Braňo z Dolnej Kalifornie/Mexiko

Braňo z Dolnej Kalifornie/Mexiko Nájdi spolu s nami dokonalý luxusný zážitok, na ktorý nikdy nezabudneš!

We are helping our clients to experience true freedom of enjoying their well-deserved holidays in one of the most breathtaking places in the world without spending every day of their holidays solving annoying problems. Let's find together your "Unforgettable luxury holidays with professional and very personal service."


Mexiko a kriminalita. PRAVDA???


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Toto je Dolna Kalifornia/Mexiko

Sledujte ma aj na Instagrame, kde zdieľam ešte viac dobrodružstiev a zákulisných momentov! Pridajte sa a buďme v kontakt...

Sledujte ma aj na Instagrame, kde zdieľam ešte viac dobrodružstiev a zákulisných momentov! Pridajte sa a buďme v kontakte


"Dobrodružstvo, zábava, luxus – toto je Dolná Kalifornia, Mexiko."


. A prečo som sem prišiel? Samozrejme, bolo v tom pekné dievča, ako inak!


Ako sa z chalana zo Slovenska stal námorný kapitán na luxusných jachtách, profesionálny potápač, bodyguard, cestovateľ a dobrodruh?


Nemám toho veľa, nikdy som nehľadal veľké peniaze, ale cítim sa naozaj bohatý – všetky tie neuveriteľné miesta, ktoré som videl, toľko fantastických dobrodružstiev, rôzne kultúry a zaujímaví ľudia, ktorých som na svojej ceste stretol! A chcem vám o tom porozprávať.

Kto som?Jednoduchá otázka, ale naozaj viem, kto som? Povedať svoje meno neznamená veľa, najmä keď si ho takmer nikto nep...

Kto som?

Jednoduchá otázka, ale naozaj viem, kto som? Povedať svoje meno neznamená veľa, najmä keď si ho takmer nikto nepamätá. Vo všetkých tých krajinách sveta ma nazývali všelijako: Brus, Brian, dokonca Tony Rus, aj keď nie som ani Tony, ani Rus. Tiež ma nazvali "Rumunský hajzel," hoci rozhodne nie som Rumun. Na mnohých colniciach sa snažili prečítať moje meno v pase, a len v slovanských krajinách ako Ukrajina, Rusko alebo Poľsko ho vyslovili správne. Ale tu to je, volám sa Branislav Tomasko, a v mojom novom domove v Južnej Dolnej Kalifornii v Mexiku, ma volajú Bran. Tak to viac-menej funguje.

Narodil som sa na Slovensku, v tej nádhernej krajine v srdci Európy, a už od malička som sníval o cestovaní po svete. Moji milovaní rodičia tým trpeli, pretože ja, aby som si splnil svoj sen, bol som schopný čohokoľvek. Dokonca som ušiel oknom zo siedmeho poschodia, šplhajúc sa po bleskozvode, a zmizol na niekoľko týždňov, mal som len 16 rokov! A bol som jedináčik. Moji rodičia takmer dostali infarkt, ale nejako vedeli, že ma čaká život plný dobrodružstiev, a pripravili ma na to. Vyrastal som hovoriac piatimi jazykmi a neskôr som sa naučil ďalšie tri, čo mi veľmi pomohlo počas tých 35 rokov cestovania, práce a života vo viac ako 40 krajinách.

Vždy som sa rád učil nové veci a študoval. Tak som skončil s piatimi kariérami, z ktorých dve boli univerzitné, a pracoval som, aby som si mohol platiť štúdium a prežiť. Spal som v palácoch aj pod mostom, poznal som najkrajšie miesta sveta, žil som v džungli aj v Himalájach. Aký život, aké dobrodružstvá. Znie to namyslene? No som veľmi hrdý na to, čo som dosiahol, a na všetko, čo som videl po ceste. Ale na čo som najviac hrdý, je to, že som žil všetky svoje sny, mnohé z nich poriadne šialené. Vždy som hľadal výzvy; keď som niečo zvládol, nudilo ma to. Na peniaze som nehľadel, potreboval som niečo nové, čo si vyžadovalo všetku moju energiu, tak som sa vždy cítil živý a pomáhalo mi rásť ako osobnosť.

