy who looked after me, had my back, showed me what was what, and was there—and on the case—when the cooks like me, with backgrounds like mine, ran away to go skiing or surfing or simply flaked. I have been fortunate to track where some of those cooks come from, to go back home with them. To small towns populated mostly by women—where in the evening, families gather at the town’s phone kiosk, waiting for calls from their husbands, sons and brothers who have left to work in our kitchens in the cities of the North. I have been fortunate enough to see where that affinity for cooking comes from, to experience moms and grandmothers preparing many delicious things, with pride and real love, passing that food made by hand from their hands to mine.

In years of making television in Mexico, it’s one of the places we, as a crew, are happiest when the day’s work is over. We’ll gather around a street stall and order soft tacos with fresh, bright, delicious salsas, drink cold Mexican beer, sip smoky mezcals, and listen with moist eyes to sentimental songs from street musicians. We will look around and remark, for the hundredth time, what an extraordinary place this is.

The received wisdom is that Mexico will never change. That is hopelessly corrupt, from top to bottom. That it is useless to resist—to care, to hope for a happier future. But there are heroes out there who refuse to go along. On this episode of “Parts Unknown,” we meet a few of them. People who are standing up against overwhelming odds, demanding accountability, demanding change—at great, even horrifying personal cost."

Feb. 21 can’t come soon enough! Five weeks of whitewater training and instruction in Tropical and Charming Jalcomulco Me...

Feb. 21 can’t come soon enough! Five weeks of whitewater training and instruction in Tropical and Charming Jalcomulco Mexico.

Just 2 spaces left!

PM for further details.


Just 5 weeks to go!

Want to up your paddling game (Kayaking, Rafting, Canoeing and Water Rescue) with first class instruction on warm, beautiful tropical rivers?

Join us in Veracruz Mexico for an educational adventure of a lifetime!

Know someone that would be a great candidate? Please share!

W.I.L.D. Mexico is a 5 week adventure guide training program focussed on the 4 whitewater discipline

8 WEEKS TO GO! We are excited for WILD 2021 Mexico to get underway!

8 WEEKS TO GO! We are excited for WILD 2021 Mexico to get underway!

I love the international talent on the Playing For Change covers.  This version of La Bamba is particularly special as t...

I love the international talent on the Playing For Change covers. This version of La Bamba is particularly special as the song originated as a Veracruz (Jorocho) folk song in the 1800’s.

FOr early arrivals on WILD we suggest staying near the Zocolo (where many of these musicians are filmed playing) to take in the steamy and sultry culture of one of the first cities in the Americas.

Para bailar la Bamba...?..... ask our lead kayak instructor Poncho, he is bound to play it for you on his jarana (Jorocho Guitar).


Download this song/video here: http://bit.ly/2mk5IO7We started this recording on a back porch in East Los Angeles with members of Los Lobos, and then returne...

Jalcomulco is based in the state of Veracruz... one of only 3 states in Mexico as low risk (green zone) for Covid transm...

Jalcomulco is based in the state of Veracruz... one of only 3 states in Mexico as low risk (green zone) for Covid transmission. Combine that with industry leading management strategies such as private accommodation, outdoor meals, outdoor instruction, masks during transport and sanitation protocols we find our Covid risk to be reasonably low.

If you are looking for a different form of outdoor education with experienced and knowledgeable practitioners... come join us in Jalcomulco Veracruz Feb. 21-March 27 2021.

🦠 🚦 | se convirtió en la tercera entidad en ocupar el color verde en el Semáforo Epidemiológico de a nivel Federal, que estará vigente del 7 al 20 de diciembre. Compartirá esta clasificación, de riesgo bajo de contagio, con y .

What about food in Jalcomulco!One of the delights of training in Mexico is the amazing cuisine.  Breakfast is usually he...

What about food in Jalcomulco!

One of the delights of training in Mexico is the amazing cuisine. Breakfast is usually hearty with a variety of eggs and tortillas but is always served with an array of fresh tropical fruit and locally grown coffee.

Dinners feature Mexican Classics such as Tacos Al Pastor or locally made traditional Mole served with a variety of home made salsas from recipes passed down from generations.

Jalcomulco produces Mango and Limon...Avocados are just $.50/kilo. There is a budding scene of modern restaurants featuring traditional fare as well as international favourites including some of the best wood oven pizza you have ever tasted.

Vegetarian and vegan diets can easily be accommodated on WILD.

So.... what is the fascination with Jalcomulco?I have been fortunate to work and lead adventure tourism trips in numerou...

So.... what is the fascination with Jalcomulco?

I have been fortunate to work and lead adventure tourism trips in numerous countries around the world. I first came to Jalcomulco in 1995 and assumed it would be nice for a few seasons... and here I am TWENTY FIVE YEARS later still exploring and discovering new adventures. It has over 100km of fun, world class whitewater at its doorstep, world class climbing, mt. biking, trekking as well as commercial tourism activities such as zip lining and rappelling. All (most) of these activities are within walking distance or at most a short drive from town.

It has great weather during the North American winter months. It is secure, neighbours watch out for each other and you can walk to get everything you need (or people come past your house with fruit, baked goods and other necessities.

The best part about Jalcomulco however are its people. They are both humble and proud, strong but gentle, friendly and kind. It has been amazing to watch the transition that has happened as tourism plays a greater role in their society. They have taken on a fierce sense of environmentalism protecting their river from a Mega Dam project, they have rallied as a community like no other I have seen. In my 25 years there I have ALWAYS felt welcomed ... it truly is home for me.

