Lan E Tuyang Homestay New Page

Lan E Tuyang Homestay New Page Eco tour- Experience a lifestyle stay in a traditional longhouse.


Terbaik NgekTsai Army ! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Selamat Hari Gawai 2022!

Job very well done by our guest tattoo artist Phat.. whatapp him for appointment +60109816069

Job very well done by our guest tattoo artist Phat.. whatapp him for appointment +60109816069

Enjoying our "nyagu"/"nyoruoh" n "nguram" time..

Enjoying our "nyagu"/"nyoruoh" n "nguram" time..

Be sure to watch our live interview at 9pm tomorrow on tv1 RTM

Be sure to watch our live interview at 9pm tomorrow on tv1 RTM

Be sure to watch us tomorrow night 7th September 2020, 9pm on

Great news! You can now "surf-through" our first album 'DROPS OF GOLD' via these major music portal! Tell all your frien...

Great news! You can now "surf-through" our first album 'DROPS OF GOLD' via these major music portal! Tell all your friends!

Donations are still welcome too guys! Be a Rock Star and chip in! ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜† To the bands and also SCCS. Any amount you give are very much appreciated! โค๏ธ

"Listen to Drops of Gold by Fondness Drops on any music platform | Free music links by Songwhip

We at Lan E Tuyang Homestay is featuring our guest tattoo artist Anthony J aka Phat from Phat n' Hat Tattoo.. wanna expe...

We at Lan E Tuyang Homestay is featuring our guest tattoo artist Anthony J aka Phat from Phat n' Hat Tattoo.. wanna experience getting ink in longhouse..? If you r lucky the sape master will entertain you with his sape while you get tattooed ๐Ÿ˜ or you want a piece of art collaboration between Phat n Mathew Ngau on your body?can be arrange ๐Ÿ˜ Pm us or directly contact the man himself at +60109816069

This is what you've been waiting for! A pair from 2 generation of musicians whom will be entertaining us with Sarawakian...

This is what you've been waiting for! A pair from 2 generation of musicians whom will be entertaining us with Sarawakian traditional instruments..

The first act on Episode 3 this Sunday 23 August, is non other than the icon himself, MATHEW NGAU!

Then followed by Sarawak favourite contemporary world music band, รT ADAU!

As we are collaborating with Sarawak Children's Cancer Society (SCCS) in support of their 'help kids fight cancer' programme called the Go Bald 2020 through this link

with a minimum donations of RM10/-, we are also in supporting our local musicians going through this pendamic as the entertainment industry is one of the worst effected by Covid-19 epidemic.

Scroll down to each act for donations details.




Sape from the master...

Capturing the moment..

Capturing the moment..



This bunch sure knows how to party! Are you ready? Stay tuned for our 2nd episode this Sunday, 8.30pm UTC+8!



One of the most energetic band we've seen here in this Island. Truly an honor for us.. Its tomorrow 8.30pm UTC+8 guys! Tell all your friends and family!

Final piece for our first episode this Sunday, 9 August! 8.30pm UTC+8MOZAIK has been mesmerising audiences all over Kuch...

Final piece for our first episode this Sunday, 9 August! 8.30pm UTC+8

MOZAIK has been mesmerising audiences all over Kuching, also as the resident band at The Wayang. With a cast of members all from different musical background. They never fail to entertain audiences with their versions of hit songs and experimental sounds!

Be sure to lock your clock and circle that calendar for our very first debut!

Anyone into instrumental ambient music with a twist of rock, paper & scissors?SPACE BIRD is a 4-piece 'not-your-average-...

Anyone into instrumental ambient music with a twist of rock, paper & scissors?

SPACE BIRD is a 4-piece 'not-your-average-rock-band' who are quite fresh in the scene will be performing 3 of their numbers from 'Beyond The Silver Lining' debut demo this coming Sunday, 9 August.

Be sure to stick by your screen at 8.30pm UTC+8 for our first debut of Fondness Drops! Some lucky prizes will also be given out during this live stream. So tell all your family and friends!

First up this Sunday, 9 August!8.30pm GMT+8STAAK BISOMU, will perform a traditional ritual to commemorate the ending of ...

First up this Sunday, 9 August!
8.30pm GMT+8

STAAK BISOMU, will perform a traditional ritual to commemorate the ending of Harvest Festival..

'Staak' means big gong and 'Bisomu' is the name of the village in Singai, Bau located just 20 minutes off Kuching City. They're consist of 10 members all from the Bidayuh native tribe.

How does this ritual performed? Stick around to find out in our first episode for first season of 'Fondness Drops virtual charity concert' along side TWO more act. Stay tuned for more updates!

First up this Sunday, 9 August!
8.30pm UTC+8

STAAK BISOMU, will perform a traditional ritual to commemorate the ending of Harvest Festival..

