Killing Roaches.. and Pain... in Belize.
Our Kills 'Em Dead Cockroach Bait is a wonderful product, an old World War I soldier's recipe... so clean, safe and easy to use. Just place the little dried 'dough balls' around your house (away from kids and pets) and in 2 days... no more roaches for 4-6 months! It's that simple! IT REALLY WORKS!
My grounding products allow you to absorb electrons from the Earth that are necessary for all organ functions. It both reduces pain and stops inflammation. Many are calling Grounding the greatest health discovery of the century!
The numbers say over 95% of the people of the world are INSULATED from the earth by the soles of their shoes or slippers. We have been cut off from our needed supply of electrons. And we are getting SICK because of it.
It is now understood that INFLAMMATION is the ROOT CAUSE of the majority of our major diseases: Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, and Auto-Immune conditions. What stops inflammation dead in its tracks? GROUNDING! Twenty-plus scientific, peer-reviewed studies have verified that grounding significantly reduces both pain and inflammation. It has also been found to thin your blood and improve circulation, reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, and to speed healing, often rather dramatically. Everyone seems to SLEEP better when grounded, too!
One of the simplest yet most profound things we can ALL do to improve our health is to ground ourselves... every day.