(15 Diciembre-15 abril)
The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a mysticete cetacean characterized by its social and playful behavior, and for being one of the most observed whale species:
• Size: Adults can reach 15–18 metres in length and weigh up to 40 tonnes, making them the size of a bus
• Color: Its coloration is black or gray, with the underside lighter
• Diet: They feed on krill, plankton and small fish. In the northern hemisphere, they feed on fish such as capelin, anchovy and cod
• Migration: They carry out annual migrations from the Antarctic feeding areas to the breeding areas
• Behavior: They are known for jumping out of the water, hitting the surface with their tail, and for their apparent empathy with other species
• Predators: Their main predator is the killer whale, which mainly attacks calves and juveniles. They can also be attacked by tiger sharks and other large sharks
• Conservation status: Its conservation status is of least concern
• Life expectancy: They can live up to almost 100 years
’Daxhen 🐳
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