Adjustable Support Trapless Bra 💖💖💖 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(Verified)
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Planning a trip to Georgetown Penang during the coming School Holidays?
Turf Resort Penang has 16 European inspired Fully Furnished Luxury Bungalows for Daily, Weekly and Monthly Rental, perfect for a family vacation.
Please contact us @ 011-2082-4165 to book your next short term or long term rental.
#turfresortpenang #bungalowforrent #luxurybungalow
Premium Short Term and Long Term Bungalow in Georgetown………..
Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly Bungalow Rental is available.
Please contact us @ 011-2082-4165 to make your rental directly with us. Thank you.
#turfresortpenang #bungalowforrent #penang #villa #bungalow #vacationrental #shorttermrental #shorttermrentalpenang #georgetownpenang #bungalowforrent
Planning a trip to Georgetown Penang?
Turf Resort Penang has 16 European inspired Fully Furnished Luxury Bungalows for Daily, Weekly and Monthly Rental.
Please contact us @ 011-2082-4165 to book your next short term or long term rental.
#turfresortpenang #bungalowforrent #luxurybungalow
A beautiful Horse Racing Day at Penang Turf Club, view from one of the Bungalow @ Turf Resort.
#turfresortpenang #turfresort #penangturfclub
Horse Carriage in European Castle, is this in Europe?
#turfresort #turfresortpenang #penang #event #specialevent
Live from Turf Resort to watch the first race of today.
Don’t think you can get a better view than this.
#turfresort #turfresortpenang #penangturfclub #赛马 #梹城马会
The best view from the Gate.........
Don’t think you can get a better view of this.........Even you are not a horse rising fan, you will get excited watching 16 horses and riders racing on the track, right in front of your eyes, at the comfort of the balcony of a Bungalow at Turf Resort Penang.
在Turf Resort Penang 渡假別墅的阳台上观赏梹城赛马公会现场赛马实况-僅此一家。
#turfresort #turfresortpenang #horseracing #penangturfclub #ptc #vacationhome #villa #penangvillarental #villarental #bungalow #bungalowrental #penang #梹城赛马公会 #星期六跑马 #跑马 #赛马 #梹城
Waking up in the morning at The Turf Resort Penang. Watching Race Horses practice from the balcony of our Bungalow.
早上醒來,在Turf Resort 渡假別墅的阳台上观赏赛马在马场上奔馳的美景。
#turfresort #turfresortpenang #horseracing #morning #vacationhome #vacantionhomerental #penangvacationhome #villa #villarental #penangvilla #homestay #penanghomestay #penangturfclub #bungalow #bungalowstay #penanghills #梹城 #渡假別墅
The One and Only Resort in Penang where you can watch Live Horse Racing from our Bungalow’s balcony.
Stay tuned for more updates on our page.
#turfresort #penangturfclub #horseracing #bungalow #bungalowstay #familyvacation #vacationhome #penang #georgetown
最终100位 免费送你入住超豪华的欧式风格度假村
◤ #直播中。。 最终100位幸运儿出炉啦‼ #免费送你入住超豪华的欧式风格度假村 花落谁家呢🥳😎!?◢
📣 #参加幸运抽奖很简单 ⬇️
☑填写 Google Form 【 】
Fion & Serene 将会以最 #公正 + #透明 的情况底下现场抽选幸运儿,绝对是 #真的送出哦 ✨
🎉号外:首批的100位幸运儿 请再稍等email讯息。
「 Turf Resort」将会在今晚收齐200位名单后一次性通知所有人哦❤️
「 Turf Resort」是☝️ #全马第一个 🐎 以马为主题且 ✨ 超级漂亮豪华的 #星级度假村 🌟
💕来 #Penang #槟城 首选度假村拥有 3 种不同的设计风格🙆♀️
👑 #郊区乡村风
👑 #英式70年代
👑 #现代豪华
🏫 每个度假屋都是三层楼✌️有 4 或者 6 间卧室可选 ~
🙆♂️ 最高可以住到 12 个人哟 ~
「 Turf Resort」
📌 27, Jalan Brook George Town, Malaysia
📞 +6011 - 5771 4184
🔔 快追踪 #打卡超过1000家以上的FionSerene小姐姐 ⬇
🌟 大咖搞事情 Punching Star
#大咖搞事情 #PunchingStar #FionTan #幸运大抽奖 #TurfResort #HorseRiding #CarriageRide #Golfing #槟城民宿