Discovering Pearl of the Orient

Discovering Pearl of the Orient Uncover all of these "pearls" before your eyes.

自从相机被发明后的年代,直至今日,人们仍然热衷于拍照以记录下每好的一刻。 在早期的时候,并非每个人能够如今日人人一架手机在手,想拍就可以马上拍。在当时能够拥有相机一般都是富有人家,对于普通家庭来说无疑是奢侈品,因此能够保留至今日的黑白照片,...

自从相机被发明后的年代,直至今日,人们仍然热衷于拍照以记录下每好的一刻。 在早期的时候,并非每个人能够如今日人人一架手机在手,想拍就可以马上拍。在当时能够拥有相机一般都是富有人家,对于普通家庭来说无疑是奢侈品,因此能够保留至今日的黑白照片,每一张都显得弥足珍贵。


Ever since the emergence of cameras until this day, people are still keen on taking pictures to record down all the good times. When cameras were still newly introduced, not everyone was able to take pictures as much as they would like with a mobile phone today. Rather, those who own a camera usually come from a wealthy family, which is also seen as a luxury item for ordinary families. Therefore, those black and white photos can be preserved to this very day, with every single one of them being equally precious.

Today, the author stands at the place where the original photographers stood a hundred years ago to take a comparison photo of how it looks a hundred years later (from the same angle), thus letting the photos be the witness of the changes in Penang for the past hundred years.

Want to know more old stories about Penang? Please stay tuned to our page! Discovering Pearl of the Orient
想知道更多有关槟城的老故事? 敬请留守我们的专页!

槟城戏院的辉煌史Glorious era of cinema in Penang在早期的槟城,曾经有多家戏院在州内各地区营业,分别是百乐门 Paramount、乐宫 Royal、中央 Central、东方 Eastern、国宾 Ambass...

Glorious era of cinema in Penang

在早期的槟城,曾经有多家戏院在州内各地区营业,分别是百乐门 Paramount、乐宫 Royal、中央 Central、东方 Eastern、国宾 Ambassador、环球Globe、丽都 LiDo、中华、奥迪安 Odeon、国泰 Cathay、大华 Majestic、首都 Capitol、中山 Sun、新都 Wembley、京华 Movieland、联邦 Federal、丽士 Rex、星光 Star、嘉宾 Gala、中南 Chong Nam、美都 Metro、达利 Dalit、快乐、光明、黄金,金华及友联。这些戏院主要都在乔治市市区,其余则遍布在峇六拜、亚依淡及浮罗。



80年代,百乐门、乐宫、东方和中央让路光大的发展而不幸被铲除。随着80年代末兴起的录影带热潮,90年代泛滥的盗版光碟,21世纪的网络发达,旧式戏院已经无法获得民众亲睐,纷纷逐渐没落倒闭。遗憾的是,全槟最后一家戏院奥迪安也在2014年7月30日放映最后一场午夜场电影后正式熄灯结业,为槟城旧式戏院历史正式画上句号。目前,只有大华戏院和奥迪安 (Odeon)尚保留最初的原始面貌,其余都已经被改为其他建筑用途。


During the glorious era of cinema, there were many theatres in Penang, including Paramount, Royal, Central, Eastern, Ambassador, Globe, LiDo, Zhong Hua, Odeon, Cathay, Majestic , Capitol, Sun, Wembley, Movieland, Federal, Rex, Star, Golden, Gala, Chong Nam, Glory, Metro and Dalit. These theatres are mainly located in the urban area of ​​George Town, while the rest are located in Bayan Lepas, Air Itam and Balik Pulau.

The earliest theatre in Penang would be the Majestic Theater (1926). It was established by a wealthy businessman named Khoo Shan Ewe. It was also initially known as “Shan Ewe Theater" and later renamed to the “Majestic Theater”. Majestic Theater used to be the first theatre in Penang to show sound films, especially in the 1960s and 1970s, but it was unable to cope with the progress of time and finally closed its doors in 1997. After its closure, Majestic Theatre became an abandoned building until it was restored in George Town in 2008 and then refurbished into a multi-purpose auditorium in 2016. Fortunately, the original structure of the building is still being preserved.

