Penang Tour and Transport - 槟城包车服务

Penang Tour and Transport - 槟城包车服务 We are providing Penang 3D2N or 4D3N Tour Package with full ground arrangement from the airport until last day leaving Penang.

We are providing Penang 3D2N or 4D3N transport service and Tour Package with full ground arrangement and accommodation

Penang Transport Service for small and big groups

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📍Penang 3D Trick Art Museum【槟城3D幻觉艺术博物馆】The Penang Trick Art Museum, located at Lebuh Penang, Georgetown which is known ...

📍Penang 3D Trick Art Museum

The Penang Trick Art Museum, located at Lebuh Penang, Georgetown which is known as the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Penang 3D Trick Art refers to a technique that transforms 2-dimensional painting into 3-dimensional images. With the 2D paintings on the walls, floors and ceiling appears to pop up on the surface and come to life. Museum will be housing 40 pieces of artworks including optical illusion paintings and sculptures. Apart from that, Penang is the first state in Malaysia to offer this unique art museum.

Museum is an interactive museum with a concept that stimulates your creativity and imagination.There will be 2 themes in museum’s exhibits, namely All about Penang Life and Modern Classic. This theme will definitely portray the daily life of Penangites and bring the stories that are present in the heritage to a broader group of visitors.

槟城幻觉艺术博物馆,位于槟城 Lebuh Penang,乔治敦被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。

槟城3D立体艺术是指将2维绘画转变为3维图像的技术。墙壁上的2D 绘画、地板和天花板似乎突然出现在表面上并变得栩栩如生。博物馆将展出 40 件艺术品,包括视错觉绘画和雕塑。除此之外,槟城是马来西亚第一个拥有这个独特艺术博物馆的州属。


(📷: Penang 3D Trick Art Museum)

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📍Jurassic Research Center, Penang【侏罗纪研究中心】回到恐龙统治地球的时代,揭开地球史前过去的奥秘。侏罗纪研究中心 (借助最新的电子动画技术) 使 200 多只恐龙复活,打造出规模宏大的动手互动活动中心。  ...

📍Jurassic Research Center, Penang

回到恐龙统治地球的时代,揭开地球史前过去的奥秘。侏罗纪研究中心 (借助最新的电子动画技术) 使 200 多只恐龙复活,打造出规模宏大的动手互动活动中心。 与这些数百万年前的生物见面并嬉戏!了解他们过去如何在地球上漫游!亲身探索恐龙的迷人王国!


Travel back in time to when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and uncover the mysteries of the planet’s prehistoric past. The Jurassic Research Center brings over 200 dinosaurs back to life (with the help of the latest animatronics technology) to create a hands-on interactive activity center of epic proportions. Meet and frolic with these creatures from millions of years ago! Find out how they used to roam the Earth! Discover the enthralling realm of dinosaurs first-hand!

Jurassic Research Center takes you through a truly education journey for both kids and adults where they can experience the life size dinosaurs in their habitat. Come see the lost world that was once alive million years ago through the eye of science!

(📷: CHoL LaDa (Dr.B))

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📍Tech Dome Penang【槟城圆顶科学馆】槟城科技圆顶是一个由槟城科技中心运营的非盈利科技中心。这是槟城州政府的一项倡议,并通过公私合作伙伴关系进行设置。槟城科技圆顶占地约 45,000 平方英尺,拥有超过 120 个互动科技展品...

📍Tech Dome Penang

槟城科技圆顶是一个由槟城科技中心运营的非盈利科技中心。这是槟城州政府的一项倡议,并通过公私合作伙伴关系进行设置。槟城科技圆顶占地约 45,000 平方英尺,拥有超过 120 个互动科技展品。

Tech Dome Penang is a not-for-profit science and technology centre run by Penang Tech Centre. It is an initiative by the Penang State Government and the setup was done in Public Public-Private Partnerships. With an area of approximately 45,000 sq ft,Tech Dome Penang has over 120 interactive science and technology exhibits.

(📷: Tech Dome Penang)

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📍Turtle Conservation And Information Centre, Penang【海龟保育及资讯中心】海龟保育及资讯中心坐落于格拉朱海滩,此中心的建立是为了保育数量日渐减少的马来西亚海龟。Located at Pant...

📍Turtle Conservation And Information Centre, Penang


Located at Pantai Kerachut, this centre was set up to protect and preserve the turtles in Malaysia due to their declining population.

