Dear valued guests,
It has come to our attention that recently there are some suspected third party impersonating our team and receiving bookings. We are trying to find out more information on this, but in the meantime we highly advise all guests to only book directly from us at Cobnb, either through our AirBNB page or directly here through Facebook. And, Tripcanvas is also one of our authorized websites we are working with.
近期我们发现到有可疑的第三方冒充我们COBNB团队并接受房间预订。我们正积极的了解更多有关这方面的信息,与此同时,我们强烈建议有兴趣预订我们房型的客人们可直接通过我们的 AirBNB 页面, Facebook专页或 TripCanvas 预订及了解更多订房资讯。谢谢
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