Outside the theatre at that time, there were hawkers selling all kinds of snacks, such as Pork Jerky wrapped in bread, Rojak, salted peanuts, stewed squid, fried chestnuts and steamed corn unlike how cinemas now just sell popcorn only. You can even smoke and drink directly inside the theatre itself. There are also two features of the old theatre that have disappeared. One of which is the hand-painted large movie poster board and the other being the movie stills displayed in the glass cabinet built inside the theatre’s lobby.

In the 1980s, Paramount, Royal, Eastern and Central were unfortunately eliminated to make way for the development of KOMTAR. With the rise of video cassettes and tapes in the late 1980s, the proliferation of pirated CDs in the 1990s and the emergence of the Internet in the 21st century, old-style theatres have gradually declined and closed down. Regrettably, the last theatre in Penang, Odeon Theatre has also officially shut its doors after showing the last midnight movie on July 30, 2014, marking the official end of the history of old theatres in Penang. At present, only Majestic and Odeon Theatre still retain their overall appearance, while the rest have been sadly changed for other architectural purposes.

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首任槟州首长—王保尼Wong Pow Nee, the first Penang Chief Minister王保尼,客家嘉应人,1911年出生于大山脚,是一名虔诚的天主教徒,他在1957至1969担任槟州第一任首席部长,大山脚第一任国会议...

Wong Pow Nee, the first Penang Chief Minister


小时候,王保尼到日新小学就读,中学则在槟城圣方济中学(St. Xavier’s Institution),并活跃于童军的活动。他在28岁考获剑桥文凭与师训文凭成为英文老师,并曾经在金星小学执教。



“其实这一切都是王保尼所发起,并由林苍佑继续完成。” - 王保尼之子王得评


Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee was born on the 7th of October 1911 in Bukit Mertajam, Penang. He is a Roman Catholic of Hakka descendance and the first Member of Parliament of Bukit Mertajam before becoming the first Chief Minister of Penang as well from 1957 to 1969. Not to mention he was also the first ever choir master in the church of St Anne back in his hometown, Bukit Mertajam. Shortly after Wong completed his primary school education at SJK(C) Jit Sin, he came over to Penang Island to study at St Xavier’s Institution and became an active member of the Boy Scouts in the secondary school that he was attending.

When he was 28, he was awarded the Cambridge certificate and was qualified to be an English Teacher. Wong previously taught in SJK(C) Kim Sen primary school before being appointed to be the first Chief Minister of Penang by the then Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman and the British Government in 1957. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee represented all of the Penangites during the historical Independence of Malaysia that took place at the ‘Dataran Merdeka’ in Kuala Lumpur. When he returned to Penang, he was the one who read the Proclamation of Independence at Esplanade, Penang. Under the introduction of the Cobbold Commission by Tunku Abdul Rahman in 1961, Wong was one of the prominent committee members that paved the way for the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia which consists of Malaya, Brunei, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. The Cobbold Commission was introduced mainly to gather thoughts of the people in North Borneo and Sarawak about the formation of Malaysia.

During Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee’s reign as the Chief Minister of Penang, he officiated the First Penang Bridge as well as the University of Science Malaysia (USM) and several other building projects. However, there is always a common misperception among the Penangites that these projects were officiated and completed by his successor, Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu. Even the development of the Mak Mandin industrial sites in Butterworth, the Rifle Range housing estate and also the low-cost flats located at Lebuh Noordin were all initiated by Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee but completed during Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu’s time as the second Chief Minister of Penang. “Actually all of these constructive projects were initiated by Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee and were completed during Lim Chong Eu’s era.” - Wong Tet Phin.

In 1969, there was a strong opposition towards Wong’s administration in Penang till he was defeated by the ‘Gerakan Party’ under the leadership of Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu which later caused him to even lose his seat as the MP of Bukit Mertajam. The following year, he was appointed to be the ambassador of Malaysia to Italy by the federal government which made him the first Penang born Chinese to be an ambassador of Malaysia. On the 31st of August 2002, Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee sadly passed away which also marks the 45th anniversary of his appointment as the first Chief Minister of Penang. He was buried at the Catholic Cemetery in his hometown, Bukit Mertajam, Penang.

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长眠他乡的日本人Japanese who died in a foreign land位于比南利故居旁,长眠着56位甚至更多曾在槟城生活的日本人。 据资料记载,这座墓园建于明治26年(1893年),墓园整体形状呈L形,共拥有56座墓碑,所有...