(📷: Dan WS)

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📍Toy Museum, Penang【槟城玩具博物馆】The museum features more than 110,000 toys and figures. There are another 30,000 toys that a...

📍Toy Museum, Penang

The museum features more than 110,000 toys and figures. There are another 30,000 toys that are kept in storage as the museum is not big enough to accommodate all of the toys. Some of the toys displayed in the museum were obtained direct from Hollywood.

The museum features a notable 1.8m-tall Japanese Gundam robot, which cost RM9000. Other life size figures include Batman, Indiana Jones, Iron Man, Jack Sparrow, King Kong, Kung Fu Panda, Lara Croft, Monsters, Inc. characters, Power Rangers, Sheriff Woody, Shrek, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, Superman, WALL-E and others.

The toy collections include Disney's characters such as 101 Dalmatians, A Bug's Life, Lilo & Stitch, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Incredible Hulk, The Lion King and The Little Mermaid. Also featured are Barbie dolls, Doraemon, Dragon Ball, the Fantastic Four, Frankenstein, Garfield, the Hulk, Looney Tunes characters, Mr. Bean, Pokémon toys, Snoopy, Spider-Man, Superman, WWE figures, X-Men figures and others.

The walls and ceiling of the museum are decorated with an Egyptian theme, featuring Pharaoh and sphinx statues.


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📍Pantai Kerachut, Penang【格拉朱海滩】格拉朱海滩是位于马来西亚槟城槟城岛西南区槟城国家公园的一个海滩。它是槟城最偏远的海滩之一,位于槟城岛西北部的海角西海岸。它庇护着一个分流湖,即具有不同层且不混合的湖。Pantai...

📍Pantai Kerachut, Penang


Pantai Kerachut is a beach in Penang National Park, Southwest Penang Island District, Penang, Malaysia. It is one of the remotest beaches in Penang and is located on the west coast of the cape at the northwest of Penang Island. It shelters a meromictic lake, i.e. one with distinct layers that do not mix.

(📷: Julien Debuigne)

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📍Muka Head Lighthouse, Penang【姆加角灯塔】姆加角灯塔是一座保存完好的历史地标,被壮丽的海景和丛林围绕,景色迷人。A well-conserved historical landmark offering bre...

📍Muka Head Lighthouse, Penang


A well-conserved historical landmark offering breathtaking views of the sea and surrounding jungle.

(📷: Keene Kenn)

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📍Monkey Beach, Penang【猴子海滩】猴子海滩的名字源自生活在附近的猕猴。你可以徒步或乘船抵达海滩,海滩风景宜人,边上有不少摊贩售卖饮料和小吃,还能体验水上运动或者是沙滩车骑乘。Monkey Beach derived it...

📍Monkey Beach, Penang


Monkey Beach derived its name from the macaque monkeys living within the vicinity. Accessible by boat or a hike, this scenic beach has shacks selling drinks and snacks as well as vendors offering water sports and quad bike excursions.

(📷: Kelab Melayu Pulau Pinang Facebook)

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📍Penang National Park【槟城国家公园】槟城国家公园充满了许多蓬勃发展的动植物物种,是一个自然奇观的宝库,包括沿海山地二元结构、红树林、海滩和岩石海岸。 这里有很多途径可以观察和拍摄鸟类和森林动物在其自然栖息地的情况。有如...

📍Penang National Park
槟城国家公园充满了许多蓬勃发展的动植物物种,是一个自然奇观的宝库,包括沿海山地二元结构、红树林、海滩和岩石海岸。 这里有很多途径可以观察和拍摄鸟类和森林动物在其自然栖息地的情况。有如此广泛的活动,你绝对不会感到无聊!

Filled with many flourishing species of flora and fauna, the Penang National Park is a treasure trove of natural wonders comprising coastal hill dipterocarps, mangroves, beaches, and rocky shores. There are plenty of avenues to observe and photograph birds and forest animals. their natural habitat. With such a wide range of activities available, there is no reason to get bored in here.

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📍Sri Singamuga Kaliamman Temple, Penang【幸加幕卡嘉丽曼神庙】The Floating Chariot Procession (Masi Magam Theppa Thiruvizha) is a Hi...

📍Sri Singamuga Kaliamman Temple, Penang

The Floating Chariot Procession (Masi Magam Theppa Thiruvizha) is a Hindu festival that attracts tens of thousands of devotees to Sri Singamuga Kaliamman Temple between mid-February and mid-March. The ceremony is held to thank the Goddess, Sri Singamuga Kaliamman for her good grace and to ask her for protection and prosperity. During this elaborate procession, the Goddess will be carried on a floating chariot adorned with lights and flowers along the seaside of Teluk Bahang.