'Staak' means big gong and 'Bisomu' is the name of the village in Singai, Bau located just 20 minutes off Kuching City. They're consist of 10 members all from the Bidayuh native tribe.

How does this ritual performed? Stick around to find out in our first episode for first season of 'Fondness Drops virtual charity concert' along side TWO more act. Stay tuned for more updates!

Sweet Escape From The City! ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐ŸƒWeekend Getaway... Beautiful & relaxing..

Sweet Escape From The City! ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ

Weekend Getaway... Beautiful & relaxing..

Setting up for At Adau video shoot tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜

Setting up for At Adau video shoot tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜


Beautiful performance...

Dutch TV shooting at Lan e'Tuyang. Thank you for coming!

Dutch TV shooting at Lan e'Tuyang. Thank you for coming!

Sape Master...

Sape Master...

By Wilfred Pilo KUCHING, July 9: Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) icon and legendary sape maestro Mathew Ngau Jau said that Sarawak is always very proud to welcome everybody especially the peโ€ฆ


Selamat Hari Gawai 2018! Enjoy the video...
Venue: Lan E Tuyang Homestay.

Almighty God, through the death of your Son on the cross, you have overcome death for us. Through his burial and resurre...

Almighty God, through the death of your Son on the cross, you have overcome death for us. Through his burial and resurrection from the dead you have made the grave a holy place and restored us to eternal life. We pray for those who died believing in Jesus and are buried with him in the hope of rising again. God of the living and the dead, may those who faithfully believed in you on earth praise you for ever in the joy of heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Rest In Peace Mama ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ



Throwback photos: At adau

Throwback photos: At adau

Throwback photo: Pre wedding photoshoot at LAN E tuyang homestay..

Throwback photo: Pre wedding photoshoot at LAN E tuyang homestay..

Having fun post wedding photo session @ Lan E Tuyang cultural homestay.
Congratulations to Steffan & Suzarina.

Meeting with other Singai Homestay..

Meeting with other Singai Homestay..

They are ready to go!!have fun ya!!

They are ready to go!!have fun ya!!

Dinner last nite at John's Place...

Dinner last nite at John's Place...

Our guest preparing their bikes for tomorrow race in Bau..

Our guest preparing their bikes for tomorrow race in Bau..

Malaysian Artist Dayang Nurfaizah visits Lan E Tuyang homestay.. ๐Ÿ€

Malaysian Artist Dayang Nurfaizah visits Lan E Tuyang homestay.. ๐Ÿ€

Thank You JKKN Sarawak.

Thank You JKKN Sarawak.


Program Apresiasi Seni Membuka Peluang Kepada Sukarelawan Budaya Negeri Sarawak Mengenali Muzik Sape.

BAU, 22 April(Sabtu) -- Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara(JKKN), Sarawak menghargai jasa dan sumbangan Mathew Ngau Jau melalui program Apresiasi Seni yang bertujuan untuk memberi pengiktirafan kepada beliau melalui sumbangan yang cemerlang dalam perkembangan seni tanah air.

Penerima Tokoh Anugerah Seni Dan Budaya Negeri Sarawak 2016 sempat berkongsi pengalaman bersama GENG SENI yang terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar sekolah, Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam dan Swasta, komuniti setempat dan masyarakat melalui pengisian program seperti bengkel sape, bicara tokoh dan manifestasi hasil karya tokoh. Seramai 92 orang ahli Sukarelawan Budaya terlibat dengan aktiviti gotong royong membersihkan kawasan Inap Desa Lan E Tuyang, diawal program ini diadakan.

Program yang bertujuan mendekati tokoh seni ini dapat menggalakkan penghasilan karya atau produk seni yang berdaya saing dan bermutu tinggi melalui tunjuk ajar oleh Mathew sendiri. JKKN Sarawak berharap program seperti ini dapat memperkenalkan Mathew sebagai tokoh seni yang disegani dan turut membuka peluang kepada GENG SENI untuk menimba ilmu terutama dalam seni permainan alat muzik sape.

Sebelum itu, program โ€˜Apresiasi Seni Sarawakโ€™ dilancarkan oleh YB Datoโ€™ Henry Harry Jinep yang merupakan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) N. 2 Tasik Biru, di sini.

Datoโ€™ Henry sempat berpesan kepada peserta-peserta bengkel agar memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan yang diperolehi ketika bersama Mathew Ngau dan seterusnya mengikut jejak beliau mengharumkan nama negeri Sarawak.

โ€˜Cabaran besar untuk menentukan kejayaan perkembangan seni tanah air memerlukan individu yang memperlihatkan ketokohan dalam bidang tersebut. Kemunculan tokoh atau penggiat seni yang mempunyai idea-idea yang kreatif dan inovatif yang menampilkan kelainan yang cukup signifikan akan sentiasa berada di barisan hadapan dan disanjungi oleh semua pihak pihakโ€™, tambah beliau.