Japanese who died in a foreign land

位于比南利故居旁,长眠着56位甚至更多曾在槟城生活的日本人。 据资料记载,这座墓园建于明治26年(1893年),墓园整体形状呈L形,共拥有56座墓碑,所有往生者所葬的年份介于1883至1926年之间。


从大门走进后,小小的走道两旁就是埋葬着先人的墓碑。 他们的墓碑都一致朝向西方,相信是依据佛教的宗教观念。 走到末端转左,映入眼帘的就是一座在大树下的慰灵塔。


文献记载,日本人最早于1880年就在槟岛上生活。 于1910年的一份人口普查中,槟榔屿共有207名日本人住在岛上,在1918年更是增加至270人。

当年,他们之中很多是为了生技而离乡背井到槟城生活,有些是被拐偏到这边卖身。 因此在这座墓园里,相信也埋葬了许多曾经是性工作者(南洋姐/Karayuki)的妇女,其中最年轻的亡者年仅14岁。

这群日本人多数都在日本横街(Cintra Street)和日本新路(Kampung Malabar)生活,有者开设店铺从商、理发、服装、摄影等,而最多的莫过于娼妓服务。 直到日本战败后,多数日本人都回到了自己的国家,谨剩下少数人在槟岛生活,他们的足迹也慢慢地消失在这片土地上。

Located next to the former residence of Tan Sri P. Ramlee, there are about 56 or more Japanese who used to live in Penang. According to some findings, this cemetery was built in the 26th year of Meiji (1893). The overall shape of the cemetery is L-shaped, with a total of 56 tombstones. All those who have passed on were buried between 1883 and 1926.

Apart from Penang, it is reported that there are also other Japanese cemeteries all over Malaysia, namely Ipoh, Perak (more than 100), Malacca (36), Kuala Lumpur (more than 100), Johor Bahru (more than 100), Bentong (has been destroyed) and Terengganu (9); Whereas for East Malaysia it is distributed in Sandakan, Kota Kinabalu, Labuan (10), Tawau (4), Kuching (46) and Miri (believed to be more than 10 of them).

After entering through the main gate, the tombstones of the departed are buried on both sides of the small walkway. Their tombstones are all faced towards the west, which is believed to be based on Buddhist religious beliefs. When you walk towards the end of the walkway and turn left, you will see a memorial monument (shaped like a pagoda) erected under a big tree.

On the side of the monument, there is also a small tombstone that has the names of the naval soldiers who died on a warship, in commemoration of the 15 Japanese naval soldiers who unfortunately died of Spanish flu in the 7th year of Taisho (1918).

According to written records, the Japanese had already lived on Penang Island as early as 1880. In a census survey conducted in 1910, there were around 207 Japanese living in Penang and the number later increased to 270 in 1918.

Back then, many of them left their hometowns to live in Penang for their practical skills and some were abducted here to sell themselves as prostitutes. Therefore, in this cemetery, it is believed that many women who were known to be former s*x workers (Nanyang sister/Karayuki) were also buried, the youngest of whom was approximately only 14 years old.

Most of these Japanese people lived in areas like Cintra Street and Kampung Malabar. Some opened shops for business, hair salons, clothing, photography, etc. but most of them were prostitutes. After the defeat of Japan in WWII, most of the Japanese had returned to their own country with only a few of them living in Penang Island, due to this, their footprints slowly disappeared from this land.

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被枪杀的第七任锺灵中学校长The seventh principal of Chung Ling High School who was murdered.【充呼天地之间永留正气;恩及师生以外共仰完人】陈充恩校长(12/2/1901-4/2...

The seventh principal of Chung Ling High School who was murdered.


陈充恩校长(12/2/1901-4/2/1952),是槟城锺灵中学第七任校长。陈充恩原是江苏南京人,毕业于南京金陵大学,于1931 年南来马来亚。在日据时代,为躲避日军的迫害,陈校长隐藏在金马仑高原。战争结束后,他担任教务长(校长),决心复办满目疮痍的锺灵中学,同时也积极与教育界同道重新推动槟华教师公会的运作。1952年2月4日,槟城华校教师会召开执委会议,陈充恩校长抵达会所时,却遭马共分子狙杀身亡,享年51岁。


事后,专案小组成员很快就拘捕到两名嫌犯-雷高和丁广兆。可是几次初审后,却在狱卒的协助下越狱。两日后警方在郊外开枪击毙丁广兆,并成功俘获雷高。随后雷高被控谋杀陈故校长, 几回审讯至(Court in Chamber)清堂审结,谋杀控状成立,宣判雷高处以死刑。

