Rare Orca sighting
On January 2nd, we had the rare sighting of mother Orcas (killer whales) playing with their young just off the coast of the Beachfront Flats. What was amazing is that we saw a couple of local spearfisherman going out to the shipwreck that is just in front of the community of El Encanto and during that time some lucky Vera-Neo guest were able to see what they believed were Orca. One of the team members from the architectural firm that designed the Beachfront Flats was in his office just down the beach and was able to get his drone out to get truly spectacular images of this rare sighting. If you look close you will see the Orcas playing just meters away from the spearfisherman while they are teaching their young how to eat the school of Mobula rays.
#Orcas #KillerWhales #RareSighting #MotherAndYoung #CoastalLife #BeachfrontFlats #Shipwreck #ElEncanto #LuckyGuests #VeraNeo #ArchitecturalFirm #DronePhotography #SpectacularImages #TeachingMoment #MobulaRays
We will never get tired of talking about our INFINITY pool!
Best way to relax 🌊
The "Get Away" Destination is the best place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city with your beloved couple ❤️
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Modern lifestyle - it is the rush: you have to do many things at the same time and get it done as soon as possible .
Sometimes we forget how is it: to be in the moment and connect with our real deep condition and feelings.
How is to feel ☀️ on your skin , breeze in your hair.
And belive us! As soon as you will slow down, simple things will be the most surprising! And the taste of food will be more colorful.
Beach front Flats it is GET AWAY experience. Where you can feel every moment of your life very bright !
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133 ways to wakeup at the Beach front Flats
#cocktailtime at the private pool. #cabo #loscabos #sanjosedelcabo #mexico #beachliving #beachlife #beachcocktails #refreshing #cocktails #cocktailporn — repost 📸 by @malyse15
Welcome to @vera_neo_cabo a private beach club experience.
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