To je naozaj to, čo robím: cestujem, prežívam dobrodružstvá, učím sa zo všetkého a od všetkých ľudí, ktorých stretnem na ceste, bez ohľadu na to, či je to Tony Robbins, u ktorého som študoval, alebo tí najchudobnejší, nedotknuteľní z Kalkaty, ktorí ma raz prijali vo svojej dedine. Wow, aké spomienky na tie časy, keď som žil po celej Indii, Thajsku, Malajzii, Indonézii, roky na Maldivách, v Egypte, keď som žil v malom aute po celej Európe, a moja milovaná Latinská Amerika, jej krása a priateľskí ľudia v Kostarike, Guatemale, Belize a samozrejme môj nový domov, Mexiko! A teraz, po mnohých rokoch práce na mori ako bodyguard, bezpečnostný dôstojník a kapitán na luxusných jachtách, a pod vodou ako inštruktor potápania, som začal svoj projekt luxusných dobrodružstiev. Mojím cieľom je pomáhať potápačom a cestovateľom objavovať Baja California a prežiť neuveriteľné dobrodružstvá na pevnine, kde môžete navštíviť fantastické pláže a nechať sa očariť touto nádhernou prírodou, alebo v modrom mori, potápať sa na ostrovoch Socorro, Guadalupe s veľkými bielymi žralokmi a v Cortésovom mori.

Spomínam na ten pocit spokojnosti a radosti, keď aj tí najnáročnejší klienti odchádzali z jácht s veľkým úsmevom. A keď som dokázal otvoriť nový svet mojim študentom potápania, tie veľké oči plné šťastia, keď sa vynárali na povrch, a tie deti, ako si to užívali. Mnohokrát som si myslel, že by som túto prácu robil aj bez odmeny, ale jesť treba!

Už nie som ten mladý chalan s toľkou energiou a budúcnosťou pred sebou; chcem vybudovať niečo, čo mi umožní žiť, pomáhať mojim blízkym a ukazovať krásu, ktorá ma obklopuje, ostatným. Prispievam tým niečím svetu? Dúfam, že áno. Robiť ľudí šťastnými, ktorých stretnete v živote, a robiť to zo srdca, snažiac sa byť dobrým človekom, verím, že to má veľký význam. A často sa zdá, že práve toto najviac chýba v tomto svete.

Tak to je všetko. Podarilo sa mi odpovedať na tieto otázky, ktoré sú jedny z najhlbších, aké si môžete položiť? Dúfam, že áno. Vy budete tí, ktorí to posúdia. Ja som to napísal zo srdca!

Srdečne vás zdravím,

Branislav Tomasko

P.S.: Ospravedlňujem sa, ak je tento príbeh trochu dlhý, ale ako zhrnúť tie najväčšie sny, víťazstvá aj prehry, nádeje, túžby a obavy do pár slov? Dúfam, že mi to odpustíte a že sa mi podarilo zdieľať to, čo cítim.

And there I go again! 5 flights, 3 days of traveling waiting for me! A new adventure ready. Not that easy to come to Mal...

And there I go again! 5 flights, 3 days of traveling waiting for me! A new adventure ready. Not that easy to come to Maldives from Baja Mexico.


"¿Te preguntas cuánto tiempo necesitas para explorar completamente la impresionante Baja California Sur? 🌅 En este video, te llevo a través de este magnífico destino, mostrando no solo los tiempos de viaje, sino también la increíble belleza que hace que cada segundo valga la pena. ¡Descubre conmigo los paisajes deslumbrantes y los secretos escondidos de Baja California Sur! 🌊🚗

🌊 Discover the Ocean's Secrets with Sunny Adventure Travel and Aggressor Liveaboard 🛥️We are excited to share this fanta...

🌊 Discover the Ocean's Secrets with Sunny Adventure Travel and Aggressor Liveaboard 🛥️

We are excited to share this fantastic offer from Aggressor Liveaboard! At, we are proud to partner with Aggressor, a company that offers unparalleled diving experiences at the world's best sites.

With my personal experience as a captain with Aggressor, I deeply understand the magic and beauty of diving in spectacular destinations. From vibrant reefs to close encounters with marine life, each dive is an unforgettable adventure.

At Sunny Adventure Travel, we are dedicated to helping divers experience these wonders for themselves. Whether you dream of exploring the colorful world beneath the waves, we are here to make those dreams a reality.

🐠 Ready to dive into the depths and explore the ocean's hidden treasures? Contact Sunny Adventure Travel to start planning your ultimate diving trip with Aggressor Liveaboard. Live the diving experience you've always dreamed of!