据《锺灵百年纪事》记载,2月7日陈校长灵柩停放怀泽堂,任人瞻仰遗容。公祭出殡时,锺灵校旗覆盖灵柩,参加执绋者有全体锺灵董事师生及各界人士约5千人,行列长达约2英里,沿途市民围观有数万人之多,此等万人空巷情况在槟城实属罕见,也显示陈校长的教育理念备受华社尊敬。与此同时,1961年2月4日,锺灵中学右侧新辟住宅区被命名为陈充恩园(David Chen Gardens),以纪念这名为锺灵中学与华教捐躯的校长。

较罕为人知的是,思想前卫的陈校长早在1930年代就积极推动双语教育,逐渐提高英文程度,到高中第六届毕业时就有能力考取剑桥文凭,此举非常惠及锺灵毕业生。1937年,陈校长将前任校长制定的“公诚勤朴”和“诚爱”校训,扩充成为十大信条。1948年,陈充恩校长与董事部四处奔走,筹募扩建基金,兴建大礼堂及增建两座双层共16 间课室。

为了纪念钟灵的复兴,陈充恩特别要求华文主任撰写一首复兴歌。 在独立之前,每当周会时候都会以校歌开始,并以复兴歌为结束。


“胜利欢声,远播宝瀛,人人同庆和平,喜我锺灵,重见光明,依旧誉满槟城,一堂师友济济盈盈,大家争赴前程,复兴复兴,努力新生,造成永久令名。“ -锺灵复兴歌

Mr Chen Chong En or better known as David Chen (12/2/1901 - 4/2/1952) is the seventh principal of Chung Ling High School Penang. During the Japanese occupation in Malaya, to avoid the persecution of the Japanese army, Mr Chen hide himself in Cameron Highlands. After the war ended, he served as the dean (principal) of the school and was determined to restore the devastated Chung Ling High School. At the same time, he also actively worked with his colleagues in the education sector to re-promote the operation of the Penang Chinese Teachers' Association. On February 4, 1952, the Penang Chinese School Teachers' Association held an executive committee meeting. When Mr Chen arrived at the clubhouse, he was shot dead by members of the Communist Party of Malaysia at the age of 51.

According to the newspaper clippings at that time, at 3:00 p.m. that day, Mr Chen, who was the chairman of the Teachers’ Association, drove his car to the Penang Chinese Teachers’ Association located at Macalister Road to host a meeting on “Strive to Improve the Treatment Received by Chinese School Teachers in Malaysia”. Mr Chen had just arrived at the clubhouse and parked his car. Before he opened the car door, he was bloodily shot by assailants lurking nearby. The bullet entered behind his left ear and passed out in front of his right ear. The loud gunshots made people in the immediate vicinity think that the car had a flat tire. It was not until they went forward to check that Mr Chen was found lying in a pool of blood in his car and had unfortunately passed away on the spot.

Not long afterwards, members of the task force quickly arrested two suspects - Lei Gao and Ding Guangzhao. However, after several preliminary trials, he escaped from prison with the assistance of the prison warden there. Two days later, the police shot and killed Ding Guangzhao in the suburbs and successfully captured Lei Gao. Later on, Lei Gao was accused of murdering the old principal Chen, several trials went by until the (Court in Chamber) was cleared, the murder charge was established and Lei Gao was sentenced to death.

According to "Chung Ling's Centenary Chronicle", on February 7, Mr Chen's coffin was placed in the school hall for people to pay their respects. During the public funeral ceremony, the Chung Ling High School flag was used to cover the coffin. About 5,000 people from the school’s directors, teachers and students to people from all walks of life participated in the funeral. The line was about 2 miles long. There were tens of thousands of people watching along the way. It is a very rare sight in Penang and it also shows that Mr Chen's educational philosophy is highly respected by the Chinese community. At the same time, on February 4, 1961, the newly built residential area on the right side of Chung Ling High School was named “David Chen Gardens” to commemorate the principal who fought for Chung Ling High School and the rights of Chinese education.

What is less known is that the fairly innovative and progressive Mr Chen actively promoted bilingual education as early as the 1930s and gradually improved his English proficiency. By the time he graduated from high school, he was already able to obtain a Cambridge diploma. This move greatly benefited Chung Ling graduates. In 1937, he expanded the school motto of "Sincerity, Diligence, Honesty and Love" and "Sincere Love" formulated by the previous principal into ten different tenets or principles. In 1948, Mr Chen and the board of directors ran around to raise funds for the expansion of the school, build a large auditorium and added two double floors with a total of 16 classrooms.