Datoโ€™ Henry turut berharap agar penganjuran program seperti ini dapat menggalakkan penggiat-penggiat seni budaya di negeri ini lebih aktif dan produktif dalam menghasilkan sesuatu karya seni agar dapat memberi manfaat kepada generasi akan datang. Usaha seperti ini akan membawa kecemerlangan kepada pembangunan dan perkembangan seni budaya tanah air khususnya di negeri Sarawak.

Bersesuaian dengan slogan baharu JKKN Sarawak โ€˜Seni Untuk Semuaโ€™ atau โ€˜Arts For Allโ€™ , program seperti ini dapat menyumbang ke arah pembangunan seni dan pelancongan budaya di negeri ini.

Menurut Abdul Mutalib Abdul Rahman, Pengarah, Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara, Sarawak , program Apresiasi Tokoh Seni ini selari dengan inisiatif kerajaan untuk membina industri kreatif negara yang kukuh dan menyumbang kepada pendapatan industri pelancongan budaya secara berterusan.

โ€˜Keindahan seni yang kita nikmati pada hari ini adalah hasil sumbangan dan berkat kegigihan serta pengorbanan penggiat seni dalam bidang seni. Bagi penghasilan karya seni yang bermutu tinggi tidak akan tercapai tanpa peranan besar yang dimainkan oleh penggiat-penggiat seni tanah air itu sendiri. Karya seni yang terbaik tidak dapat direalisasikan tanpa komitmen dan dedikasi oleh penggiat seni. Segala cabaran dan rintangan yang dihadapi oleh mereka dari dahulu hingga kini wajar diberi pengiktirafan kerana ia merupakan penentu kejayaan perkembangan seni tanah airโ€™, tambah Mutalib ketika ditemui di sini.

Ketika majlis pelancaran, YB Datoโ€™ Henry Harry Jinep turut menyempurnakan papan tanda baru Inap Desa Lan E Tuyang dan menyampaikan sijil penyertaan kepada ahli-ahli baru Sukarelawan Budaya Negeri Sarawak yang turut menjayakan program khidmat masyarakat ini. Majlis ringkas tetapi cukup bermakna ini disertai oleh tetamu-tetamu jemputan yang terdiri daripada ketua-ketua jabatan, ketua masyarakat, penduduk kampung, pelancong luar negara dan ahli sukarelawan Budaya negeri Sarawak. Majlis disajikan dengan persembahan kesenian oleh kumpulan Arts Adau yang turut disertai artis dari negara Korea, Perancis dan Australia, kumpulan Kesenian JKKN Sarawak dan Peter.

Mathew Ngau Jau dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di rumah panjang, Sungai Baram di dalam persekitaran yang kurang dipengaruhi budaya luar kerana berada jauh di pedalaman Sungai Baram. Berbekalkan bakat yang ada, beliau mewarisi pelbagai khazanah masyarakatnya Ngorek dari suku Kenyah. Mereka adalah perintis pembukaan Baram dan sejak kecil, Mathew sering terdedah dengan muzik sape dan lagu-lagu tradisi dan sekarang menjadi salah seorang pemuzik sape yang terkenal dan digelar sebagai โ€œThe Sape Masterโ€ di peringkat kebangsaan mahupun antarabangsa.

Beliau pernah mewakili negara ke Paris pada tahun 2008 untuk mempromosi muzik sape sebagai kebudayaan masyarakat Malaysia. Kebolehan beliau tidak terhad kepada bermain muzik sape sahaja tetapi turut menghasilkan alat muzik sape, menghasilkan lukisan-lukisan tradisi, menari tarian ngajat dan sebagainya. Sehingga kini, Mathew masih memberi tunjuk ajar kepada mereka yang berminat mempelajari seni pemainan muzik sape kepada orang ramai di Inap Desa Lan E Tuyang, Kampung Atas Singai, Bau yang diusahakannya sendiri.

Mathew adalah penerima Anugerah Warisan Kebangsaan pada 11 Ogos 2015 oleh Kementerian Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan Malaysia. Pengalaman luasnya dalam seni muzik sape turut menjadikan beliau sebagai pakar rujuk dalam bidang muzik sape.

Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai acara-acara ini boleh menghubungi;

Hassanal Redzuan
Pegawai Perhubungan Jabatan
Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara, Sarawak (JKKNS)
Tingkat 5 Bangunan Sultan Iskandar,
Jalan Simpang Tiga,
93000, Kuching, Sarawak

Tel : 082-422 006 / 423 106 H/P : 013-5727575
Fax : 082-244 394 Email : [email protected]
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/ : JKKN Sarawak


Plaman Panda, Kampung Atas, Singai





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