🎉 Happy New Year from! 🐠🌊As we dive into 2023, Sunny Adventure Travel is thrilled to offer a wor...

🎉 Happy New Year from! 🐠🌊
As we dive into 2023, Sunny Adventure Travel is thrilled to offer a world of adventure and discovery in the breathtaking Baja California Sur. We're more than just a travel agency; we're your gateway to unparalleled experiences.
🚗 Private Transportation: Begin your journey with our comfortable and reliable private transportation services. From airport transfers to exploring scenic routes, we ensure your travel is seamless and enjoyable.
🤿 Snorkeling & Diving Adventures: Immerse yourself in the underwater wonders of Baja California Sur. Whether you're a first-time snorkeler or an experienced diver, our guided tours offer a glimpse into the vibrant marine life of the Sea of Cortez and beyond. Explore coral reefs, swim alongside whale sharks, and discover the unique underwater landscapes that make this region a diver's paradise.
🏖️ Exclusive Land Tours: Experience the diverse landscapes of Baja California Sur. From the serene beaches of Cabo Pulmo to the rich biodiversity of Socorro Island, our tours are designed to showcase the best of this stunning region.
🏨 Premium Accommodations: Choose from our carefully selected hotels and apartments, each offering comfort, luxury, and a unique local experience.
🤝 Seeking Travel Partners: We are on the lookout for travel operators who share our passion for adventure and excellence. Let's collaborate to bring the wonders of Baja California Sur to explorers from all corners of the globe.
Join us in making 2024 a year of unforgettable journeys, exploration, and marine adventures. Follow our journey and be a part of the adventure that awaits.
📩 Interested in collaborating or planning your next adventure? DM us or visit for more information.

Merry Christmas! I hope you receive one blessing after another this coming year.Sunny Adventure Travel.www.sunnyadventur...

Merry Christmas! I hope you receive one blessing after another this coming year.
Sunny Adventure Travel.
Cell and WhatsApp: 624 218 4631

"Discover the Magic of Baja California Sur with A Unique Travel Gem"Baja California Sur, locat...

"Discover the Magic of Baja California Sur with A Unique Travel Gem"
Baja California Sur, located in the heart of Mexico, has emerged as a truly exceptional tourist destination. Here are some compelling reasons why this Mexican state has captured the hearts of travelers worldwide:

Luxurious Cabo San Lucas: Cabo San Lucas, often referred to as Cabo, is synonymous with luxury. Its stunning resorts, world-class golf courses, and vibrant nightlife make it a top choice for travelers seeking opulence and relaxation. From the iconic El Arco rock formation to pristine beaches, Cabo is a paradise for those in search of an upscale getaway.

Peaceful La Paz: La Paz, Baja California Sur's capital, starkly contrasts the bustling world. Known for its serene ambiance and some of the most beautiful beaches in Mexico, La Paz is a tranquil haven. Visitors can enjoy water sports, explore nearby islands, and bask in the peaceful atmosphere.

Charming Pueblos Mágicos: Baja California Sur boasts several "Pueblos Mágicos" or Magical Towns, each with its own unique charm. These picturesque towns, like Todos Santos and Loreto, captivate visitors with their rich history, cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. Exploring these hidden gems is a journey back in time.

Rapid Tourism Growth: The state has experienced remarkable tourism growth in recent years. The region's natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and an array of activities have drawn travelers seeking authentic experiences. This growth has led to improved infrastructure and enhanced services for visitors.

Safety: Baja California Sur is renowned for its safety. Visitors can explore the region with peace of mind, knowing that it's a secure and welcoming destination. The friendly locals add to the sense of security that makes this state an ideal place to visit.

Stellar Services: Baja California Sur takes pride in offering top-notch services to its visitors. From luxurious accommodations to delectable cuisine, travelers are treated to a world-class experience. The hospitality here ensures that guests feel pampered throughout their stay.

The Sea of Cortez: Also known as the "Aquarium of the World," the Sea of Cortez is a marine wonderland. Its crystal-clear waters are home to an abundance of marine life, including whales, whale sharks, sea lions, and a vibrant array of fish species. Exploring these waters is a breathtaking adventure for nature enthusiasts

🌟 Epic Adventure in Baja California Sur with! 🌟Ready for an unforgettable journey? Join us at S...