In order to commemorate Chung Ling's restoration, Mr Chen specially asked the school's chinese head of department teacher to write a revival song. Before Malaya's Independence, every weekly school assembly would begin with the school anthem and end with the "restoration song".

Last year coincides with the 70th anniversary of Mr Chen's death. The author had the chance to encounter his tombstone during a trip to the Western Road Cemetery and decided to write a story about him, so that more people can understand who Mr Chen Chong En (David Chen) was, a selfless educator who died young.

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Do you know the landlord of Penang and the "King of Nutmeg" a hundreds years ago?你是否认识百年前槟城大地主兼"豆蔻王"呢?David Richardson B...

Do you know the landlord of Penang and the "King of Nutmeg" a hundreds years ago?

David Richardson Brown was born in 1778 and came from a small village called Longformacus in Berwickshire, Scotland. David died of a very common illness at that time, “Malaria” on September 12, 1825, on the “H. C. S. Windsor Castle” vessel (otherwise known as ship) bound for Malacca at the age of 49 and was buried in the Protestant Cemetery located along Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah.

Originally from Scotland, David studied law at the University of Edinburgh in his early years. After arriving in Penang in 1800, he went on to establish the “Scott, Brown & Co.” with his fellow countryman, James Scott and helped to run their company together. David also eventually married two local wives, whose names were Nonia Ennui as well as Inghoo.

After James passed away in 1808, David took over the land company and became the largest landowner on Penang Island. He donated 12 acres of land to the local city council to act as a public field in the Dato Keramat area, which is now known as “Padang Brown”. In addition, David reclaimed Gelugor in 1806, which was originally a Malay fishing village then. Through the introduction of foreign workers from India, various spices such as pepper and nutmeg were planted in the garden.

According to the data, David was also the first owner of a cardamom tree in a private estate in Penang. Today, the campus of University Sains Malaysia was the original site of David’s plantation. In 1810, David mastered the largest spice plantation on Penang Island, and in 1812, bean curd became the main plant on Penang Island. This move also allowed the Brown family to own the largest cardamom plantation in Straits Settlement at that time, with more than 6,900 trees.

In order to commemorate the achievements of David during his 25 years spent living in Penang, a group of locals and Europeans raised funds to build a monument for David Brown, standing in the middle of the large field where he donated the land. The monument is mainly erected to commemorate the recognition and respect David got from the residents and his great contribution to the community. After our country’s independence, the Penang Municipal Council also named a road and residential area as Jalan Brown and Taman Brown in recognition of David's contribution.

大卫.布郎(David Richardson Brown)生于1778年,来自苏格兰Berwickshire的小乡村Longformacus。 大卫在1825年9月12日于一鄋前往马六甲的船上(H. C. S. Windsor Castle)病逝,得年49岁,葬于红毛路基督教墓园(Protestant Cemetery)。

大卫原籍苏格兰,早年曾在爱丁堡大学修读法律系,来到槟城后,通过槟城首任总督莱特上校(Francis Light),在1800年他到同乡詹姆斯.斯托得(James Scott)创办Scott, Brown & Co.上班,协助打理其公司。

在詹姆斯于1808年去世后,大卫接管土地公司,成为槟岛最大的地主,并捐出12英亩的地给予地方市议会作为公共草场,即位于柑仔园(Dato Keramat)旁的Padang Brown。 此外,大卫在1806年开垦原是马来渔村的牛汝莪(Gelugor),通过从印度引进外劳,在该园内种植了各种香料如胡椒以及豆蔻树。

资料显示,大卫是槟城首位在私人园庄种植豆蔻树的园主,如今的马来西亚理科大学(University Sains Malaysia)校地曾是大卫的种植园原址。 1810年,大卫掌握了槟岛上最大的香料种植园,并在1812年将豆寇打造成为槟岛主要的种植物。 此举更是让布朗家族拥有当时马来亚半岛最大的豆蔻种植园,数量突破6900棵。

为了纪念大卫在槟岛居住25年所发展的功绩,一群市民以及欧洲人筹款建造一座大卫.布朗纪念碑,立于其捐地的大草场中央,石碑中记载大卫的人品获得广大居民的认可与尊重,并为社区带来伟大的贡献。 在我国独立后,槟岛市政局也将一条路以及住宅区命名为Jalan Brown以及Taman Brown,以表扬大卫所付出的贡献。

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Do you know about the story behind a monument opposite the Penang High Court? 您是否了解槟城高庭前一座纪念碑背后隐藏的故事吗?James Richardson L...

