This map shows the breakdown of the various agave spirits Denominaciones de Origen (DO) in Mexico. It is quite all encompassing, but what does it actually mean, how did they come to be, what purposes do they serve and what is the impact on how spirits are now produced and marketed?
Those are just a few of the questions we will be addressing at our Conversations in Agave talk on Monday, November 13th at the Mission Cultural Center () The talk will be moderated by Francisco Terrazas of the Agave Heritage Festival and the panel includes Pedro Jimenez of , Erick Rodriguez of and Misty Kalkofen of .
Join us for this incredibly important conversation - link in bio to reserve your seat or here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/741712360637?aff=oddtdtcreator
**Note, this talk will be recorded and posted at a later date for those of you not able to attend live and in person.