🌟 Epic Adventure in Baja California Sur with! 🌟
Ready for an unforgettable journey? Join us at Sunny Adventure Travel and discover the incredible beauty of Baja California Sur, both on land and sea. Experience the best of this spectacular part of Mexico with our customized tours.
Ever dreamed of crossing from the Gulf of California to the Pacific Ocean? Now's your chance. In our upcoming expedition, we follow the footsteps of the brave runners of the De Mar a Mar trail race. This stunning race, in its first edition, challenged athletes to traverse 110 kilometers across Baja California Sur, an Ultra Trail spanning three days along a spectacular route.
Imagine a cross-country pedestrian race with 4,500 meters of positive elevation, split into three stages. Starting from Los Barriles in La Paz and finishing in the picturesque Todos Santos. At each stage, runners arrive at a camp where they can eat, rest, and recover.
At Sunny Adventure Travel, we offer you the chance to live this unique experience, tailored for adventurers of all levels. Whether you want to cover the entire route or enjoy selected stretches, we have options for you. You won’t just explore the wild nature of Baja California Sur, but you'll also immerse yourself in local culture and enjoy regional cuisine.
🌊🏜️ Don't miss this unique opportunity for an adventure that combines the beauty of sea and land. Come and discover the hidden treasures of Baja California Sur with us!

"Yesterday, the roar of rally cars and bikes filled the streets of La Paz as the Baja 1000 Rally kicked off! ☀️🏁 sunnyad...

"Yesterday, the roar of rally cars and bikes filled the streets of La Paz as the Baja 1000 Rally kicked off! ☀️🏁 was right there alongside our excited clients who came to witness this incredible spectacle. The excitement was palpable as we cheered on the racers in this adrenaline-packed event! 🚗💨



Welcome to, your gateway to the awe-inspiring beauty and thrills of Baja California Sur. At Sunny Adventure Travel, we specialize in curating unforgettable journeys that showcase the best of this stunning Mexican paradise.

From the moment the majestic whales breach the ocean's surface to the intimate encounters with gentle whale sharks, our tailored excursions promise to leave you with memories that last a lifetime. Experience the vibrant local culture, indulge in the unique flavors of authentic Mexican cuisine, and let the spirit of adventure lead you through the diverse landscapes Baja California Sur has to offer.

Our expertly guided tours take you beyond the beaten path. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Sea of Cortez, explore the rugged beauty of the desert ranchos, and sail into the sunset for a perspective of Baja that few ever get to see.

At Sunny Adventure Travel, we're not just about destinations; we're about experiences. We believe in travel that enriches the soul and ignites a passion for life. Whether you're seeking the thrill of adventure or the peace of nature's embrace, we have something for everyone.

Discover more about our exciting travel offerings and start planning your Baja California Sur adventure today by visiting our website [Your Website URL]. Dive into the adventure, taste the culture, live the Baja way!

True friendship is measured in shared moments, lived experiences, and memories created. "A good friend listens to your a...

True friendship is measured in shared moments, lived experiences, and memories created. "A good friend listens to your adventures. A better friend makes them with you." This is the spirit that drives Sunny Adventure Travel. We are dedicated not only to witnessing your exploration dreams but to becoming active accomplices in your most exciting journeys.

In Baja California Sur with, a world of wonders awaits you to discover. It is a place where natural beauty stretches from the deep blue of the sea to the golden horizon of the desert. With us, you will live not only days of vacation but embark on the best adventures of your life, those that transform and enrich the soul.

We invite you to dive into the splendor of pristine beaches, feel the adrenaline of water sports, and relax under the sun melting into the ocean at sunset. Every day in Baja California Sur promises to be a new page in your adventure diary, and we are here to ensure that each chapter is epic.

It's not just a trip; it's the opportunity to weave into the vibrant tapestry of life, to connect with nature and with those who make life worthwhile. So whether you seek the tranquility of a solitary getaway or the joy of a trip with friends, at Sunny Adventure Travel we open the doors to unforgettable experiences.
Visit our website and get in touch via [email protected]

"The majestic whales emerge from the depths of Baja California Sur, dancing in an aquatic ballet that dazzles and thrills. Each leap, each blow, reminds us of the wonder of nature and the connection we share with these gentle giants of the sea. Dive into this visual journey and let yourself be carried away by the rhythm of the waves and the magic of these ancient creatures. 🐋🌊 "

Enjoy this Paradise with sunnyadventuretravel.comNestled in the heart of Baja California Sur lies a well-kept secret: th...