流动战车巡游是印度教的一个传统节日,在2月中旬至3月中旬期间,吸引了数以万计的信徒到直落巴巷幸加慕卡嘉丽曼神庙。举行这个仪式是为了感谢幸加慕卡嘉丽曼女神的良好 恩典,并请求她的保护和繁荣 。在这一精心制作的游行过程中,女神将被乘坐一辆装饰著彩灯和鲜花的战车,沿著直落巴巷海滨出巡。


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📍Teluk Bahang Dam, Penang【直落巴巷水坝】作为槟城最大的水坝,直落巴巷水坝是作为替代水源而建造的。从它的顶峰,你可以欣赏到槟岛北部海岸的景色。水坝的高度和长度分别为58.5米和685米,坝顶厚达12米,可以沿着坝顶修...

📍Teluk Bahang Dam, Penang



The Teluk Bahang Dam forms the largest permanent body of fresh water on Penang Island.With a maximum surface area of 0.95 sq. km, it overlooks the beaches of Teluk Bahang, at the north western tip of the island.

Designed and built to serve as Penang’s strategic drought reserve, it was officially opened in 1999. The effective storage capacity of the Teluk Bahang Dam is 18.24 billion litres of water, or roughly 8.9 times more water than the Air Itam Dam.

This dam proved its worth during the extended dry seasons in 2014 and 2015 when PBAPP tapped its waters to avoid water rationing on Penang Island.

(📷: Angeline Ting)

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Penang private tour package updated December 2024🚗槟城包车配套 2024🚗我们提供这些服务 # 3天2夜私人包车服务,一团少于4人850令吉起10人以上1600马币起 # 4天3夜私人包车服...

Penang private tour package updated December 2024🚗
槟城包车配套 2024🚗


# 3天2夜私人包车服务,一团少于4人850令吉起

# 4天3夜私人包车服务,一团少于4人1200令吉起


#从槟城到合艾或勿洞3天2夜或4天3夜包车服务 2200马币起一团




有任何查询,可以拨打或whatsapp +60164406642(王先生)




We offer this services
# 3 days 2 nights private tour package start from RM 750per group below 4pax

# 4 days 3 nights private tour package start from RM 1100 per group below 4pax

# Penang to Taiping, Ipoh and Perlis one day trip

# 3 days 2nights or 4 days 3nights from Penang to Hatyai or Betong

# Highland Tour Service from Penang to Cameron Highland or Genting Highland

# Penang to KLIA, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca or Johor

# Penang Hotel reservation service with tour

For those who have any quiries can call or whatsapp +60164406642 (Mr Ong)

For more information, please visit to our website
3D2N tour package:
4D3N tour package:

Penang Tour Holiday Packages In Penang Island. Van rental with driver. Full day Tour start from RM 200. 3D2N Packages including hotel just from RM 750 for 2pax. Free to customise your tour packages and itinerary by own. Free advise and consult on your itinerary when you travel to Penang.

📍Teluk Bahang Fishing Village, Penang【直落巴巷渔村】Teluk Bahang Fishing Village in Penang offers an enriching eco-tourism expe...

📍Teluk Bahang Fishing Village, Penang

Teluk Bahang Fishing Village in Penang offers an enriching eco-tourism experience for visitors interested in the traditional lifestyle of local fishermen and the area’s natural beauty.

(📷: Darryl Tan)

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📍Tropical Spice Garden, Penang【热带香料园】Tropical Spice Garden is a botanical garden located in Penang, Malaysia, that is de...

📍Tropical Spice Garden, Penang

Tropical Spice Garden is a botanical garden located in Penang, Malaysia, that is dedicated to showcasing the diversity and importance of the region's spices and herbs. The garden covers an area of eight acres and is home to a wide variety of tropical plants, including over 500 species of herbs and spices from around the world.

The garden is designed to be both beautiful and educational, with a range of attractions and activities for visitors of all ages.

Tropical Spice Garden also offers a range of activities and workshops for visitors, including guided tours, cooking classes, and even a chance to make your own natural soap using herbs and spices from the garden.

Overall, Tropical Spice Garden is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the natural beauty and rich cultural heritage of Penang and Malaysia. It's a unique and educational experience that offers something for everyone, whether you're a seasoned gardener, a foodie, or simply looking to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

(📷: Tropical Spice Garden Facebook)

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