Do you know about the story behind a monument opposite the Penang High Court?

James Richardson Logan was born in Berwickshire, Scotland on April 10, 1819. He died on October 20, 1869 at the age of 50 during one of his expeditions. Like Francis Light and David Brown, he too suffered from the Malaria illness and was buried in the Protestant Cemetery located along Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah.

James was a lawyer for the British Colonial Straits Settlement requested for the people. He was also a renowned strait geographer and the founder and chief editor of the “Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia'' as well as the “Penang Gazette”. Besides that, James was one of the advocates of getting rid of the control of the East India Company and has an indelible credit in assisting the transfer of the Straits Settlers to the British Colony of London.

James went to Penang to study law in 1839 with his elder brother, Abraham Logan and Forbes Scott Brown, the third son of Penang’s largest landowner, David Richardson Brown. After obtaining a lawyer's licence, James actively served the people. On behalf of a farmer who planted Sireh, he has filed a lawsuit against the East India Company. James also defended the island's Chinese organisations and the right to celebrate traditional festivals. Therefore, all these efforts have led him to gain respect and praise from the islanders.

Interestingly, James was also a major contributor in naming the Indonesian nation. In the JIAEA publication, an Englishman by the name of George Samuel Windsor Earl clearly recorded the conditions of the Indonesian archipelago at that time and referred to the locals there as "Indu-nesians" or "Malayu-nesians". James, the editor-in-chief, named the archipelago "Indonesia", marking it as the geographical name of the Indonesian archipelago, which was then adopted by Indonesia and is still in use today.

After James' death, his achievements were unanimously recognised by the people of the Straits Settlement and a monument was erected for him opposite the Penang High Court. On the monument itself, there are four standing statues of the goddess with the words Fortitude, Wisdom, Justice and Temperance. The portrait and deeds of James are also engraved below for future generations to pay their respects and tribute. In order to further commemorate his achievements, the Penang Island Municipal Council also named a road in George Town as Jalan Logan.

詹姆斯.理查森.罗根(James Richardson Logan)来自苏格兰Berwickshire。 他生于1819年4月10日,并在一次的探索之旅中不幸染上疟疾,于1869年10月20日病世,得年50岁,遗灵葬于红毛路基督教墓园(Protestant Cemetery)。

詹姆斯是英殖民海峡为民请愿的律师,也是海峡著名的地理学家以及Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia和Penang Gazette 刊物创办人兼主编。 詹姆斯也是摆脱东印度公司控制的倡导者之一,在协助海峡殖民转移至英国伦敦殖民下有着无可抹灭的功劳。

詹姆斯于1839年与其兄长亚伯汉(Abraham Logan)以及槟榔屿大地主大卫.里查斯.布郎(David Richardson Brown)之三子福伯斯(Forbes Scott Brown )到槟榔屿修读法律。 在考获律师执照后,詹姆斯积极为民服务,他曾为一名种植佬叶(Sireh)的农民向东印度公司(East India Company)提起诉讼,更为岛上的华裔捍卫组织以及举办传统节日庆典的权力,因此深受岛民的崇拜与敬爱。

有趣的是,詹姆斯也是为印尼国家命名的重大功臣。 在JIAEA的刊物中,一名英国人乔治(George Samuel Windsor Earl)清楚记载印尼群岛当时的状况,并将当地人称为"Indu-nesians" 或"Malayu-nesians" 。 作为主编的詹姆斯则将群岛命名为"Indonesia",标记成为印尼群岛的地理名称,此后这名字由印尼采纳,并沿用至今。

詹姆斯逝世后,其功绩深获海峡民众的一致认可,并在槟城高庭内竖立了一座纪念碑。 在石碑上分别意有刚毅(Fortitude)、智慧(Wisdom)、正义(Justice)以及节制(Temperance)四字的女神站立像,下面则刻有詹姆斯的肖像以及事迹,供后人瞻仰。 槟岛市政局为了纪念其功迹,也在乔治市内将一条路命名为罗根路(Jalan Logan)。

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George Town



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