All of these reasons PLUS the amazing whitewater training locations makes JALCO the ideal base for WILD 2021 Mexico. I am SUPER excited to share this Pueblo Mágico with our WILD participants.

Have you been to Jalcomulco? Post your comments below.

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WILD 2021 Mexico

Una pequeña vista de este mágico pueblo :)

'Some people have asked me if this training is suitable for them.  It is really designed to bring beginners and intermed...

'Some people have asked me if this training is suitable for them. It is really designed to bring beginners and intermediate paddlers up to the next level. Although it is designed as a vocational program for the whitewater industry is is a great way to develop personal skills both on and off the river.

In the days of C19, if you are going to learn or hone your skills it is best to do it outside. There is no better time or place to do this than Feb./March in Jalcomulco with WILD.


Please share... LIKE and visit our page for further inquiries.

Is WILD 2021 Mexico the course for me?

We certainly hope so! Here is who we imagine taking a course like this.

*New, Beginner or Intermediate paddlers (up to class 3) that want to advance being both challenged and supported to improve their competency in their preferred craft. If I am already a class 4-5 paddler is it for me...?...not really... during February and March the sites we will use will not be challenging enough for you to see real progression. You would be better with our FULL WILD program starting in Sept. in Canada.

*People who appreciate nature and culture and enjoy discovering new things. Do I need to be outgoing...?...not really, just be ever to learn and be yourself. Programs like this can be "Transformative" in nature... so, if you are looking for a bit of a new perspective or change in routine then this IS a great opportunity for you.

*AM I too young or too old. Typically our minimum age is 18 years old however exceptions can be made on a case by case basis depending on the individual. There is no MAXIMUM age as long as participants realize that it is an active program that requires some stamina as well as "tolerance for adversity and uncertainty". It is suitable for those young at heart. Our orders participant was in her sixties (and is still paddling like a champ).

Will this qualify me to work in the Outdoors Industry?

It will be a good start! You will receive and internationally recognized qualification in Swiftwater Rescue, you will need Wilderness Medical Training, and you receive a good feel for what the industry is like and how to navigate the outdoor world to be successful.
For those legal to work in Canada there will be employment opportunities for successful candidates and for those from other parts of the world WILD is highly looked upon as a Premier Training Provider.
What if I just want to do something fun and different during this entire Covid Crisis? This program is operated as a Low Risk C19 activity as all instruction happens in the open air... Join us!

Arrival and Departure Information.WILD starts at 1600h on Sunday February, 21st with Airport Pick Up in Veracruz (VER). ...

Arrival and Departure Information.

WILD starts at 1600h on Sunday February, 21st with Airport Pick Up in Veracruz (VER). Early arrivals can be picked up at a number of city centre hotels (details to follow). In the event your scheduled flight is to arrive later than 1600h please look at arriving the day earlier or a private shuttle can be arranged for an additional fee ($150 USD).

WILD finishes on the morning of Saturday March 27. You can book your departure for anytime this day. Some participants may wish to stay on in Mexico. If so our final night of the course we will be in the oceanside city of Veracruz.

What is Jalcomulco Like?Jalcomulco is an enchanted "Pueblo Magico" nestled in the mountains of Veracruz.  Traditionally ...

What is Jalcomulco Like?

Jalcomulco is an enchanted "Pueblo Magico" nestled in the mountains of Veracruz. Traditionally it is a town that grows coffee, sugar cane, mangoes, limon but over the past generation has become Mexico's premiere Eco-Adventure tourism destination.

Take a look at Jalco from the air in this great video by one of our friends and videographers Shefy!


Una pequeña vista de este mágico pueblo :)

Wild Alumni!Don't take our word for it!  Check out these comments from Wild Alumni and/or ask them a question!

Wild Alumni!

Don't take our word for it! Check out these comments from Wild Alumni and/or ask them a question!

Our InstructorsAury Carrillo Méndez (kayak, rafting, customer service, Cumbia)David Ebel (canoeing, kayaking, swiftwater...

Our Instructors

Aury Carrillo Méndez (kayak, rafting, customer service, Cumbia)
David Ebel (canoeing, kayaking, swiftwater rescue, Cha Cha Cha)
Poncho Castello Bello (kayaking, photo/video, Salsa)

WILD 2021 Mexico is taught in both English and Spanish. In the event you currently speak just one language WILD is a great opportunity to practice and hone your skills in the other.

Our Leadership TeamCo-Directors Jim Coffey and Ty SmithJim Coffey is the founder of Esprit Whitewater and WILD.  He has ...

Our Leadership Team

Co-Directors Jim Coffey and Ty Smith

Jim Coffey is the founder of Esprit Whitewater and WILD. He has captained the Canadian Rafting Team, Competed in whitewater slalom, is considered one of the world's leading authorities in Swiftwater Rescue and set a World Record for paddling and 18m waterfall in a canoe. Much more than this impressive list of whitewater accomplishments Jim is a selfless teacher, environmental and social advocate and overall great mentor for new whitewater paddlers.

Ty Smith is a graduate of WILD and will be co-directing with Jim. Ty is a whitewater expert that has manages Esprit Whitewater in Canada, is a Trip Leader with Earth River Expeditions in Chile, Boreal River Expeditions on Quebec's spectacular Magpie River, as well as Bald Eagle interpretive rafting tours in Western Canada. Ty is respected for his skill and knowledge and just so happens to be a Scientist (fluvial geo-morphologist to be precise) as well as an artist. If you are going on a paddling expedition, you want to have Ty with you. He's got your back.


20 De Noviembre


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