¡Tomorrowland ha anunciado su temática para 2025!
Nuestro tour ya se encuentra disponible para que puedas reservar y disfrutar de la 21va edición del mejor festival del mundo.
Reserva con el 25% y ve pagando mes con mes, más información por Whatsapp al 4439640395.
Prepare for a whole new world in 2025 with the brand-new theme: Orbyz. Set in a magical universe made entirely out of ice, will reveal a hidden community that has been existing under a gigantic ice cap for many years. Once the mass of ice and glaciers starts melting, the indigenous community rises to the surface, consisting of a unique source of light, energy, and power that originates from powerful, red-colored crystals and rocks.
Pre-Registration for Tomorrowland Belgium 2025 starts December 5.