Enjoy this Paradise with
Nestled in the heart of Baja California Sur lies a well-kept secret: the quaint town of Barriles. An oasis where serenity blends with natural beauty and where every corner seems to tell a story. Amidst desert landscapes and views of the imposing Sea of Cortez, you'll find the Buena Vista resort, a sanctuary of relaxation and adventure.

This resort epitomizes the perfect blend of luxury and comfort, offering experiences that immerse you in local culture and connect you with the grandeur of nature. Imagine waking up to the sound of waves, enjoying horseback rides at sunset, or indulging in a dinner beneath a starlit sky. Buena Vista is more than just a place to stay; it's a gateway to the best of Barriles and the wonders of Baja California Sur.

If you're seeking an authentic getaway, where each day presents a new adventure and each night promises restful slumber, Barriles and the Buena Vista resort await to unveil the magic of Baja.


"Discover the underwater paradise that awaits in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Dive into crystal-clear waters, explore vibrant coral reefs, and swim alongside exotic marine life. Every dive is a unique experience, unveiling the mysteries of the deep. Join us and immerse yourself in an underwater world where natural beauty knows no bounds. 🌊🐠

🌅 Exploring the Unmatched Beauty of Cabo San Lucas with 🌅Today, I want to take a moment to appr...

🌅 Exploring the Unmatched Beauty of Cabo San Lucas with 🌅
Today, I want to take a moment to appreciate the majestic beauty of , a true paradise where nature and culture converge to create an unforgettable experience.
From the towering rock formations that adorn the seascape to the crystal-clear blue waters of the Sea of Cortez, every corner of Cabo radiates a natural beauty that captures the essence of serenity and adventure. 🏞️
It's not just a destination for beach lovers, but a space of inspiration where each sunrise provides a new opportunity for reflection and personal growth. The rich biodiversity, the vibrant marine life, and the warmth of its people make Cabo a place where human and natural connection is celebrated with every breath. 🐠🍃
In the hustle and bustle of our busy days and accelerated professional lives, places like Cabo San Lucas remind us of the importance of stopping, breathing, and immersing ourselves in the beauty that surrounds us. It invites us to rediscover life's essence, find balance, and revitalize our passion and creativity. ✨
Have you experienced the magical beauty of Cabo San Lucas? How has it inspired your professional and personal journey? Share your experiences and reflections! 🗣️


"Explore the fascinating Socorro Islands with! 🌊🐋 Dive into waters teeming with life and discover an underwater paradise.
Undoubtedly, the Socorro Islands are a true underwater paradise that unveils the astonishing beauty of ocean life. These crystal-clear waters, located in the middle of the Pacific, harbor a spectacular marine biodiversity that leaves divers and nature enthusiasts alike breathless."


🏝️ Discover Mexico's underwater wonder in Cabo Pulmo 🐠. This magical corner in Baja California Sur is one of the country's most stunning natural treasures. With its vibrant coral reefs, Cabo Pulmo is a paradise for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts.

🌊 Dive into crystal-clear waters and explore an underwater world teeming with colorful tropical fish, sea turtles, and manta rays. The biodiversity here is astonishing and will leave you breathless.

🌅 In addition to the wonders beneath the waves, Cabo Pulmo also offers white sandy beaches and spectacular desert landscapes. A perfect destination for nature and adventure lovers!

🌮 Don't miss out on delicious local cuisine at nearby restaurants and experience the warm hospitality of the Cabo Pulmo community.

Ready for an unforgettable adventure in Cabo Pulmo? 🌴


Do you like to enjoy the best holiday without stress? Know Baja California, Cabos, La Paz? We have fantastic adventures prepared for you. Ask for offers!


Would you like to see all this?!?
Tell me, I can help, was living in this place for many years!

Do you like Sharks?Te gustan Tiburones?Tell Us where do you like to fly!Di nos donde quieres volar!sunnyadventuretravel....

Do you like Sharks?
Te gustan Tiburones?
Tell Us where do you like to fly!
Di nos donde quieres volar!


One of SOOO Many amazing beaches in Baja/mexico!
Esto es una de muchísimas playas en Baja California Sur, Mexico y nos ENCANTA!

Do you like fishing? Did you know that Baja California Sur is one of the best places in the world for it?5 hrs of fishin...

Do you like fishing? Did you know that Baja California Sur is one of the best places in the world for it?
5 hrs of fishing from the boat (Open Ocean)
1 - 3 anglers, From $435.00 USD
Ask for more Info!
[email protected]


Calle Serdan
La Paz


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