Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.@jungleyogatulum #meditate #meditatedaily #meditationisthemedication #meditateinnature #meditationiskey #meditatewithme #learntomeditate #meditatedontmedicate
Jungle Yoga Tulum 💚 We explore Nature to reconnect to ourselves by honoring our home the Mother Earth 🙏 #naturelovers #ConsciousPlanet #conscioustravel #consciouslifestyle #responsibletravel #responsibletourism #spiritualgangster #YogaForLife
Jungle Yoga Tulum
We explore Nature to reconnect to ourselves by honoring our home the Mother Earth 🙏
We dedicate our practice to Nature, to the Sun, to the Sky, to the Sacred Waters, to our Mother Earth, to the Guardians of that Sacred Place. We connect by going inwards, by being present, by feeling our bodies, honoring our emotions, listening to our breath…. We become one, where there is no separation, where there is no duality, where our physical bodies dissolve to become one with The Divine. We honor the Creation with our prayer, the prayer of our Yoga Practice in Nature 🙏@jungleyogatulum. #yogaisnotjustasana #yogaspirit #practiceyoga #devotional #prayer #healing #connection #yogainspiration #yogalove #dedicateyourself #yogapractise #yogapractitioner #yogini #yogainnature
You will not regret it….a different way to experience nature, a totally unique way to enjoy your holiday 💗💗💗
Conscious and responsible tourism ✨
Be the change you want to see in the world
Join the adventure @jungleyogatulum
#protectyourworld #travelconsciously #responsibletourism #conscioustravel #conscioustraveller #conscioustourism #consciousliving #yogaoutdoors #yogainnature #yogatour #meditationtime
You will not regret it….a different way to experience nature, a totally unique way to enjoy your holiday 💗💗💗
Conscious and responsible tourism ✨
Be the change you want to see in the world
Join the adventure @jungleyogatulum
#protectyourworld #travelconsciously #responsibletourism #conscioustravel #conscioustraveller #conscioustourism #consciousliving #yogaoutdoors #yogainnature #yogatour #meditationtime
You will not regret it….a different way to experience nature, a totally unique way to enjoy your holiday 💗💗💗
Conscious and responsible tourism ✨
Be the change you want to see in the world
Join the adventure @jungleyogatulum
#protectyourworld #travelconsciously #responsibletourism #conscioustravel #conscioustraveller #conscioustourism #consciousliving #yogaoutdoors #yogainnature #yogatour #meditationtime
You will not regret it….a different way to experience nature, a totally unique way to enjoy your holiday 💗💗💗
Conscious and responsible tourism ✨
Be the change you want to see in the world
Join the adventure @jungleyogatulum
#protectyourworld #travelconsciously #responsibletourism #conscioustravel #conscioustraveller #conscioustourism #consciousliving #yogaoutdoors #yogainnature #yogatour #meditationtime
#repost @jungleyogatulum
Join the Adventure 🧘🏻♀️ practice Yoga and other Meditation techniques in Nature.
Join a Spiritual Experience at the Mayan Riviera in Mexico during your next visit.
More info 👉🏻
#yogaretreat2021 #yogaoutside #yogaoutdoors #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogatour #meditationpractice #meditationretreat #meditationisthemedication #meditationiskey #tulumlovers #tulumlifestyle
Would you like to experience nature and healing?? To experience nature with a purpose…
To practice yoga and meditación with live music from the soul, to after have a swim in the sacred waters of the cenotes.
What my clients say is that by far is the best experience they had in Tulum, and I want to invite you to live it if you feel the call please contact me
👉🏻 @jungleyogatulum
#connecttonature #connectwithyourself #connectwithyoursoul #heal #naturelovers #yoga #meditation #yogatour #yogatours #tulumyogaretreat #yogatulum ##tulum #cenotes
Wanna join me to practice yoga in nature??
Look for the different experiences I offer on my web page 👉🏻
#practiceyogachangeyourlife #yoga #yogainnature #outdooryoga #outdooryogapractice #outdooryogaclass #natureyoga #yogatulum #tulumyoga #tulumyogalove #yogaintulum #yogatour #yogatours #yogadventuretours #yogatoursinparadise #yogatoursintulum