Looking for a place to stay in kota bharu but feels like own home?
Come visit to our humble homestay.🙏🏻☺️
Looking forward to having you as our guest in here during next holiday❤️
Tv area.simple. Yet the before and after is not as easy as that.it needs plan, lots of patience and time invested (in shoppee to scroll on the right stuff to buy😄) and to invest on the right furniture that is well built, safe and to ensures its prolonged use over the years.
☘️Take your time in making your home your heaven.
Your soul deserves it☘️
For booking slot:
Bilik no.3.personally i love this room even dia paling kecik antara semua.sebab pengcahayaan yang terang dari tingkap dan suasana cozy tu bagi i rasa tak nak keluar bilik…
Tak keluar kan tak leh makan
Tak makan nanti kurus.
Aaa gitu🤣
Tekan link tuk booking🤗