Good news!!
From November 29 to December 2, 2019 Mezcouting invites you to spend a weekend in the heart of mezcal country, where we will learn to recognize the unique characteristics of legitimate traditional mezcals and distillates of agave.
info [email protected]
Tejate part 2
Pouring cold water from a height to get the foamy effect of the dough rising to the top.
One of the coolest Mezcouting experiences EVER! Last October went to visit with some of the talented embroiders that work with our friends at Mano Madre and we got invited to a wedding with Morgan Ione Photography! This is a video of women in the Ocotlán Valley making Tejate for the big day. Tejate is like pre-Hispanic protein shake! Rich in nutrients and extremely filling, many maestros mezcaleros drink a jicara of Tejate before working their fields. The dough being mixed here is made of toasted cacao, corn, the pit of the mamey fruit, and rosita de caocao, an extremely fragrant and white flower. The dough is hand mixed with cold water until the dough floats to the top creating a delicate foam. Delicious!
One of the coolest Mezcouting experiences EVER! Last October went to visit with some of the talented embroiders that work with our friends at Mano Madre and we got invited to a wedding with Morgan Ione Photography! This is a video of women in the Ocotlán Valley making Tejate for the big day. Tejate is like pre-Hispanic protein shake! Rich in nutrients and extremely filling, many maestros mezcaleros drink a jicara of Tejate before working their fields. The dough being mixed here is made of toasted cacao, corn, the pit of the mamey fruit, and rosita de caocao, an extremely fragrant and white flower. The dough is hand mixed with cold water until the dough floats to the top creating a delicate foam. Delicious!
Huevos al comal
Happy Sunday! Gloria, cocinera tradicional, cooking us up some huevos al comal (eggs from her chickens) at her home and family's traditional mezcal palenque. She sprinkles a bit of ash on the eggs giving it a smokey flavor and serves it with a grilled tomatoe salsa and handmade tortillas made from heirloom corn grown on her farm. Yum! A meal fit for a maestro mezcalo or just some hungry visitors like ourselves.